Class MapRewritePolicy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MapRewritePolicy
    extends Object
    implements RewritePolicy
    This policy rewrites events where the message of the original event implementes java.util.Map. All other events are passed through unmodified. If the map contains a "message" entry, the value will be used as the message for the rewritten event. The rewritten event will have a property set that is the combination of the original property set and the other members of the message map. If both the original property set and the message map contain the same entry, the value from the message map will overwrite the original property set.

    The combination of the RewriteAppender and this policy performs the same actions as the MapFilter from log4j 1.3.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MapRewritePolicy

        public MapRewritePolicy()
    • Method Detail

      • rewrite

        public org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent rewrite​(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent source)
        Rewrite a logging event.
        Specified by:
        rewrite in interface RewritePolicy
        source - a logging event that may be returned or used to create a new logging event.
        a logging event or null to suppress processing.