SystemInfo PropertiesApache log4net™ SDK Documentation

The SystemInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberApplicationBaseDirectory
Gets the base directory for this AppDomain.
Public propertyStatic memberApplicationFriendlyName
Get this application's friendly name
Public propertyStatic memberConfigurationFileLocation
Gets the path to the configuration file for the current AppDomain.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentThreadId
Gets the ID of the current thread.
Public propertyStatic memberEntryAssemblyLocation
Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current AppDomain.
Public propertyStatic memberHostName
Get the host name or machine name for the current machine
Public propertyStatic memberNewLine
Gets the system dependent line terminator.
Public propertyStatic memberNotAvailableText
Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested.
Public propertyStatic memberNullText
Text to output when a null is encountered.
Public propertyStatic memberProcessStartTime Obsolete.
Get the start time for the current process.
Public propertyStatic memberProcessStartTimeUtc
Get the UTC start time for the current process.
See Also
