Interface ThreadContextMap

All Known Subinterfaces:
CleanableThreadContextMap, ObjectThreadContextMap, ThreadContextMap2
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultThreadContextMap, NoOpThreadContextMap

public interface ThreadContextMap
Service provider interface to implement custom MDC behavior for ThreadContext.

Since 2.8, ThreadContextMap implementations that implement the ReadOnlyThreadContextMap interface are accessible to applications via the ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap() method.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Clears the context.
    Determines if the key is in the context.
    get(String key)
    Gets the context identified by the key parameter.
    Gets a non-null mutable copy of current thread's context Map.
    Returns an immutable view on the context Map or null if the context map is empty.
    Returns true if the Map is empty.
    put(String key, String value)
    Puts a context value (the o parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the current thread's context map.
    Removes the context identified by the key parameter.
  • Method Details

    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears the context.
    • containsKey

      boolean containsKey(String key)
      Determines if the key is in the context.
      key - The key to locate.
      True if the key is in the context, false otherwise.
    • get

      String get(String key)
      Gets the context identified by the key parameter.

      This method has no side effects.

      key - The key to locate.
      The value associated with the key or null.
    • getCopy

      Map<String,String> getCopy()
      Gets a non-null mutable copy of current thread's context Map.
      a mutable copy of the context.
    • getImmutableMapOrNull

      Map<String,String> getImmutableMapOrNull()
      Returns an immutable view on the context Map or null if the context map is empty.
      an immutable context Map or null.
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if the Map is empty.
      true if the Map is empty, false otherwise.
    • put

      void put(String key, String value)
      Puts a context value (the o parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the current thread's context map.

      If the current thread does not have a context map it is created as a side effect.

      key - The key name.
      value - The key value.
    • remove

      void remove(String key)
      Removes the context identified by the key parameter.
      key - The key to remove.