Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFilter
Log4j 2 Filter support.
  • Uses of AbstractFilter in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.filter

    Modifier and Type
    final class 
    The BurstFilter is a logging filter that regulates logging traffic.
    final class 
    This filter causes all logging events to be dropped.
    final class 
    Compares against a log level that is associated with a context value.
    final class 
    This filter returns the onMatch result if the logging level in the event matches the specified logging level exactly.
    final class 
    This filter returns the onMatch result if the level of the LogEvent is in the range of the configured LevelRangeFilter.minLevel and LevelRangeFilter.maxLevel values, otherwise it returns the onMismatch result.
    A Filter that operates on a Map.
    final class 
    This filter returns the onMatch result if the marker in the LogEvent is the same as or has the configured marker as a parent.
    Filter based on a value in the Thread Context Map (MDC).
    final class 
    This filter returns the onMatch result if there is no marker in the LogEvent.
    final class 
    A filter that matches the given regular expression pattern against messages.
    final class 
    Returns the onMatch result if the script returns True and returns the onMismatch value otherwise.
    final class 
    This filter returns the onMatch result if the logging level in the event matches the specified logging level exactly.
    final class 
    Filter based on data in a StructuredDataMessage.
    Filter based on a value in the Thread Context Map (MDC).
    final class 
    This filter returns the onMatch result if the level in the LogEvent is the same or more specific than the configured level and the onMismatch value otherwise.
    final class 
    Filters events that fall within a specified time period in each day.