Apache log4net� SDK Documentation - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

log4net.Config Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
AliasDomainAttribute Obsolete. Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository.
AliasRepositoryAttribute Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository.
BasicConfigurator Use this class to quickly configure a Hierarchy.
ConfiguratorAttribute Base class for all log4net configuration attributes.
DomainAttribute Obsolete. Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly.
DOMConfigurator Obsolete. Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree.
DOMConfiguratorAttribute Obsolete. Assembly level attribute to configure the XmlConfigurator.
Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file
PluginAttribute Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to the repository.
RepositoryAttribute Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly.
SecurityContextProviderAttribute Assembly level attribute to configure the SecurityContextProvider.
XmlConfigurator Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree.
XmlConfiguratorAttribute Assembly level attribute to configure the XmlConfigurator.