Creates a new repository for the assembly specified.
to read and apply the assembly attributesThe repository created.
The ILoggerRepository created will be associated with the repository specified such that a call to GetRepository with the same assembly specified will return the same repository instance.
The type of the ILoggerRepository created and the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the RepositoryAttribute attribute on the repositoryAssembly. The default values are to use the repositoryType implementation of the ILoggerRepository interface and to use the Name as the name of the repository.
The ILoggerRepository created will be automatically configured using any ConfiguratorAttribute attributes defined on the repositoryAssembly.
If a repository for the repositoryAssembly already exists that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that repository may be of a different type to that specified in repositoryType. Also the RepositoryAttribute attribute on the assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in repositoryType.
Exception Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | repositoryAssembly is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). |
DefaultRepositorySelector Class | log4net.Core Namespace | DefaultRepositorySelector.CreateRepository Overload List