Apache log4net� SDK Documentation - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

LoggerManager.CreateDomain�Method�(Assembly, Type)

NOTE: This method is now obsolete.

Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain

Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type.

Overloads�Public�Shared�Function�CreateDomain( _
���ByVal repositoryAssembly�As�Assembly,�_
���ByVal repositoryType�As�Type�_


The assembly to use to get the name of the repository.
A Type that implements ILoggerRepository and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act as the ILoggerRepository for the repository specified.

Return Value

The ILoggerRepository created for the repository.


CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain.

The ILoggerRepository created will be associated with the repository specified such that a call to GetRepository with the same assembly specified will return the same repository instance.

See Also

LoggerManager Class | log4net.Core Namespace | LoggerManager.CreateDomain Overload List