DefaultRenderer RenderObject Method Apache log4net™ SDK Documentation
Render the object obj to a string

Namespace: log4net.ObjectRenderer
Assembly: log4net (in log4net.dll) Version: (

public void RenderObject(
	RendererMap rendererMap,
	Object obj,
	TextWriter writer


IObjectRenderer RenderObject(RendererMap, Object, TextWriter)

Render the object obj to a string.

The rendererMap parameter is provided to lookup and render other objects. This is very useful where obj contains nested objects of unknown type. The FindAndRender(object) method can be used to render these objects.

The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows:

ValueRendered String
OnlineArray For a one dimensional array this is the array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma separated list of the elements (using the appropriate renderer), followed by a close brace.

For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}.

If the array is not one dimensional the Array.ToString() is returned.

OnlineIEnumerable, OnlineICollection & OnlineIEnumerator Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma separated list of the elements (using the appropriate renderer), followed by a close brace.

For example: {a, b, c}.

All collection classes that implement OnlineICollection its subclasses, or generic equivalents all implement the OnlineIEnumerable interface.

OnlineDictionaryEntry Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate renderer).

For example: key=value.

See Also