RepositoryAttribute ClassApache log4net™ SDK Documentation
Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly.
Inheritance Hierarchy

OnlineSystem Object
  OnlineSystem Attribute
    log4net.Config RepositoryAttribute
      log4net.Config DomainAttribute

Namespace: log4net.Config
Assembly: log4net (in log4net.dll) Version: (

public class RepositoryAttribute : Attribute

Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls the configuration of the repository. The Name property specifies the name of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The RepositoryType specifies the type of the ILoggerRepository object to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a Name is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository.

This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used once per assembly.

See Also