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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    * 
9    *
10   * 
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  //      Contributors:      Dan Milstein 
19  //                         Ray Millard
21  package org.apache.log4j;
23  import java.util.Hashtable;
24  import java.util.Stack;
25  import java.util.Enumeration;
26  import java.util.Vector;
28  import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog;
30  /**
31     The NDC class implements <i>nested diagnostic contexts</i> as
32     defined by Neil Harrison in the article "Patterns for Logging
33     Diagnostic Messages" part of the book "<i>Pattern Languages of
34     Program Design 3</i>" edited by Martin et al.
36     <p>A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument
37     to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log
38     output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple
39     clients near-simultaneously.
41     <p>Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry
42     from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs
43     come into play.
45     <p><em><b>Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread
46     basis</b></em>. NDC operations such as {@link #push push}, {@link
47     #pop}, {@link #clear}, {@link #getDepth} and {@link #setMaxDepth}
48     affect the NDC of the <em>current</em> thread only. NDCs of other
49     threads remain unaffected.
51     <p>For example, a servlet can build a per client request NDC
52     consisting the clients host name and other information contained in
53     the the request. <em>Cookies</em> are another source of distinctive
54     information. To build an NDC one uses the {@link #push push}
55     operation. Simply put,
57     <p><ul>
58       <li>Contexts can be nested.
60       <p><li>When entering a context, call <code>NDC.push</code>. As a
61       side effect, if there is no nested diagnostic context for the
62       current thread, this method will create it.
64       <p><li>When leaving a context, call <code>NDC.pop</code>.
66       <p><li><b>When exiting a thread make sure to call {@link #remove
67       NDC.remove()}</b>.  
68     </ul>
70     <p>There is no penalty for forgetting to match each
71     <code>push</code> operation with a corresponding <code>pop</code>,
72     except the obvious mismatch between the real application context
73     and the context set in the NDC.
75     <p>If configured to do so, {@link PatternLayout} and {@link
76     TTCCLayout} instances automatically retrieve the nested diagnostic
77     context for the current thread without any user intervention.
78     Hence, even if a servlet is serving multiple clients
79     simultaneously, the logs emanating from the same code (belonging to
80     the same category) can still be distinguished because each client
81     request will have a different NDC tag.
83     <p>Heavy duty systems should call the {@link #remove} method when
84     leaving the run method of a thread. This ensures that the memory
85     used by the thread can be freed by the Java garbage
86     collector. There is a mechanism to lazily remove references to dead
87     threads. In practice, this means that you can be a little sloppy
88     and sometimes forget to call {@link #remove} before exiting a
89     thread.
91     <p>A thread may inherit the nested diagnostic context of another
92     (possibly parent) thread using the {@link #inherit inherit}
93     method. A thread may obtain a copy of its NDC with the {@link
94     #cloneStack cloneStack} method and pass the reference to any other
95     thread, in particular to a child.
97     @author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
98     @since 0.7.0
100 */
102 public class NDC {
104   // The synchronized keyword is not used in this class. This may seem
105   // dangerous, especially since the class will be used by
106   // multiple-threads. In particular, all threads share the same
107   // hashtable (the "ht" variable). This is OK since java hashtables
108   // are thread safe. Same goes for Stacks.
110   // More importantly, when inheriting diagnostic contexts the child
111   // thread is handed a clone of the parent's NDC.  It follows that
112   // each thread has its own NDC (i.e. stack).
114   static Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
116   static int pushCounter = 0; // the number of times push has been called
117                               // after the latest call to lazyRemove
119   // The number of times we allow push to be called before we call lazyRemove
120   // 5 is a relatively small number. As such, lazyRemove is not called too
121   // frequently. We thus avoid the cost of creating an Enumeration too often.
122   // The higher this number, the longer is the avarage period for which all
123   // logging calls in all threads are blocked.
124   static final int REAP_THRESHOLD = 5;
126   // No instances allowed.
127   private NDC() {}
129   /**
130    *   Get NDC stack for current thread.
131    *   @return NDC stack for current thread.
132    */
133   private static Stack getCurrentStack() {
134       if (ht != null) {
135           return (Stack) ht.get(Thread.currentThread());
136       }
137       return null;
138   }
141   /**
142      Clear any nested diagnostic information if any. This method is
143      useful in cases where the same thread can be potentially used
144      over and over in different unrelated contexts.
146      <p>This method is equivalent to calling the {@link #setMaxDepth}
147      method with a zero <code>maxDepth</code> argument.
149      @since 0.8.4c */
150   public
151   static
152   void clear() {
153     Stack stack = getCurrentStack();    
154     if(stack != null) 
155       stack.setSize(0);    
156   }
159   /**
160      Clone the diagnostic context for the current thread.
162      <p>Internally a diagnostic context is represented as a stack.  A
163      given thread can supply the stack (i.e. diagnostic context) to a
164      child thread so that the child can inherit the parent thread's
165      diagnostic context.
167      <p>The child thread uses the {@link #inherit inherit} method to
168      inherit the parent's diagnostic context.
170      @return Stack A clone of the current thread's  diagnostic context.
172   */
173   public
174   static
175   Stack cloneStack() {
176     Stack stack = getCurrentStack();
177     if(stack == null)
178       return null;
179     else {
180       return (Stack) stack.clone();
181     }
182   }
185   /**
186      Inherit the diagnostic context of another thread.
188      <p>The parent thread can obtain a reference to its diagnostic
189      context using the {@link #cloneStack} method.  It should
190      communicate this information to its child so that it may inherit
191      the parent's diagnostic context.
193      <p>The parent's diagnostic context is cloned before being
194      inherited. In other words, once inherited, the two diagnostic
195      contexts can be managed independently.
197      <p>In java, a child thread cannot obtain a reference to its
198      parent, unless it is directly handed the reference. Consequently,
199      there is no client-transparent way of inheriting diagnostic
200      contexts. Do you know any solution to this problem?
202      @param stack The diagnostic context of the parent thread.
204   */
205   public
206   static
207   void inherit(Stack stack) {
208     if(stack != null)
209       ht.put(Thread.currentThread(), stack);
210   }
213   /**
214      <font color="#FF4040"><b>Never use this method directly, use the {@link
215      org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent#getNDC} method instead</b></font>.
216   */
217   static
218   public
219   String get() {
220     Stack s = getCurrentStack();
221     if(s != null && !s.isEmpty()) 
222       return ((DiagnosticContext) s.peek()).fullMessage;
223     else
224       return null;
225   }
227   /**
228    * Get the current nesting depth of this diagnostic context.
229    *
230    * @see #setMaxDepth
231    * @since 0.7.5
232    */
233   public
234   static
235   int getDepth() {
236     Stack stack = getCurrentStack();          
237     if(stack == null)
238       return 0;
239     else
240       return stack.size();      
241   }
243   private
244   static
245   void lazyRemove() {
246     if (ht == null) return;
248     // The synchronization on ht is necessary to prevent JDK 1.2.x from
249     // throwing ConcurrentModificationExceptions at us. This sucks BIG-TIME.
250     // One solution is to write our own hashtable implementation.
251     Vector v;
253     synchronized(ht) {
254       // Avoid calling clean-up too often.
255       if(++pushCounter <= REAP_THRESHOLD) {
256 	return; // We release the lock ASAP.
257       } else {
258 	pushCounter = 0; // OK let's do some work.
259       }
261       int misses = 0;
262       v = new Vector(); 
263       Enumeration enumeration = ht.keys();
264       // We give up after 4 straigt missses. That is 4 consecutive
265       // inspected threads in 'ht' that turn out to be alive.
266       // The higher the proportion on dead threads in ht, the higher the
267       // chances of removal.
268       while(enumeration.hasMoreElements() && (misses <= 4)) {
269 	Thread t = (Thread) enumeration.nextElement();
270 	if(t.isAlive()) {
271 	  misses++;
272 	} else {
273 	  misses = 0;
274 	  v.addElement(t);
275 	}
276       }
277     } // synchronized
279     int size = v.size();
280     for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
281       Thread t = (Thread) v.elementAt(i);
282       LogLog.debug("Lazy NDC removal for thread [" + t.getName() + "] ("+ 
283 		   ht.size() + ").");
284       ht.remove(t);
285     }
286   }
288   /**
289      Clients should call this method before leaving a diagnostic
290      context.
292      <p>The returned value is the value that was pushed last. If no
293      context is available, then the empty string "" is returned.
295      @return String The innermost diagnostic context.
297      */
298   public
299   static
300   String pop() {
301     Stack stack = getCurrentStack();
302     if(stack != null && !stack.isEmpty()) 
303       return ((DiagnosticContext) stack.pop()).message;
304     else
305       return "";
306   }
308   /**
309      Looks at the last diagnostic context at the top of this NDC
310      without removing it.
312      <p>The returned value is the value that was pushed last. If no
313      context is available, then the empty string "" is returned.
315      @return String The innermost diagnostic context.
317      */
318   public
319   static
320   String peek() {
321     Stack stack = getCurrentStack();
322     if(stack != null && !stack.isEmpty())
323       return ((DiagnosticContext) stack.peek()).message;
324     else
325       return "";
326   }
328   /**
329      Push new diagnostic context information for the current thread.
331      <p>The contents of the <code>message</code> parameter is
332      determined solely by the client.  
334      @param message The new diagnostic context information.  */
335   public
336   static
337   void push(String message) {
338     Stack stack = getCurrentStack();
340     if(stack == null) {
341       DiagnosticContext dc = new DiagnosticContext(message, null);      
342       stack = new Stack();
343       Thread key = Thread.currentThread();
344       ht.put(key, stack);
345       stack.push(dc);
346     } else if (stack.isEmpty()) {
347       DiagnosticContext dc = new DiagnosticContext(message, null);            
348       stack.push(dc);
349     } else {
350       DiagnosticContext parent = (DiagnosticContext) stack.peek();
351       stack.push(new DiagnosticContext(message, parent));
352     }    
353   }
355   /**
356      Remove the diagnostic context for this thread.
358      <p>Each thread that created a diagnostic context by calling
359      {@link #push} should call this method before exiting. Otherwise,
360      the memory used by the <b>thread</b> cannot be reclaimed by the
361      VM.
363      <p>As this is such an important problem in heavy duty systems and
364      because it is difficult to always guarantee that the remove
365      method is called before exiting a thread, this method has been
366      augmented to lazily remove references to dead threads. In
367      practice, this means that you can be a little sloppy and
368      occasionally forget to call {@link #remove} before exiting a
369      thread. However, you must call <code>remove</code> sometime. If
370      you never call it, then your application is sure to run out of
371      memory.
373   */
374   static
375   public
376   void remove() {
377     if (ht != null) {
378         ht.remove(Thread.currentThread());
380         // Lazily remove dead-thread references in ht.
381         lazyRemove();
382     }
383   }
385   /**
386      Set maximum depth of this diagnostic context. If the current
387      depth is smaller or equal to <code>maxDepth</code>, then no
388      action is taken.
390      <p>This method is a convenient alternative to multiple {@link
391      #pop} calls. Moreover, it is often the case that at the end of
392      complex call sequences, the depth of the NDC is
393      unpredictable. The <code>setMaxDepth</code> method circumvents
394      this problem.
396      <p>For example, the combination
397      <pre>
398        void foo() {
399        &nbsp;  int depth = NDC.getDepth();
401        &nbsp;  ... complex sequence of calls
403        &nbsp;  NDC.setMaxDepth(depth);
404        }
405      </pre>
407      ensures that between the entry and exit of foo the depth of the
408      diagnostic stack is conserved.
410      @see #getDepth
411      @since 0.7.5 */
412   static
413   public
414   void setMaxDepth(int maxDepth) {
415     Stack stack = getCurrentStack();    
416     if(stack != null && maxDepth < stack.size()) 
417       stack.setSize(maxDepth);
418   }
420   // =====================================================================
421    private static class DiagnosticContext {
423     String fullMessage;
424     String message;
426     DiagnosticContext(String message, DiagnosticContext parent) {
427       this.message = message;
428       if(parent != null) {
429 	fullMessage = parent.fullMessage + ' ' + message;
430       } else {
431 	fullMessage = message;
432       }
433     }
434   }
435 }