View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    * 
9    *
10   * 
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  package org.apache.log4j.varia;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
28  import java.util.ArrayList;
29  import java.util.HashMap;
30  import java.util.Hashtable;
31  import java.util.Iterator;
32  import java.util.List;
33  import java.util.Map;
34  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
35  import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
36  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
37  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
38  import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
40  import org.apache.log4j.Level;
41  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
42  import org.apache.log4j.helpers.Constants;
43  import org.apache.log4j.plugins.Receiver;
44  import org.apache.log4j.rule.ExpressionRule;
45  import org.apache.log4j.rule.Rule;
46  import org.apache.log4j.spi.LocationInfo;
47  import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
48  import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation;
50  /**
51   * LogFilePatternReceiver can parse and tail log files, converting entries into
52   * LoggingEvents.  If the file doesn't exist when the receiver is initialized, the
53   * receiver will look for the file once every 10 seconds.
54   * <p>
55   * This receiver relies on java.util.regex features to perform the parsing of text in the
56   * log file, however the only regular expression field explicitly supported is 
57   * a glob-style wildcard used to ignore fields in the log file if needed.  All other
58   * fields are parsed by using the supplied keywords.
59   * <p>
60   * <b>Features:</b><br>
61   * - specify the URL of the log file to be processed<br>
62   * - specify the timestamp format in the file (if one exists, using patterns from {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat})<br>
63   * - specify the pattern (logFormat) used in the log file using keywords, a wildcard character (*) and fixed text<br>
64   * - 'tail' the file (allows the contents of the file to be continually read and new events processed)<br>
65   * - supports the parsing of multi-line messages and exceptions
66   * - 'hostname' property set to URL host (or 'file' if not available)
67   * - 'application' property set to URL path (or value of fileURL if not available) 
68   * - 'group' property can be set to associate multiple log file receivers
69   *<p>
70   * <b>Keywords:</b><br>
71   * TIMESTAMP<br>
72   * LOGGER<br>
73   * LEVEL<br>
74   * THREAD<br>
75   * CLASS<br>
76   * FILE<br>
77   * LINE<br>
78   * METHOD<br>
80   * MESSAGE<br>
81   * NDC<br>
82   * PROP(key)<br>
83   * (NL)<br>
84   * <p>
85   * (NL) represents a new line embedded in the log format, supporting log formats whose fields span multiple lines
86   * <p>
87   * Use a * to ignore portions of the log format that should be ignored
88   * <p>
89   * Example:<br>
90   * If your file's patternlayout is this:<br>
91   * <b>%d %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) - %m%n</b>
92   *<p>
93   * specify this as the log format:<br>
95   *<p>
96   * To define a PROPERTY field, use PROP(key)
97   * <p>
98   * Example:<br> 
99   * If you used the RELATIVETIME pattern layout character in the file, 
100  * you can use PROP(RELATIVETIME) in the logFormat definition to assign 
101  * the RELATIVETIME field as a property on the event.
102  * <p>
103  * If your file's patternlayout is this:<br>
104  * <b>%r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n</b>
105  *<p>
106  * specify this as the log format:<br>
108  * <p>
109  * Note the * - it can be used to ignore a single word or sequence of words in the log file
110  * (in order for the wildcard to ignore a sequence of words, the text being ignored must be
111  *  followed by some delimiter, like '-' or '[') - ndc is being ignored in the following example.
112  * <p>
113  * Assign a filterExpression in order to only process events which match a filter.
114  * If a filterExpression is not assigned, all events are processed.
115  *<p>
116  * <b>Limitations:</b><br>
117  * - no support for the single-line version of throwable supported by patternlayout<br>
118  *   (this version of throwable will be included as the last line of the message)<br>
119  * - the relativetime patternLayout character must be set as a property: PROP(RELATIVETIME)<br>
120  * - messages should appear as the last field of the logFormat because the variability in message content<br>
121  * - exceptions are converted if the exception stack trace (other than the first line of the exception)<br>
122  *   is stored in the log file with a tab followed by the word 'at' as the first characters in the line<br>
123  * - tailing may fail if the file rolls over. 
124  *<p>
125  * <b>Example receiver configuration settings</b> (add these as params, specifying a LogFilePatternReceiver 'plugin'):<br>
126  * param: "timestampFormat" value="yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss,SSS"<br>
127  * param: "logFormat" value="PROP(RELATIVETIME) [THREAD] LEVEL LOGGER * - MESSAGE"<br>
128  * param: "fileURL" value="file:///c:/events.log"<br>
129  * param: "tailing" value="true"
130  *<p>
131  * This configuration will be able to process these sample events:<br>
132  * 710    [       Thread-0] DEBUG                   first.logger first - &lt;test&gt;   &lt;test2&gt;something here&lt;/test2&gt;   &lt;test3 blah=something/&gt;   &lt;test4&gt;       &lt;test5&gt;something else&lt;/test5&gt;   &lt;/test4&gt;&lt;/test&gt;<br>
133  * 880    [       Thread-2] DEBUG                   first.logger third - &lt;test&gt;   &lt;test2&gt;something here&lt;/test2&gt;   &lt;test3 blah=something/&gt;   &lt;test4&gt;       &lt;test5&gt;something else&lt;/test5&gt;   &lt;/test4&gt;&lt;/test&gt;<br>
134  * 880    [       Thread-0] INFO                    first.logger first - infomsg-0<br>
135  * java.lang.Exception: someexception-first<br>
136  *     at<br>
137  *
138  *@author Scott Deboy
139  */
140 public class LogFilePatternReceiver extends Receiver {
141   private final List keywords = new ArrayList();
143   private static final String PROP_START = "PROP(";
144   private static final String PROP_END = ")";
146   private static final String LOGGER = "LOGGER";
147   private static final String MESSAGE = "MESSAGE";
148   private static final String TIMESTAMP = "TIMESTAMP";
149   private static final String NDC = "NDC";
150   private static final String LEVEL = "LEVEL";
151   private static final String THREAD = "THREAD";
152   private static final String CLASS = "CLASS";
153   private static final String FILE = "FILE";
154   private static final String LINE = "LINE";
155   private static final String METHOD = "METHOD";
156   private static final String NEWLINE = "(NL)";
158   private static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "file";
160   //all lines other than first line of exception begin with tab followed by 'at' followed by text
161   private static final String EXCEPTION_PATTERN = "^\\s+at.*";
162   private static final String REGEXP_DEFAULT_WILDCARD = ".*?";
163   private static final String REGEXP_GREEDY_WILDCARD = ".*";
164   private static final String PATTERN_WILDCARD = "*";
165   //pull in optional leading and trailing spaces
166   private static final String NOSPACE_GROUP = "(\\s*?\\S*?\\s*?)";
167   private static final String DEFAULT_GROUP = "(" + REGEXP_DEFAULT_WILDCARD + ")";
168   private static final String GREEDY_GROUP = "(" + REGEXP_GREEDY_WILDCARD + ")";
169   private static final String MULTIPLE_SPACES_REGEXP = "[ ]+";
170   private static final String NEWLINE_REGEXP = "\n";
171   private final String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
173   private final String[] emptyException = new String[] { "" };
175   private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat;
176   private String timestampFormat;
177   private String logFormat;
178   private String customLevelDefinitions;
179   private String fileURL;
180   private String host;
181   private String path;
182   private boolean tailing;
183   private String filterExpression;
184   private long waitMillis = 2000; //default 2 seconds
185   private String group;
187   private static final String VALID_DATEFORMAT_CHARS = "GyYMwWDdFEuaHkKhmsSzZX";
188   private static final String VALID_DATEFORMAT_CHAR_PATTERN = "[" + VALID_DATEFORMAT_CHARS + "]";
190   private Rule expressionRule;
192   private Map currentMap;
193   private List additionalLines;
194   private List matchingKeywords;
196   private String regexp;
197   private Reader reader;
198   private Pattern regexpPattern;
199   private Pattern exceptionPattern;
200   private String timestampPatternText;
202   private boolean useCurrentThread;
203   public static final int MISSING_FILE_RETRY_MILLIS = 10000;
204   private boolean appendNonMatches;
205   private final Map customLevelDefinitionMap = new HashMap();
207   //default to one line - this number is incremented for each (NL) found in the logFormat
208   private int lineCount = 1;
210     public LogFilePatternReceiver() {
211     keywords.add(TIMESTAMP);
212     keywords.add(LOGGER);
213     keywords.add(LEVEL);
214     keywords.add(THREAD);
215     keywords.add(CLASS);
216     keywords.add(FILE);
217     keywords.add(LINE);
218     keywords.add(METHOD);
219     keywords.add(MESSAGE);
220     keywords.add(NDC);
221     try {
222         exceptionPattern = Pattern.compile(EXCEPTION_PATTERN);
223     } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {
224         //shouldn't happen
225     }
226   }
228   /**
229    * Accessor
230    * 
231    * @return file URL
232    */
233   public String getFileURL() {
234     return fileURL;
235   }
237   /**
238    * Mutator
239    * 
240    * @param fileURL
241    */
242   public void setFileURL(String fileURL) {
243     this.fileURL = fileURL;
244   }
246     /**
247      * If the log file contains non-log4j level strings, they can be mapped to log4j levels using the format (android example):
249      *
250      * @param customLevelDefinitions the level definition string
251      */
252   public void setCustomLevelDefinitions(String customLevelDefinitions) {
253     this.customLevelDefinitions = customLevelDefinitions;
254   }
256   public String getCustomLevelDefinitions() {
257     return customLevelDefinitions;
258   }
260   /**
261    * Accessor
262    * @return append non matches
263    */
264   public boolean isAppendNonMatches() {
265       return appendNonMatches;
266   }
268   /**
269    * Mutator
270    * @param appendNonMatches
271    */
272   public void setAppendNonMatches(boolean appendNonMatches) {
273       this.appendNonMatches = appendNonMatches;
274   }
276   /**
277    * Accessor
278    * 
279    * @return filter expression
280    */
281   public String getFilterExpression() {
282     return filterExpression;
283   }
285   /**
286    * Mutator
287    * 
288    * @param filterExpression
289    */
290   public void setFilterExpression(String filterExpression) {
291     this.filterExpression = filterExpression;
292   }
294   /**
295    * Accessor
296    * 
297    * @return tailing
298    */
299   public boolean isTailing() {
300     return tailing;
301   }
303   /**
304    * Mutator
305    * 
306    * @param tailing
307    */
308   public void setTailing(boolean tailing) {
309     this.tailing = tailing;
310   }
312   /**
313    * When true, this property uses the current Thread to perform the import,
314    * otherwise when false (the default), a new Thread is created and started to manage
315    * the import.
316    * @return
317    */ 
318  public final boolean isUseCurrentThread() {
319      return useCurrentThread;
320  }
322  /**
323   * Sets whether the current Thread or a new Thread is created to perform the import,
324   * the default being false (new Thread created).
325   * 
326   * @param useCurrentThread
327   */
328  public final void setUseCurrentThread(boolean useCurrentThread) {
329      this.useCurrentThread = useCurrentThread;
330  }
332   /**
333    * Accessor
334    * 
335    * @return log format
336    */
337   public String getLogFormat() {
338     return logFormat;
339   }
341     /**
342    * Mutator
343    *
344    * @param logFormat
345    *          the format
346    */
347   public void setLogFormat(String logFormat) {
348     this.logFormat = logFormat;
349   }
351     /**
352    * Mutator
353    */
354   public void setGroup(String group) { = group; }
357     /**
358    * Accessor
359    *
360    * @return group
361    */
362   public String getGroup() { return group; }
364     /**
365    * Mutator.  Specify a pattern from {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat}
366    *
367    * @param timestampFormat
368    */
369   public void setTimestampFormat(String timestampFormat) {
370     this.timestampFormat = timestampFormat;
371   }
373     /**
374    * Accessor
375    *
376    * @return timestamp format
377    */
378   public String getTimestampFormat() {
379     return timestampFormat;
380   }
382   /**
383    * Accessor
384    * @return millis between retrieves of content
385    */
386   public long getWaitMillis() {
387     return waitMillis;
388   }
390   /**
391    * Mutator
392    * @param waitMillis
393    */
394   public void setWaitMillis(long waitMillis) {
395     this.waitMillis = waitMillis;
396   }
398     /**
399    * Walk the additionalLines list, looking for the EXCEPTION_PATTERN.
400    * <p>
401    * Return the index of the first matched line
402    * (the match may be the 1st line of an exception)
403    * <p>
404    * Assumptions: <br>
405    * - the additionalLines list may contain both message and exception lines<br>
406    * - message lines are added to the additionalLines list and then
407    * exception lines (all message lines occur in the list prior to all
408    * exception lines)
409    *
410    * @return -1 if no exception line exists, line number otherwise
411    */
412   private int getExceptionLine() {
413     for (int i = 0; i < additionalLines.size(); i++) {
414       Matcher exceptionMatcher = exceptionPattern.matcher((String)additionalLines.get(i));
415       if (exceptionMatcher.matches()) {
416         return i;
417       }
418     }
419     return -1;
420   }
422     /**
423    * Combine all message lines occuring in the additionalLines list, adding
424    * a newline character between each line
425    * <p>
426    * the event will already have a message - combine this message
427    * with the message lines in the additionalLines list
428    * (all entries prior to the exceptionLine index)
429    *
430    * @param firstMessageLine primary message line
431    * @param exceptionLine index of first exception line
432    * @return message
433    */
434   private String buildMessage(String firstMessageLine, int exceptionLine) {
435     if (additionalLines.size() == 0) {
436       return firstMessageLine;
437     }
438     StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
439     if (firstMessageLine != null) {
440       message.append(firstMessageLine);
441     }
443     int linesToProcess = (exceptionLine == -1?additionalLines.size(): exceptionLine);
445     for (int i = 0; i < linesToProcess; i++) {
446       message.append(newLine);
447       message.append(additionalLines.get(i));
448     }
449     return message.toString();
450   }
452     /**
453    * Combine all exception lines occuring in the additionalLines list into a
454    * String array
455    * <p>
456    * (all entries equal to or greater than the exceptionLine index)
457    *
458    * @param exceptionLine index of first exception line
459    * @return exception
460    */
461   private String[] buildException(int exceptionLine) {
462     if (exceptionLine == -1) {
463       return emptyException;
464     }
465     String[] exception = new String[additionalLines.size() - exceptionLine - 1];
466     for (int i = 0; i < exception.length; i++) {
467       exception[i] = (String) additionalLines.get(i + exceptionLine);
468     }
469     return exception;
470   }
472     /**
473    * Construct a logging event from currentMap and additionalLines
474    * (additionalLines contains multiple message lines and any exception lines)
475    * <p>
476    * CurrentMap and additionalLines are cleared in the process
477    *
478    * @return event
479    */
480   private LoggingEvent buildEvent() {
481     if (currentMap.size() == 0) {
482       if (additionalLines.size() > 0) {
483         for (Iterator iter = additionalLines.iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
484           getLogger().debug("found non-matching line: " +;
485         }
486       }
487       additionalLines.clear();
488       return null;
489     }
490     //the current map contains fields - build an event
491     int exceptionLine = getExceptionLine();
492     String[] exception = buildException(exceptionLine);
494     //messages are listed before exceptions in additionallines
495     if (additionalLines.size() > 0 && exception.length > 0) {
496       currentMap.put(MESSAGE, buildMessage((String) currentMap.get(MESSAGE),
497           exceptionLine));
498     }
499     LoggingEvent event = convertToEvent(currentMap, exception);
500     currentMap.clear();
501     additionalLines.clear();
502     return event;
503   }
505     /**
506    * Read, parse and optionally tail the log file, converting entries into logging events.
507    *
508    * A runtimeException is thrown if the logFormat pattern is malformed.
509    *
510    * @param bufferedReader
511    * @throws IOException
512    */
513   protected void process(BufferedReader bufferedReader) throws IOException {
514         Matcher eventMatcher;
515         Matcher exceptionMatcher;
516         String line;
517         //if newlines are provided in the logFormat - (NL) - combine the lines prior to matching
518         while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
519             //there is already one line (read above, start i at 1
520             for (int i=1;i<lineCount;i++)
521             {
522                 String thisLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
523                 if (thisLine != null)
524                 {
525                   line = line + newLine + thisLine;
526                 }
527             }
528             eventMatcher = regexpPattern.matcher(line);
529             //skip empty line entries
530             if (line.trim().equals("")) {continue;}
531             exceptionMatcher = exceptionPattern.matcher(line);
532             if (eventMatcher.matches()) {
533                 //build an event from the previous match (held in current map)
534                 LoggingEvent event = buildEvent();
535                 if (event != null) {
536                     if (passesExpression(event)) {
537                         doPost(event);
538                     }
539                 }
540                 currentMap.putAll(processEvent(eventMatcher.toMatchResult()));
541             } else if (exceptionMatcher.matches()) {
542                 //an exception line
543                 additionalLines.add(line);
544             } else {
545                 //neither...either post an event with the line or append as additional lines
546                 //if this was a logging event with multiple lines, each line will show up as its own event instead of being
547                 //appended as multiple lines on the same event..
548                 //choice is to have each non-matching line show up as its own line, or append them all to a previous event
549                 if (appendNonMatches) {
550                     //hold on to the previous time, so we can do our best to preserve time-based ordering if the event is a non-match
551                     String lastTime = (String)currentMap.get(TIMESTAMP);
552                     //build an event from the previous match (held in current map)
553                     if (currentMap.size() > 0) {
554                         LoggingEvent event = buildEvent();
555                         if (event != null) {
556                             if (passesExpression(event)) {
557                               doPost(event);
558                             }
559                         }
560                     }
561                     if (lastTime != null) {
562                         currentMap.put(TIMESTAMP, lastTime);
563                     }
564                     currentMap.put(MESSAGE, line);
565                 } else {
566                     additionalLines.add(line);
567                 }
568             }
569         }
571         //process last event if one exists
572         LoggingEvent event = buildEvent();
573         if (event != null) {
574             if (passesExpression(event)) {
575                 doPost(event);
576             }
577         }
578     }
580     protected void createPattern() {
581         regexpPattern = Pattern.compile(regexp);
582     }
584     /**
585    * Helper method that supports the evaluation of the expression
586    *
587    * @param event
588    * @return true if expression isn't set, or the result of the evaluation otherwise
589    */
590   private boolean passesExpression(LoggingEvent event) {
591     if (event != null) {
592       if (expressionRule != null) {
593         return (expressionRule.evaluate(event, null));
594       }
595     }
596     return true;
597   }
599     /**
600    * Convert the match into a map.
601    * <p>
602    * Relies on the fact that the matchingKeywords list is in the same
603    * order as the groups in the regular expression
604    *
605    * @param result
606    * @return map
607    */
608   private Map processEvent(MatchResult result) {
609     Map map = new HashMap();
610     //group zero is the entire match - process all other groups
611     for (int i = 1; i < result.groupCount() + 1; i++) {
612       Object key = matchingKeywords.get(i - 1);
613       Object value =;
614       map.put(key, value);
616     }
617     return map;
618   }
620     /**
621    * Helper method that will convert timestamp format to a pattern
622    *
623    *
624    * @return string
625    */
626   private String convertTimestamp() {
627     //some locales (for example, French) generate timestamp text with characters not included in \w -
628     // now using \S (all non-whitespace characters) instead of /w
629     String result = "";
630     if (timestampFormat != null) {
631       result = timestampFormat.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("+"), "[+]");
632       result = result.replaceAll(VALID_DATEFORMAT_CHAR_PATTERN, "\\\\S+");
633       //make sure dots in timestamp are escaped
634       result = result.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("."), "\\\\.");
635     }
636     return result;
637   }
639     protected void setHost(String host) {
640 = host;
641   }
643     protected void setPath(String path) {
644 	  this.path = path;
645   }
647   public String getPath() {
648       return path;
649   }
651     /**
652    * Build the regular expression needed to parse log entries
653    *
654    */
655   protected void initialize() {
656 	if (host == null && path == null) {
657 		try {
658 			URL url = new URL(fileURL);
659 			host = url.getHost();
660 			path = url.getPath();
661 		} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
662 			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
663 			e1.printStackTrace();
664 		}
665 	}
666 	if (host == null || host.trim().equals("")) {
667 		host = DEFAULT_HOST;
668 	}
669 	if (path == null || path.trim().equals("")) {
670 		path = fileURL;
671 	}
673     currentMap = new HashMap();
674     additionalLines = new ArrayList();
675     matchingKeywords = new ArrayList();
677     if (timestampFormat != null) {
678       dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(quoteTimeStampChars(timestampFormat));
679       timestampPatternText = convertTimestamp();
680     }
681     //if custom level definitions exist, parse them
682     updateCustomLevelDefinitionMap();
683     try {
684       if (filterExpression != null) {
685         expressionRule = ExpressionRule.getRule(filterExpression);
686       }
687     } catch (Exception e) {
688       getLogger().warn("Invalid filter expression: " + filterExpression, e);
689     }
691     List buildingKeywords = new ArrayList();
693     String newPattern = logFormat;
695     //process newlines - (NL) - in the logFormat - before processing properties
696     int index = 0;
697     while (index > -1) {
698       index = newPattern.indexOf(NEWLINE);
699       if (index > -1) {
700         //keep track of number of expected newlines in the format, so the lines can be concatenated prior to matching
701         lineCount++;
702         newPattern = singleReplace(newPattern, NEWLINE, NEWLINE_REGEXP);
703       }
704     }
706     String current = newPattern;
707     //build a list of property names and temporarily replace the property with an empty string,
708     //we'll rebuild the pattern later
709     List propertyNames = new ArrayList();
710     index = 0;
711     while (index > -1) {
712         if (current.indexOf(PROP_START) > -1 && current.indexOf(PROP_END) > -1) {
713             index = current.indexOf(PROP_START);
714             String longPropertyName = current.substring(current.indexOf(PROP_START), current.indexOf(PROP_END) + 1);
715             String shortProp = getShortPropertyName(longPropertyName);
716             buildingKeywords.add(shortProp);
717             propertyNames.add(longPropertyName);
718             current = current.substring(longPropertyName.length() + 1 + index);
719             newPattern = singleReplace(newPattern, longPropertyName, new Integer(buildingKeywords.size() -1).toString());
720         } else {
721             //no properties
722             index = -1;
723         }
724     }
726     /*
727      * we're using a treemap, so the index will be used as the key to ensure
728      * keywords are ordered correctly
729      *
730      * examine pattern, adding keywords to an index-based map patterns can
731      * contain only one of these per are the only 'keyword'
732      * that can occur multiple times in an entry
733      */
734     Iterator iter = keywords.iterator();
735     while (iter.hasNext()) {
736       String keyword = (String);
737       int index2 = newPattern.indexOf(keyword);
738       if (index2 > -1) {
739         buildingKeywords.add(keyword);
740         newPattern = singleReplace(newPattern, keyword, new Integer(buildingKeywords.size() -1).toString());
741       }
742     }
744     String buildingInt = "";
746     for (int i=0;i<newPattern.length();i++) {
747         String thisValue = String.valueOf(newPattern.substring(i, i+1));
748         if (isInteger(thisValue)) {
749             buildingInt = buildingInt + thisValue;
750         } else {
751             if (isInteger(buildingInt)) {
752                 matchingKeywords.add(buildingKeywords.get(Integer.parseInt(buildingInt)));
753             }
754             //reset
755             buildingInt = "";
756         }
757     }
759     //if the very last value is an int, make sure to add it
760     if (isInteger(buildingInt)) {
761         matchingKeywords.add(buildingKeywords.get(Integer.parseInt(buildingInt)));
762     }
764     newPattern = replaceMetaChars(newPattern);
766     //compress one or more spaces in the pattern into the [ ]+ regexp
767     //(supports padding of level in log files)
768     newPattern = newPattern.replaceAll(MULTIPLE_SPACES_REGEXP, MULTIPLE_SPACES_REGEXP);
769     newPattern = newPattern.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(PATTERN_WILDCARD), REGEXP_DEFAULT_WILDCARD);
770     //use buildingKeywords here to ensure correct order
771     for (int i = 0;i<buildingKeywords.size();i++) {
772       String keyword = (String) buildingKeywords.get(i);
773       //make the final keyword greedy (we're assuming it's the message)
774       if (i == (buildingKeywords.size() - 1)) {
775         newPattern = singleReplace(newPattern, String.valueOf(i), GREEDY_GROUP);
776       } else if (TIMESTAMP.equals(keyword)) {
777         newPattern = singleReplace(newPattern, String.valueOf(i), "(" + timestampPatternText + ")");
778       } else if (LOGGER.equals(keyword) || LEVEL.equals(keyword)) {
779         newPattern = singleReplace(newPattern, String.valueOf(i), NOSPACE_GROUP);
780       } else {
781         newPattern = singleReplace(newPattern, String.valueOf(i), DEFAULT_GROUP);
782       }
783     }
785     regexp = newPattern;
786     getLogger().debug("regexp is " + regexp);
787   }
789     private void updateCustomLevelDefinitionMap() {
790         if (customLevelDefinitions != null) {
791             StringTokenizer entryTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(customLevelDefinitions, ",");
793             customLevelDefinitionMap.clear();
794             while (entryTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
795                 StringTokenizer innerTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(entryTokenizer.nextToken(), "=");
796                 customLevelDefinitionMap.put(innerTokenizer.nextToken(), Level.toLevel(innerTokenizer.nextToken()));
797             }
798         }
799     }
801     private boolean isInteger(String value) {
802         try {
803             Integer.parseInt(value);
804             return true;
805         } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
806             return false;
807         }
808     }
810     private String quoteTimeStampChars(String input) {
811         //put single quotes around text that isn't a supported dateformat char
812         StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
813         //ok to default to false because we also check for index zero below
814         boolean lastCharIsDateFormat = false;
815         for (int i = 0;i<input.length();i++) {
816             String thisVal = input.substring(i, i + 1);
817             boolean thisCharIsDateFormat = VALID_DATEFORMAT_CHARS.contains(thisVal);
818             //we have encountered a non-dateformat char
819             if (!thisCharIsDateFormat && (i == 0 || lastCharIsDateFormat)) {
820                 result.append("'");
821             }
822             //we have encountered a dateformat char after previously encountering a non-dateformat char
823             if (thisCharIsDateFormat && i > 0 && !lastCharIsDateFormat) {
824                 result.append("'");
825             }
826             lastCharIsDateFormat = thisCharIsDateFormat;
827             result.append(thisVal);
828         }
829         //append an end single-quote if we ended with non-dateformat char
830         if (!lastCharIsDateFormat) {
831             result.append("'");
832         }
833         return result.toString();
834     }
836     private String singleReplace(String inputString, String oldString, String newString)
837     {
838         int propLength = oldString.length();
839         int startPos = inputString.indexOf(oldString);
840         if (startPos == -1)
841         {
842             getLogger().info("string: " + oldString + " not found in input: " + inputString + " - returning input");
843             return inputString;
844         }
845         if (startPos == 0)
846         {
847             inputString = inputString.substring(propLength);
848             inputString = newString + inputString;
849         } else {
850             inputString = inputString.substring(0, startPos) + newString + inputString.substring(startPos + propLength);
851         }
852         return inputString;
853     }
855     private String getShortPropertyName(String longPropertyName)
856   {
857       String currentProp = longPropertyName.substring(longPropertyName.indexOf(PROP_START));
858       String prop = currentProp.substring(0, currentProp.indexOf(PROP_END) + 1);
859       String shortProp = prop.substring(PROP_START.length(), prop.length() - 1);
860       return shortProp;
861   }
863     /**
864    * Some perl5 characters may occur in the log file format.
865    * Escape these characters to prevent parsing errors.
866    *
867    * @param input
868    * @return string
869    */
870   private String replaceMetaChars(String input) {
871     //escape backslash first since that character is used to escape the remaining meta chars
872     input = input.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\");
874     //don't escape star - it's used as the wildcard
875     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("]"), "\\\\]");
876     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("["), "\\\\[");
877     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("^"), "\\\\^");
878     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("$"), "\\\\$");
879     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("."), "\\\\.");
880     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("|"), "\\\\|");
881     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("?"), "\\\\?");
882     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("+"), "\\\\+");
883     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("("), "\\\\(");
884     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(")"), "\\\\)");
885     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("-"), "\\\\-");
886     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("{"), "\\\\{");
887     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("}"), "\\\\}");
888     input = input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("#"), "\\\\#");
889     return input;
890   }
892     /**
893    * Convert a keyword-to-values map to a LoggingEvent
894    *
895    * @param fieldMap
896    * @param exception
897    *
898    * @return logging event
899    */
900   private LoggingEvent convertToEvent(Map fieldMap, String[] exception) {
901     if (fieldMap == null) {
902       return null;
903     }
905     //a logger must exist at a minimum for the event to be processed
906     if (!fieldMap.containsKey(LOGGER)) {
907       fieldMap.put(LOGGER, "Unknown");
908     }
909     if (exception == null) {
910       exception = emptyException;
911     }
913     Logger logger = null;
914     long timeStamp = 0L;
915     String level = null;
916     String threadName = null;
917     Object message = null;
918     String ndc = null;
919     String className = null;
920     String methodName = null;
921     String eventFileName = null;
922     String lineNumber = null;
923     Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
925     logger = Logger.getLogger((String) fieldMap.remove(LOGGER));
927     if ((dateFormat != null) && fieldMap.containsKey(TIMESTAMP)) {
928       try {
929         timeStamp = dateFormat.parse((String) fieldMap.remove(TIMESTAMP))
930             .getTime();
931       } catch (Exception e) {
932         e.printStackTrace();
933       }
934     }
935     //use current time if timestamp not parseable/dateformat not specified
936     if (timeStamp == 0L) {
937       timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
938     }
940     message = fieldMap.remove(MESSAGE);
941     if (message == null) {
942       message = "";
943     }
945     level = (String) fieldMap.remove(LEVEL);
946     Level levelImpl;
947     if (level == null) {
948         levelImpl = Level.DEBUG;
949     } else {
950         //first try to resolve against custom level definition map, then fall back to regular levels
951         levelImpl = (Level) customLevelDefinitionMap.get(level);
952         if (levelImpl == null) {
953             levelImpl = Level.toLevel(level.trim());
954             if (!level.equals(levelImpl.toString())) {
955                 //check custom level map
956                 if (levelImpl == null) {
957                     levelImpl = Level.DEBUG;
958                     getLogger().debug("found unexpected level: " + level + ", logger: " + logger.getName() + ", msg: " + message);
959                     //make sure the text that couldn't match a level is added to the message
960                     message = level + " " + message;
961                 }
962             }
963         }
964     }
966     threadName = (String) fieldMap.remove(THREAD);
968     ndc = (String) fieldMap.remove(NDC);
970     className = (String) fieldMap.remove(CLASS);
972     methodName = (String) fieldMap.remove(METHOD);
974     eventFileName = (String) fieldMap.remove(FILE);
976     lineNumber = (String) fieldMap.remove(LINE);
978     properties.put(Constants.HOSTNAME_KEY, host);
979     properties.put(Constants.APPLICATION_KEY, path);
980     properties.put(Constants.RECEIVER_NAME_KEY, getName());
981     if (group != null) {
982         properties.put(Constants.GROUP_KEY, group);
983     }
985     //all remaining entries in fieldmap are properties
986     properties.putAll(fieldMap);
988     LocationInfo info = null;
990     if ((eventFileName != null) || (className != null) || (methodName != null)
991         || (lineNumber != null)) {
992       info = new LocationInfo(eventFileName, className, methodName, lineNumber);
993     } else {
994       info = LocationInfo.NA_LOCATION_INFO;
995     }
997     LoggingEvent event = new LoggingEvent(null,
998             logger, timeStamp, levelImpl, message,
999             threadName,
1000             new ThrowableInformation(exception),
1001             ndc,
1002             info,
1003             properties);
1005     return event;
1006   }
1008 //  public static void main(String[] args) {
1009 //    org.apache.log4j.Logger rootLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger();
1010 //    org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender appender = new org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender(new org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout());
1011 //    appender.setName("console");
1012 //    rootLogger.addAppender(appender);
1013 //    LogFilePatternReceiver test = new LogFilePatternReceiver();
1014 //    org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository repo = new org.apache.log4j.LoggerRepositoryExImpl(org.apache.log4j.LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
1015 //    test.setLoggerRepository(repo);
1016 //    test.setLogFormat("PROP(RELATIVETIME) [THREAD] LEVEL LOGGER * - MESSAGE");
1017 //    test.setTailing(false);
1018 //    test.setAppendNonMatches(true);
1019 //    test.setTimestampFormat("yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss,SSS");
1020 //    test.setFileURL("file:///C:/log/test.log");
1021 //    test.activateOptions();
1022 //  }
1024     /**
1025    * Close the reader.
1026    */
1027   public void shutdown() {
1028     getLogger().info(getPath() + " shutdown");
1029     active = false;
1030     try {
1031       if (reader != null) {
1032         reader.close();
1033         reader = null;
1034       }
1035     } catch (IOException ioe) {
1036       ioe.printStackTrace();
1037     }
1038   }
1040     /**
1041    * Read and process the log file.
1042    */
1043   public void activateOptions() {
1044     getLogger().info("activateOptions");
1045     active = true;
1046 	Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
1047 	  public void run() {
1048         initialize();
1049             while (reader == null) {
1050                 getLogger().info("attempting to load file: " + getFileURL());
1051                 try {
1052                     reader = new InputStreamReader(new URL(getFileURL()).openStream(), "UTF-8");
1053                 } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
1054                     getLogger().info("file not available - will try again");
1055                     synchronized (this) {
1056                         try {
1057                             wait(MISSING_FILE_RETRY_MILLIS);
1058                         } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
1059                     }
1060                 } catch (IOException ioe) {
1061                     getLogger().warn("unable to load file", ioe);
1062                     return;
1063                 }
1064             }
1065             try {
1066                 BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
1067                 createPattern();
1068                 do {
1069                     process(bufferedReader);
1070                     try {
1071                         synchronized (this) {
1072                             wait(waitMillis);
1073                         }
1074                     } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
1075                     if (tailing) {
1076                       getLogger().debug("tailing file");
1077                     }
1078                 } while (tailing);
1080             } catch (IOException ioe) {
1081                 //io exception - probably shut down
1082                 getLogger().info("stream closed");
1083             }
1084             getLogger().debug("processing " + path + " complete");
1085             shutdown();
1086           }
1087         };
1088         if(useCurrentThread) {
1089   ;
1090         }else {
1091             new Thread(runnable, "LogFilePatternReceiver-"+getName()).start();
1092         }
1093     }
1094 }