| RollingFileAppenderSkeleton () |
| The default constructor simply calls its parents constructor. More...
void | activateOptions (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &) |
bool | rollover (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p) |
| Implements the usual roll over behaviour. More...
void | close () |
| Close appender. More...
size_t | getFileLength () const |
| Get byte length of current active log file. More...
void | incrementFileLength (size_t increment) |
| Increments estimated byte length of current active log file. More...
| FileAppender () |
| The default constructor does not do anything. More...
| FileAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout, const LogString &filename, bool append, bool bufferedIO, int bufferSize) |
| Instantiate a FileAppender and open the file designated by filename . More...
| FileAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout, const LogString &filename, bool append) |
| Instantiate a FileAppender and open the file designated by filename . More...
| FileAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout, const LogString &filename) |
| Instantiate a FileAppender and open the file designated by filename . More...
| ~FileAppender () |
virtual void | setFile (const LogString &file) |
| The File property takes a string value which should be the name of the file to append to. More...
virtual void | setFile (const LogString &file, bool append, bool bufferedIO, size_t bufferSize, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p) |
| Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. More...
bool | getAppend () const |
| Returns the value of the Append option. More...
LogString | getFile () const |
| Returns the value of the File option. More...
void | setOption (const LogString &option, const LogString &value) |
| Set option to value . More...
bool | getBufferedIO () const |
| Get the value of the BufferedIO option. More...
int | getBufferSize () const |
| Get the size of the IO buffer. More...
void | setAppend (bool fileAppend1) |
| The Append option takes a boolean value. More...
void | setBufferedIO (bool bufferedIO) |
| The BufferedIO option takes a boolean value. More...
void | setBufferSize (int bufferSize1) |
| Set the size of the IO buffer. More...
| WriterAppender () |
| This default constructor does nothing. More...
| ~WriterAppender () |
void | setImmediateFlush (bool value) |
| If the ImmediateFlush option is set to true , the appender will flush at the end of each write. More...
bool | getImmediateFlush () const |
| Returns value of the ImmediateFlush option. More...
virtual void | append (const spi::LoggingEventPtr &event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p) |
| This method is called by the AppenderSkeleton::doAppend method. More...
LogString | getEncoding () const |
void | setEncoding (const LogString &value) |
void | setOption (const LogString &option, const LogString &value) |
| Set option to value . More...
void | setWriter (const log4cxx::helpers::WriterPtr &writer) |
virtual bool | requiresLayout () const |
| Configurators call this method to determine if the appender requires a layout. More...
| AppenderSkeleton () |
| AppenderSkeleton (const LayoutPtr &layout) |
void | addRef () const |
void | releaseRef () const |
void | finalize () |
| Finalize this appender by calling the derived class' close method. More...
void | addFilter (const spi::FilterPtr &newFilter) |
| Add a filter to end of the filter list. More...
void | clearFilters () |
| Clear the filters chain. More...
const spi::ErrorHandlerPtr & | getErrorHandler () const |
| Return the currently set spi::ErrorHandler for this Appender. More...
spi::FilterPtr | getFilter () const |
| Returns the head Filter. More...
const spi::FilterPtr & | getFirstFilter () const |
| Return the first filter in the filter chain for this Appender. More...
LayoutPtr | getLayout () const |
| Returns the layout of this appender. More...
LogString | getName () const |
| Returns the name of this Appender. More...
const LevelPtr & | getThreshold () const |
| Returns this appenders threshold level. More...
bool | isAsSevereAsThreshold (const LevelPtr &level) const |
| Check whether the message level is below the appender's threshold. More...
virtual void | doAppend (const spi::LoggingEventPtr &event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &pool) |
| This method performs threshold checks and invokes filters before delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific AppenderSkeleton::append method. More...
void | setErrorHandler (const spi::ErrorHandlerPtr &eh) |
| Set the ErrorHandler for this Appender. More...
void | setLayout (const LayoutPtr &layout1) |
| Set the layout for this appender. More...
void | setName (const LogString &name1) |
| Set the name of this Appender. More...
void | setThreshold (const LevelPtr &threshold) |
| Set the threshold level. More...
virtual | ~Appender () |
Public Member Functions inherited from OptionHandler |
virtual | ~OptionHandler () |
virtual const helpers::Class & | getClass () const |
virtual | ~Object () |
virtual bool | instanceof (const Class &clazz) const =0 |
virtual const void * | cast (const Class &clazz) const =0 |
| ObjectImpl () |
virtual | ~ObjectImpl () |
void | addRef () const |
void | releaseRef () const |
Base class for log4cxx::rolling::RollingFileAppender and log4cxx::RollingFileAppender (analogues of org.apache.log4j.rolling.RFA from extras companion and org.apache.log4j.RFA from log4j 1.2, respectively).