Apache Log4cxx  Version 1.2.0
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Clog4cxx::BasicConfiguratorUse BasicConfigurator (static) methods to configure Log4cxx when not using a configuration file
 Clog4cxx::helpers::ByteBufferA byte buffer
 Clog4cxx::helpers::CharMessageBufferThis class is used by the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros to support insertion operators in the message parameter
 Clog4cxx::helpers::CyclicBufferCyclicBuffer is used by other appenders to hold instances of LoggingEvent for immediate or deferred display
 Clog4cxx::DefaultConfiguratorConfigures the repository from environmental settings and files
 Clog4cxx::helpers::ExceptionThe class Exception and its subclasses indicate conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch
 Clog4cxx::FileAn abstract representation of file and directory path names
 Clog4cxx::pattern::FileDatePatternConverterFormats an date by delegating to DatePatternConverter
 Clog4cxx::helpers::FileWatchdogCheck every now and then that a certain file has not changed
 Clog4cxx::LevelChangeChanges a verbosity level for the instance variable's lifetime
 Clog4cxx::spi::LocationInfoThis class represents the location of a logging statement
 Clog4cxx::LoggerInstancePtrA smart pointer (implicity convertable to LoggerPtr) that conditionally removes a Logger from the spi::LoggerRepository at the end of the instance variable's lifetime
 Clog4cxx::helpers::LogLogThis class used to output log statements from within the log4cxx package
 Clog4cxx::LogManagerUse the LogManager class to retreive Logger instances or to operate on the current LoggerRepository
 Clog4cxx::logstream_baseBase class for the basic_logstream template which attempts to emulate std::basic_ostream but attempts to short-circuit unnecessary operations
 Clog4cxx::logstreamAn STL-like stream API for log4cxx using char as the character type
 Clog4cxx::ulogstreamAn STL-like stream API for log4cxx using UniChar as the character type
 Clog4cxx::wlogstreamAn STL-like stream API for log4cxx using wchar_t as the character type
 Clog4cxx::MDCA Mapped Diagnostic Context, or MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log output from different sources
 Clog4cxx::helpers::MessageBufferThis class is used by the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros to support insertion operators in the message parameter
 Clog4cxx::NDCA Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources
 Clog4cxx::helpers::ObjectBase class for java-like objects
 Clog4cxx::AppenderSkeletonImplementation base class for all appenders
 Clog4cxx::LayoutExtend this abstract class to create your own log layout format
 Clog4cxx::LevelDefines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system, that is OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and ALL
 Clog4cxx::PropertyConfiguratorAllows the configuration of log4cxx from an external file
 Clog4cxx::helpers::CharsetDecoderAn abstract engine to transform a sequences of bytes in a specific charset into a LogString
 Clog4cxx::helpers::CharsetEncoderAn engine to transform LogStrings into bytes for the specific character set
 Clog4cxx::helpers::DatagramPacketThis class represents a datagram packet
 Clog4cxx::helpers::DatagramSocketThis class represents a socket for sending and receiving datagram packets
 Clog4cxx::helpers::DateSimple transcoder for converting between external char and wchar_t strings and internal strings
 Clog4cxx::helpers::DateFormatDateFormat is an abstract class for date/time formatting patterned after java.text.DateFormat
 Clog4cxx::helpers::InputStreamAbstract class for reading from character streams
 Clog4cxx::helpers::OnlyOnceErrorHandlerThe OnlyOnceErrorHandler implements log4cxx's default error handling policy which consists of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and ignoring all following errors
 Clog4cxx::helpers::OutputStreamAbstract class for writing to character streams
 Clog4cxx::helpers::ReaderAbstract class for reading from character streams
 Clog4cxx::helpers::ResourceBundleResource bundles contain locale-specific objects
 Clog4cxx::helpers::WriterAbstract class for writing to character streams
 Clog4cxx::helpers::XMLDOMNodeThe XMLDOMNode interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model
 Clog4cxx::helpers::XMLDOMNodeListThe XMLDOMNodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented
 Clog4cxx::pattern::FormattingInfoModifies the output of a pattern converter for a specified minimum and maximum width and alignment
 Clog4cxx::pattern::NameAbbreviatorNameAbbreviator generates abbreviated logger and class names
 Clog4cxx::rolling::ActionA file system action performed as part of a rollover event
 Clog4cxx::rolling::RollingPolicyBaseImplements methods common to most, it not all, rolling policies
 Clog4cxx::rolling::TriggeringPolicyA TriggeringPolicy controls the conditions under which rollover occurs
 Clog4cxx::spi::AppenderAttachableThis Interface is for attaching Appenders to objects
 Clog4cxx::spi::ConfiguratorImplemented by classes capable of configuring log4j using a URL
 Clog4cxx::spi::HierarchyEventListenerListen to events occuring within a Hierarchy
 Clog4cxx::spi::LoggerFactoryImplement this interface to create new instances of Logger or a sub-class of Logger
 Clog4cxx::spi::LoggerRepositoryA LoggerRepository is used to create and retrieve Loggers
 Clog4cxx::spi::LoggingEventThe internal representation of logging events
 Clog4cxx::spi::OptionHandlerA string based interface to configure package components
 Clog4cxx::spi::RepositorySelectorThe LogManager uses one (and only one) RepositorySelector implementation to select the LoggerRepository for a particular application context
 Clog4cxx::spi::TriggeringEventEvaluatorImplementions of this interface allow certain appenders to decide when to perform an appender specific action
 Clog4cxx::helpers::OptionConverterA convenience class to convert property values to specific types
 Clog4cxx::pattern::PatternParserMost of the work of the PatternLayout class is delegated to the PatternParser class
 Clog4cxx::config::PropertySetterGeneral purpose Object property setter
 Clog4cxx::helpers::StrictMathThe class StrictMath contains methods for performing basic numeric operations
 Clog4cxx::helpers::StringHelperString manipulation routines
 Clog4cxx::helpers::SyslogWriterSyslogWriter is a wrapper around the DatagramSocket class it writes text to the specified host on the port 514 (UNIX syslog)
 Clog4cxx::helpers::SystemSeveral useful class fields and methods
 Clog4cxx::helpers::ThreadLocalThis class provides thread-local variables
 Clog4cxx::helpers::ThreadSpecificDataThis class contains all the thread-specific data in use by log4cxx
 Clog4cxx::helpers::TranscoderSimple transcoder for converting between external char and wchar_t strings and internal strings
 Clog4cxx::helpers::TransformUtility class for transforming strings
 Clog4cxx::helpers::UniCharMessageBufferThis class is designed to support insertion operations in the message argument to the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros and is not designed for general purpose use
 Clog4cxx::helpers::WideLife< T >The WideLife wrapper is destined to prolongate the runtime logger state lifetime from static duration to infinite
 Clog4cxx::helpers::WideMessageBufferThis class is designed to support insertion operations in the message argument to the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros and is not designed for general purpose use