Apache Log4cxx  Version 1.3.0
No Matches
log4cxx Namespace Reference


namespace  config
namespace  db
namespace  filter
namespace  helpers
namespace  net
namespace  nt
namespace  pattern
namespace  qt
namespace  rolling
namespace  rule
namespace  spi
namespace  varia
namespace  xml


class  Appender
 Implement this interface for your own strategies for outputting log statements. More...
class  AppenderSkeleton
 Implementation base class for all appenders. More...
class  AsyncAppender
 The AsyncAppender decouples logging event creation from output by processing log events asynchronously. More...
class  BasicConfigurator
 Use BasicConfigurator (static) methods to configure Log4cxx when not using a configuration file. More...
class  ConsoleAppender
 ConsoleAppender appends log events to stdout or stderr using a layout specified by the user. More...
class  DefaultConfigurator
 Configures the repository from environmental settings and files. More...
class  DefaultLoggerFactory
class  File
 An abstract representation of file and directory path names. More...
class  FileAppender
 FileAppender appends log events to a file. More...
class  FMTLayout
 The FMTLayout class uses libfmt to layout messages. More...
class  Hierarchy
 This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and also maintaining the logger hierarchy. More...
class  HTMLLayout
 This layout outputs events in a HTML table. More...
class  JSONLayout
 This layout outputs events in a JSON dictionary. More...
class  Layout
 Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. More...
class  Level
 Defines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system, that is OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and ALL. More...
class  LevelChange
 Changes a verbosity level for the instance variable's lifetime. More...
class  Logger
 This is the central class in the log4cxx package. More...
class  LoggerInstancePtr
 A smart pointer (implicity convertable to LoggerPtr) that conditionally removes a Logger from the spi::LoggerRepository at the end of the instance variable's lifetime. More...
class  LogManager
 Use the LogManager class to retreive Logger instances or to operate on the current LoggerRepository. More...
class  logstream
 An STL-like stream API for log4cxx using char as the character type. More...
class  logstream_base
 Base class for the basic_logstream template which attempts to emulate std::basic_ostream but attempts to short-circuit unnecessary operations. More...
class  MDC
 A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log output from different sources. More...
class  NDC
 A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. More...
class  Optional
class  PatternLayout
 A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. More...
class  PropertyConfigurator
 Allows the configuration of log4cxx from an external file. More...
class  SimpleLayout
 SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, followed by " - " and then the log message itself. More...
class  ulogstream
 An STL-like stream API for log4cxx using UniChar as the character type. More...
class  wlogstream
 An STL-like stream API for log4cxx using wchar_t as the character type. More...
class  WriterAppender
 WriterAppender appends log events to a standard output stream. More...


typedef std::shared_ptr< LayoutLayoutPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< AppenderAppenderPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< LoggerLoggerPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< LevelLevelPtr
typedef int64_t log4cxx_time_t
 log4cxx_time_t - holds the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01
typedef int log4cxx_status_t
typedef std::vector< LoggerPtrLoggerList
typedef unsigned short UniChar
typedef std::basic_string< logchar > LogString
typedef std::vector< LoggerPtrProvisionNode
typedef logstream_base &(* logstream_manipulator) (logstream_base &)


enum class  HexdumpFlags : uint32_t { None , AddStartingNewline = (0x01 << 0) , AddEndingNewline = (0x01 << 1) , AddNewline = AddStartingNewline | AddEndingNewline }


 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (Appender)
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (AppenderList, AppenderPtr)
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (LoggingEventList, spi::LoggingEventPtr)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (AsyncAppender)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (ConsoleAppender)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (FileAppender)
template<typename Ret , typename Type , bool = std::is_base_of<Ret, helpers::Object>::value, bool = std::is_base_of<Type, helpers::Object>::value>
std::shared_ptr< Ret > cast (const std::shared_ptr< Type > &incoming)
 Attempt to cast one Object to another kind of Object.
bool operator& (HexdumpFlags a, HexdumpFlags b)
HexdumpFlags operator| (HexdumpFlags a, HexdumpFlags b)
LOG4CXX_EXPORT LogString hexdump (const void *bytes, uint32_t len, HexdumpFlags flags=HexdumpFlags::None)
 Hexdump the given bytes and return a LogString with the dumped bytes.
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (Hierarchy)
LOG4CXX_EXPORT uint32_t libraryVersion ()
 Query the compiled version of the library.
 smart pointer to a Logger class
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (LoggerList, LoggerPtr)
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (LoggingEventPatternConverterList, log4cxx::pattern::LoggingEventPatternConverterPtr)
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (FormattingInfoList, log4cxx::pattern::FormattingInfoPtr)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (PatternLayout)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (SimpleLayout)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (WriterAppender)

Typedef Documentation

◆ AppenderPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< Appender > log4cxx::AppenderPtr

◆ LayoutPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<Layout> log4cxx::LayoutPtr

◆ LevelPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< Level > log4cxx::LevelPtr

◆ log4cxx_status_t

◆ log4cxx_time_t

typedef int64_t log4cxx::log4cxx_time_t

log4cxx_time_t - holds the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01

◆ LoggerList

typedef std::vector<LoggerPtr> log4cxx::LoggerList

◆ LoggerPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< Logger > log4cxx::LoggerPtr

◆ logstream_manipulator

typedef logstream_base &(* log4cxx::logstream_manipulator) (logstream_base &)

◆ LogString

typedef std::basic_string<logchar> log4cxx::LogString

◆ ProvisionNode

typedef std::vector<LoggerPtr> log4cxx::ProvisionNode

◆ UniChar

typedef unsigned short log4cxx::UniChar

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HexdumpFlags

enum class log4cxx::HexdumpFlags : uint32_t

Function Documentation

◆ cast()

template<typename Ret , typename Type , bool = std::is_base_of<Ret, helpers::Object>::value, bool = std::is_base_of<Type, helpers::Object>::value>
std::shared_ptr< Ret > log4cxx::cast ( const std::shared_ptr< Type > &  incoming)

Attempt to cast one Object to another kind of Object.

On success, returns a new shared pointer that points at incoming. On failure, returns an invalid shared pointer.

◆ hexdump()

LOG4CXX_EXPORT LogString log4cxx::hexdump ( const void *  bytes,
uint32_t  len,
HexdumpFlags  flags = HexdumpFlags::None 

Hexdump the given bytes and return a LogString with the dumped bytes.

Sample output: 00000000 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |. |

bytesA pointer to the bytes to dump
lenHow many bytes to dump
flagsFlags to control the output format of the hexdump
A LogString with the hexdump output

◆ libraryVersion()

LOG4CXX_EXPORT uint32_t log4cxx::libraryVersion ( )

Query the compiled version of the library.

Ideally, this should be the same as the LOG4CXX_VERSION macro defined above.

The LOG4CXX_VERSION_GET_ series of macros let you extract the specific bytes of the version if required.

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [1/5]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( AppenderList  ,

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [2/5]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( FormattingInfoList  ,

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [3/5]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( LoggerList  ,

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [4/5]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( LoggingEventList  ,

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [5/5]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( LoggingEventPatternConverterList  ,

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [1/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Appender  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [2/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( AsyncAppender  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [3/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( ConsoleAppender  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [4/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( FileAppender  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [5/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( FMTLayout  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [6/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Hierarchy  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [7/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( HTMLLayout  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [8/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( JSONLayout  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [9/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Layout  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [10/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Logger  )

smart pointer to a Logger class

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [11/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( PatternLayout  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [12/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( SimpleLayout  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [13/13]

log4cxx::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( WriterAppender  )

◆ operator&()

bool log4cxx::operator& ( HexdumpFlags  a,
HexdumpFlags  b 

◆ operator|()

HexdumpFlags log4cxx::operator| ( HexdumpFlags  a,
HexdumpFlags  b 