Apache Log4cxx
Version 1.4.0
This is the complete list of members for log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter, including all inherited members.
convertSpecialChars(const LogString &s) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
findAndSubst(const LogString &key, Properties &props) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
getSystemProperty(const LogString &key, const LogString &def) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
instantiateByClassName(const LogString &className, const Class &superClass, const ObjectPtr &defaultValue) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
instantiateByKey(Properties &props, const LogString &key, const Class &superClass, const ObjectPtr &defaultValue) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
selectAndConfigure(const File &configFileName, const LogString &clazz, spi::LoggerRepositoryPtr hierarchy, int delay=0) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
substVars(const LogString &val, Properties &props) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
toBoolean(const LogString &value, bool defaultValue) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
toFileSize(const LogString &value, long defaultValue) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
toInt(const LogString &value, int defaultValue) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |
toLevel(const LogString &value, const LevelPtr &defaultValue) | log4cxx::helpers::OptionConverter | static |