Apache Log4cxx
Version 1.4.0
This is the complete list of members for log4cxx::rolling::ZipCompressAction, including all inherited members.
Action() | log4cxx::rolling::Action | protected |
Action(LOG4CXX_PRIVATE_PTR(ActionPrivate) priv) | log4cxx::rolling::Action | protected |
cast(const Class &clazz) const =0 | log4cxx::helpers::Object | pure virtual |
close() | log4cxx::rolling::Action | |
execute(log4cxx::helpers::Pool &pool) const override | log4cxx::rolling::ZipCompressAction | virtual |
getClass() const =0 | log4cxx::helpers::Object | pure virtual |
instanceof(const Class &clazz) const =0 | log4cxx::helpers::Object | pure virtual |
isComplete() const | log4cxx::rolling::Action | |
reportException(const std::exception &) | log4cxx::rolling::Action | |
run(log4cxx::helpers::Pool &pool) | log4cxx::rolling::Action | |
setThrowIOExceptionOnForkFailure(bool throwIO) | log4cxx::rolling::ZipCompressAction | |
ZipCompressAction(const File &source, const File &destination, bool deleteSource) | log4cxx::rolling::ZipCompressAction | |
~Action() | log4cxx::rolling::Action | protectedvirtual |
~Object() | log4cxx::helpers::Object | inlinevirtual |