Apache Log4cxx  Version 1.4.0
No Matches
Frequently Asked Technical Questions

How do I add a custom level to Apache Log4cxx?

This is a common topic for all the Apache logging frameworks and typically motivated to try to categorize events by functionality or audience. An common request is to add an AUDIT level so that the user can configure AUDIT level messages to go to a specific appender. However, the logger name was designed explicitly to support routing of messages by topic or audience. The common pattern of using classnames for logger names obscures the more general capability of logger name to represent the topic or audience of the logging request. The easiest approach to solve the underlying issue is to use a logger names like "AUDIT.com.example.MyPackage.MyClass" that allow all AUDIT messages to be routed to a particular appender. If you attempted to use a level for that then you would lose the ability to distinguish between different significances within the audit messages.

My application on Windows crashes on shutdown?

Apache Log4cxx API calls use C++ Standard Template Library string parameters. If the caller is using a different instance or type of the C Runtime Library that Log4cxx, then it is very likely that some memory that was originally allocated by Log4cxx would be freed by the caller. If log4cxx and the caller are using different C RTL's, the program will likely crash at the point. Use "Multithread DLL" with release builds of Log4cxx and "Multithread DLL Debug" with debug builds.

Does Apache Log4cxx support Unicode?

Yes. Apache Log4cxx exposes API methods in multiple string flavors supporting differently encoded textual content, like char*, std::string, wchar_t*, std::wstring, CFStringRef et al. All provided texts will be converted to the LogString type before further processing, which is one of several supported internal representations and is selected by the LOG4CXX_CHAR cmake option. If methods are used that take LogString as arguments, the macro LOG4CXX_STR() can be used to convert literals to the current LogString type.

The default external representation is controlled by the LOG4CXX_CHARSET cmake option. This default is used to encode a multi-byte characters unless an Encoding property is explicitly configured for the log4cxx::FileAppender specialization you use. Note you should use UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding when writing XML or JSON layouts. Log4cxx also implements character set encodings for US-ASCII (ISO646-US or ANSI_X3.4-1968) and ISO-8859-1 (ISO-LATIN-1 or CP1252). You are highly encouraged to stick to UTF-8 for the best support from tools and operating systems.

The locale character set encoding provides support beyond the above internally implemented options. It allows you to use any multi-byte encoding provided by the standard library. If using the locale character set encoding or you use fwide to make stdout or stderr wide-oriented (log4cxx::ConsoleAppender then uses fputws) you will need to explicitly configure the system locale at startup, for example by using:

std::setlocale( LC_ALL, "" ); /* Set user-preferred locale for C functions */
std::locale::global(std::locale("")); /* Set user-preferred locale for C++ functions */

This is necessary because, according to the libc documentation, all programs start in the C locale by default, which is the same as ANSI_X3.4-1968 and what's commonly known as the encoding US-ASCII. That encoding supports a very limited set of characters only, so inputting Unicode with that encoding in effect to output characters can't work properly. For example, here is some Hebrew text which says "People with disabilities":

נשים עם מוגבלות

If you are to log this information, output on some console might be like the following, simply because the app uses US-ASCII by default and that can't map those characters:

loggername - ?????????? ???? ??????????????

The important thing to understand is that this is some always applied, backwards compatible default behaviour and even the case when the current environment sets a locale like en_US.UTF-8.

Does Log4cxx support logging at process termination?

Log4cxx must be built with -DLOG4CXX_EVENTS_AT_EXIT=ON to use logging during the application termination (i.e. in static destuctors and other atexit() functions) . When this option is used, the dynamic memory deallocation, buffer flushing and file handle closing normally done in destructors is not performed. Setting the "BufferedIO" option of any log4cxx::FileAppender to true is possible when using this option due to the forced buffers flushing during the static deinitialization phase.