Class ThreadContextDataInjector.ForCopyOnWriteThreadContextMap

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public static class ThreadContextDataInjector.ForCopyOnWriteThreadContextMap extends Object
The ContextDataInjector used when the ThreadContextMap implementation is a copy-on-write StringMap-based data structure.

If there are no configuration properties, this injector will return the thread context's internal data structure. Otherwise the configuration properties are combined with the thread context key-value pairs into the specified reusable StringMap.

  • Constructor Details

    • ForCopyOnWriteThreadContextMap

      public ForCopyOnWriteThreadContextMap()
  • Method Details

    • injectContextData

      public StringMap injectContextData(List<Property> props, StringMap ignore)
      If there are no configuration properties, this injector will return the thread context's internal data structure. Otherwise the configuration properties are combined with the thread context key-value pairs into the specified reusable StringMap.
      props - list of configuration properties, may be null
      ignore - a StringMap instance from the log event
      a StringMap combining configuration properties with thread context data
      See Also:
    • rawContextData

      public ReadOnlyStringMap rawContextData()
      Description copied from interface: ContextDataInjector
      Returns a ReadOnlyStringMap object reflecting the current state of the context. Configuration properties are not included in the result.

      This method may be called multiple times for each log event by Filters and Lookups and implementors should take care to make this method as performant as possible while preserving at least the following thread-safety guarantee.

      Thread-safety note: The returned object can only be safely used in the current thread. Changes in the underlying context may or may not be reflected in the returned object, depending on the context data source and the implementation of this method. It is not safe to pass the returned object to another thread.

      a ReadOnlyStringMap object reflecting the current state of the context, may not return null
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(String key)
      Description copied from interface: ContextDataInjector
      Retrieves a single context data value.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ContextDataInjector
      key - The context data key of the value to retrieve.
      A context data value.