log4net.Core NamespaceApache log4net™ SDK Documentation

Public classCompactRepositorySelector
The implementation of the IRepositorySelector interface suitable for use with the compact framework
Public classDefaultRepositorySelector
The default implementation of the IRepositorySelector interface.
Public classExceptionEvaluator
An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type
Public classLevel
Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system.
Public classLevelCollection
A strongly-typed collection of Level objects.
Public classLevelEvaluator
An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level
Public classLevelMap
Mapping between string name and Level object
Public classLocationInfo
The internal representation of caller location information.
Public classLogException
Exception base type for log4net.
Public classLoggerManager
Static manager that controls the creation of repositories
Public classLoggerRepositoryCreationEventArgs
Provides data for the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent event.
Public classLoggerWrapperImpl
Implementation of the ILoggerWrapper interface.
Public classLoggingEvent
The internal representation of logging events.
Public classLogImpl
Implementation of ILog wrapper interface.
Public classMethodItem
provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded.
Public classSecurityContext
A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources
Public classSecurityContextProvider
The SecurityContextProvider providers default SecurityContext instances.
Public classStackFrameItem
provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded.
Public classTimeEvaluator
An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds.
Public classWrapperMap
Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects.

Public structureLoggingEventData
Portable data structure used by LoggingEvent

Public interfaceIAppenderAttachable
Interface for attaching appenders to objects.
Public interfaceIErrorHandler
Appenders may delegate their error handling to an IErrorHandler.
Public interfaceIFixingRequired
Interface for objects that require fixing.
Public interfaceILogger
Interface that all loggers implement
Public interfaceILoggerWrapper
Base interface for all wrappers
Public interfaceIOptionHandler
Interface used to delay activate a configured object.
Public interfaceIRepositorySelector
Interface used by the LogManager to select the ILoggerRepository.
Public interfaceITriggeringEventEvaluator
Test if an LoggingEvent triggers an action
Public interfaceLevelCollection ILevelCollectionEnumerator
Supports type-safe iteration over a LevelCollection.

Public delegateLoggerRepositoryCreationEventHandler
Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications
Public delegateWrapperCreationHandler
Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers.

Public enumerationErrorCode
Defined error codes that can be passed to the [M:IErrorHandler.Error(string, Exception, ErrorCode)] method.
Public enumerationFixFlags
Flags passed to the Fix property
Protected enumerationLevelCollection Tag
Type visible only to our subclasses Used to access protected constructor