LoggingEvent ClassApache log4net™ SDK Documentation
The internal representation of logging events.
Inheritance Hierarchy

OnlineSystem Object
  log4net.Core LoggingEvent

Namespace: log4net.Core
Assembly: log4net (in log4net.dll) Version: (

public class LoggingEvent : ISerializable

When an affirmative decision is made to log then a LoggingEvent instance is created. This instance is passed around to the different log4net components.

This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net.

Some of the values in instances of LoggingEvent are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling [M:FixVolatileData()]. There is a performance penalty for incurred by calling [M:FixVolatileData()] but it is essential to maintaining data consistency.

See Also