log4net.Appender AppenderSkeleton
log4net.Appender NetSendAppender
Namespace: log4net.Appender
Assembly: log4net (in log4net.dll) Version: (
You can send messages only to names that are active on the network. If you send the message to a user name, that user must be logged on and running the Messenger service to receive the message.
The receiver will get a top most window displaying the messages one at a time, therefore this appender should not be used to deliver a high volume of messages.
The following table lists some possible uses for this appender :
Action | Property Value(s) |
Send a message to a user account on the local machine | Server = <name of the local machine>
Recipient = <user name> |
Send a message to a user account on a remote machine | Server = <name of the remote machine>
Recipient = <user name> |
Send a message to a domain user account | Server = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized>
Recipient = <user name> |
Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain | Recipient = <workgroup name | domain name>* |
Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine | Server = <name of the local machine | uninitialized>
Recipient = <name of the remote machine> |
Note : security restrictions apply for sending network messages, see NetMessageBufferSend(String, String, String, String, Int32) for more information.
An example configuration section to log information using this appender from the local machine, named LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC :
<appender name="NetSendAppender_Operator" type="log4net.Appender.NetSendAppender"><server value="LOCAL_PC" /><recipient value="OPERATOR_PC" /><layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%-5p %c [%x] - %m%n" /></appender>