Class | Description | |
AdoNetAppender |
Appender that logs to a database.
| |
AdoNetAppenderParameter |
Parameter type used by the AdoNetAppender.
| |
AnsiColorTerminalAppender |
Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences.
| |
AnsiColorTerminalAppender LevelColors |
A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and
the color it should be displayed as.
| |
AppenderCollection |
A strongly-typed collection of IAppender objects.
| |
AppenderSkeleton |
Abstract base class implementation of IAppender.
| |
AspNetTraceAppender | Appends log events to the ASP.NET TraceContext system. | |
BufferingAppenderSkeleton |
Abstract base class implementation of IAppender that
buffers events in a fixed size buffer.
| |
BufferingForwardingAppender |
Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders.
| |
ColoredConsoleAppender |
Appends logging events to the console.
| |
ColoredConsoleAppender LevelColors |
A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and
the color it should be displayed as.
| |
ConsoleAppender |
Appends logging events to the console.
| |
DebugAppender |
Appends log events to the Debug system.
| |
EventLogAppender |
Writes events to the system event log.
| |
EventLogAppender Level2EventLogEntryType |
A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and
the color it should be displayed as.
| |
FileAppender |
Appends logging events to a file.
| |
FileAppender ExclusiveLock |
Hold an exclusive lock on the output file
| |
FileAppender InterProcessLock |
Provides cross-process file locking.
| |
FileAppender LockingModelBase |
Locking model base class
| |
FileAppender MinimalLock |
Acquires the file lock for each write
| |
ForwardingAppender |
This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders.
| |
LocalSyslogAppender |
Logs events to a local syslog service.
| |
LocalSyslogAppender LevelSeverity |
A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and
the syslog severity that is should be logged at.
| |
ManagedColoredConsoleAppender |
Appends colorful logging events to the console, using the .NET 2
built-in capabilities.
| |
ManagedColoredConsoleAppender LevelColors |
A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and
the color it should be displayed as.
| |
MemoryAppender |
Stores logging events in an array.
| |
NetSendAppender |
Logs entries by sending network messages using the
NetMessageBufferSend(String, String, String, String, Int32) native function.
| |
OutputDebugStringAppender |
Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system.
| |
RemoteSyslogAppender |
Logs events to a remote syslog daemon.
| |
RemoteSyslogAppender LevelSeverity |
A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and
the syslog severity that is should be logged at.
| |
RemotingAppender |
Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink.
| |
RollingFileAppender |
Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both.
| |
SmtpAppender |
Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors
or fatal errors.
| |
SmtpPickupDirAppender |
Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors
or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the
directory specified by PickupDir. This allows services such
as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages.
| |
TelnetAppender |
Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages
| |
TelnetAppender SocketHandler |
Helper class to manage connected clients
| |
TelnetAppender SocketHandler SocketClient |
Class that represents a client connected to this handler
| |
TextWriterAppender |
Sends logging events to a TextWriter.
| |
TraceAppender |
Appends log events to the Trace system.
| |
UdpAppender |
Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a
multicast group using an UdpClient.
Interface | Description | |
IAppender |
Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements.
| |
IBulkAppender |
Interface for appenders that support bulk logging.
| |
RemotingAppender IRemoteLoggingSink |
Interface used to deliver LoggingEvent objects to a remote sink.
| |
RollingFileAppender IDateTime |
This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the RollingFileAppender.
Enumeration | Description | |
AnsiColorTerminalAppender AnsiAttributes |
The enum of possible display attributes
| |
AnsiColorTerminalAppender AnsiColor |
The enum of possible foreground or background color values for
use with the color mapping method
| |
ColoredConsoleAppender Colors |
The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method
| |
LocalSyslogAppender SyslogFacility |
syslog facilities
| |
LocalSyslogAppender SyslogSeverity |
syslog severities
| |
RemoteSyslogAppender SyslogFacility |
syslog facilities
| |
RemoteSyslogAppender SyslogSeverity |
syslog severities
| |
RollingFileAppender RollingMode |
Style of rolling to use
| |
RollingFileAppender RollPoint |
The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence.
| |
SmtpAppender SmtpAuthentication |
Values for the Authentication property.