
Logging Parent aims to deliver the following features.

Parent POM

The provided parent POM features the following conveniences:

CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

Logging Parent streamlines the generation of CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) using cyclonedx-maven-plugin. Plugin execution is configured and activated to generate SBOM files for each module, including the root one. Generated SBOM files are attached as artifacts with cyclonedx classifier and XML extensions, that is, <artifactId>-<version>-cyclonedx.xml.

Produced SBOMs are enriched with vulnerability-assertion references to a CycloneDX Vulnerability Disclosure Report (VDR) that Apache Logging Services uses for all projects it maintains. This VDR is accessible through the following URL: https://logging.apache.org/cyclonedx/vdr.xml

Reusable GitHub Actions workflows

The provided reusable GitHub Actions workflows feature the following conveniences:

  • Compiles against Java 8 bytecode using the specified Java compiler version

  • Verifies reproducibility

  • Deploys release artifacts

  • Updates revision and project.build.outputTimestamp Maven properties

  • Generates the distribution ZIP containing Git-tracked sources, binary attachments, NOTICE.txt, etc.

  • Generates the release vote & announcement emails

  • Uploads the distribution ZIP and emails to SVN

  • Builds and deploys the website

  • Deploys SNAPSHOT artifacts

  • Merges dependabot PRs changelog entries