Apache log4cxx  Version 0.10.0
InterruptedIOException Class Reference

Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted. More...

Inheritance diagram for InterruptedIOException:
IOException Exception SocketTimeoutException

Public Member Functions

 InterruptedIOException (const LogString &msg)
 InterruptedIOException (const InterruptedIOException &)
InterruptedIOExceptionoperator= (const InterruptedIOException &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOException
 IOException ()
 IOException (log4cxx_status_t stat)
 IOException (const LogString &msg)
 IOException (const IOException &src)
IOExceptionoperator= (const IOException &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Exception
 Exception (const char *msg)
 Exception (const LogString &msg)
 Exception (const Exception &src)
Exceptionoperator= (const Exception &src)
const char * what () const throw ()

Detailed Description

Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted.

An InterruptedIOException is thrown to indicate that an input or output transfer has been terminated because the thread performing it was interrupted. The field bytesTransferred indicates how many bytes were successfully transferred before the interruption occurred.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

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