Apache log4cxx  Version 0.10.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CBasicConfiguratorUse this class to quickly configure the package
 CByteBufferA byte buffer
 CCharMessageBufferThis class is used by the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros to support insertion operators in the message parameter
 CConditionThis class provides a means for one thread to suspend exception until notified by another thread to resume
 CCyclicBufferCyclicBuffer is used by other appenders to hold instances of LoggingEvent for immediate or deferred display
 CDefaultConfiguratorConfigures the repository from environmental settings and files
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExceptionThe class Exception and its subclasses indicate conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch
 CFileAn abstract representation of file and directory path names
 CFileDatePatternConverterFormats an date by delegating to DatePatternConverter
 CFileWatchdogCheck every now and then that a certain file has not changed
 CLocationInfoThis class represents the location of a logging statement
 CLogLogThis class used to output log statements from within the log4cxx package
 CLogManagerUse the LogManager class to retreive Logger instances or to operate on the current LoggerRepository
 Clogstream_baseBase class for the basic_logstream template which attempts to emulate std::basic_ostream but attempts to short-circuit unnecessary operations
 ClogstreamAn STL-like stream API for log4cxx using char as the character type
 CulogstreamAn STL-like stream API for log4cxx using UniChar as the character type
 CwlogstreamAn STL-like stream API for log4cxx using wchar_t as the character type
 CMDCSimilar to the NDC class except that it is based on a map instead of a stack
 CMessageBufferThis class is used by the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros to support insertion operators in the message parameter
 CNDCNdc class implements nested diagnostic contexts as defined by neil harrison in the article "patterns for logging diagnostic messages" part of the book "<i>pattern languages of program design 3</i>" edited by martin et al
 CObjectBase class for java-like objects
 CObjectImplImplementation class for Object
 CXMLDOMNodeThe XMLDOMNode interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model
 CXMLDOMNodeListThe XMLDOMNodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented
 CAppenderAttachableThis Interface is for attaching Appenders to objects
 CConfiguratorImplemented by classes capable of configuring log4j using a URL
 CHierarchyEventListenerListen to events occuring within a Hierarchy
 CLoggerFactoryImplement this interface to create new instances of Logger or a sub-class of Logger
 CLoggerRepositoryA LoggerRepository is used to create and retrieve Loggers
 COptionHandlerA string based interface to configure package components
 CRepositorySelectorThe LogManager uses one (and only one) RepositorySelector implementation to select the LoggerRepository for a particular application context
 CTriggeringEventEvaluatorImplementions of this interface allow certain appenders to decide when to perform an appender specific action
 CObjectPtrT< T >Smart pointer to a Object descendant
 CObjectPtrT< Appender >
 CObjectPtrT< ErrorHandler >
 CObjectPtrT< Filter >
 CObjectPtrT< Layout >
 CObjectPtrT< Level >
 CObjectPtrT< Logger >
 CObjectPtrT< LoggerFactory >
 CObjectPtrT< LoggerRepository >
 CObjectPtrT< LoggingEvent >
 CObjectPtrT< Rule >
 CObjectPtrT< spi::LoggerFactory >
 COptionConverterA convenience class to convert property values to specific types
 CPatternParserMost of the work of the PatternLayout class is delegated to the PatternParser class
 CPropertySetterGeneral purpose Object property setter
 CStrictMathThe class StrictMath contains methods for performing basic numeric operations
 CStringHelperString manipulation routines
 CsynchronizedUtility class for objects multi-thread synchronization
 CSyslogWriterSyslogWriter is a wrapper around the DatagramSocket class it writes text to the specified host on the port 514 (UNIX syslog)
 CSystemSeveral useful class fields and methods
 CThreadThis class implements an approximation of java.util.Thread
 CThreadLocalThis class provides thread-local variables
 CThreadSpecificDataThis class contains all the thread-specific data in use by log4cxx
 CTranscoderSimple transcoder for converting between external char and wchar_t strings and internal strings
 CTransformUtility class for transforming strings
 CUniCharMessageBufferThis class is designed to support insertion operations in the message argument to the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros and is not designed for general purpose use
 CWideMessageBufferThis class is designed to support insertion operations in the message argument to the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros and is not designed for general purpose use