Apache log4cxx  Version 0.10.0
RollingFileAppenderSkeleton Class Reference

Base class for log4cxx::rolling::RollingFileAppender and log4cxx::RollingFileAppender (analogues of org.apache.log4j.rolling.RFA from extras companion and org.apache.log4j.RFA from log4j 1.2, respectively). More...

Inheritance diagram for RollingFileAppenderSkeleton:
FileAppender WriterAppender AppenderSkeleton Appender ObjectImpl OptionHandler Object Object DailyRollingFileAppender RollingFileAppender RollingFileAppender

Public Member Functions

 RollingFileAppenderSkeleton ()
 The default constructor simply calls its parents constructor. More...
void activateOptions (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &)
bool rollover (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
 Implements the usual roll over behaviour. More...
void close ()
 Close appender. More...
size_t getFileLength () const
 Get byte length of current active log file. More...
void incrementFileLength (size_t increment)
 Increments estimated byte length of current active log file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FileAppender
 FileAppender ()
 The default constructor does not do anything. More...
 FileAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout, const LogString &filename, bool append, bool bufferedIO, int bufferSize)
 Instantiate a FileAppender and open the file designated by filename. More...
 FileAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout, const LogString &filename, bool append)
 Instantiate a FileAppender and open the file designated by filename. More...
 FileAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout, const LogString &filename)
 Instantiate a FileAppender and open the file designated by filename. More...
 ~FileAppender ()
virtual void setFile (const LogString &file)
 The File property takes a string value which should be the name of the file to append to. More...
virtual void setFile (const LogString &file, bool append, bool bufferedIO, size_t bufferSize, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
 Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. More...
bool getAppend () const
 Returns the value of the Append option. More...
LogString getFile () const
 Returns the value of the File option. More...
void setOption (const LogString &option, const LogString &value)
 Set option to value. More...
bool getBufferedIO () const
 Get the value of the BufferedIO option. More...
int getBufferSize () const
 Get the size of the IO buffer. More...
void setAppend (bool fileAppend1)
 The Append option takes a boolean value. More...
void setBufferedIO (bool bufferedIO)
 The BufferedIO option takes a boolean value. More...
void setBufferSize (int bufferSize1)
 Set the size of the IO buffer. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from WriterAppender
 WriterAppender ()
 This default constructor does nothing. More...
 ~WriterAppender ()
void setImmediateFlush (bool value)
 If the ImmediateFlush option is set to true, the appender will flush at the end of each write. More...
bool getImmediateFlush () const
 Returns value of the ImmediateFlush option. More...
virtual void append (const spi::LoggingEventPtr &event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
 This method is called by the AppenderSkeleton::doAppend method. More...
LogString getEncoding () const
void setEncoding (const LogString &value)
void setOption (const LogString &option, const LogString &value)
 Set option to value. More...
void setWriter (const log4cxx::helpers::WriterPtr &writer)
virtual bool requiresLayout () const
 Configurators call this method to determine if the appender requires a layout. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AppenderSkeleton
 AppenderSkeleton ()
 AppenderSkeleton (const LayoutPtr &layout)
void addRef () const
void releaseRef () const
void finalize ()
 Finalize this appender by calling the derived class' close method. More...
void addFilter (const spi::FilterPtr &newFilter)
 Add a filter to end of the filter list. More...
void clearFilters ()
 Clear the filters chain. More...
const spi::ErrorHandlerPtrgetErrorHandler () const
 Return the currently set spi::ErrorHandler for this Appender. More...
spi::FilterPtr getFilter () const
 Returns the head Filter. More...
const spi::FilterPtrgetFirstFilter () const
 Return the first filter in the filter chain for this Appender. More...
LayoutPtr getLayout () const
 Returns the layout of this appender. More...
LogString getName () const
 Returns the name of this Appender. More...
const LevelPtrgetThreshold ()
 Returns this appenders threshold level. More...
bool isAsSevereAsThreshold (const LevelPtr &level) const
 Check whether the message level is below the appender's threshold. More...
void doAppend (const spi::LoggingEventPtr &event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &pool)
 This method performs threshold checks and invokes filters before delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific AppenderSkeleton::append method. More...
void setErrorHandler (const spi::ErrorHandlerPtr &eh)
 Set the ErrorHandler for this Appender. More...
void setLayout (const LayoutPtr &layout1)
 Set the layout for this appender. More...
void setName (const LogString &name1)
 Set the name of this Appender. More...
void setThreshold (const LevelPtr &threshold)
 Set the threshold level. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Appender
virtual ~Appender ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from OptionHandler
virtual ~OptionHandler ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
virtual const helpers::ClassgetClass () const
virtual ~Object ()
virtual bool instanceof (const Class &clazz) const =0
virtual const void * cast (const Class &clazz) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectImpl
 ObjectImpl ()
virtual ~ObjectImpl ()
void addRef () const
void releaseRef () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void subAppend (const spi::LoggingEventPtr &event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
 Actual writing occurs here. More...
RollingPolicyPtr getRollingPolicy () const
TriggeringPolicyPtr getTriggeringPolicy () const
void setRollingPolicy (const RollingPolicyPtr &policy)
 Sets the rolling policy. More...
void setTriggeringPolicy (const TriggeringPolicyPtr &policy)
log4cxx::helpers::WriterPtr createWriter (log4cxx::helpers::OutputStreamPtr &os)
 Returns an OutputStreamWriter when passed an OutputStream. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WriterAppender
 WriterAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout, log4cxx::helpers::WriterPtr &writer)
 WriterAppender (const LayoutPtr &layout)
virtual bool checkEntryConditions () const
 This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. More...
void closeWriter ()
 Close the underlying log4cxx::helpers::Writer. More...
virtual void writeFooter (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
 Write a footer as produced by the embedded layout's Layout::appendFooter method. More...
virtual void writeHeader (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
 Write a header as produced by the embedded layout's Layout::appendHeader method. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FileAppender
static LogString stripDuplicateBackslashes (const LogString &name)
 Replaces double backslashes with single backslashes for compatibility with paths from earlier XML configurations files. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object
static const helpers::ClassgetStaticClass ()
static const log4cxx::helpers::ClassRegistrationregisterClass ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from FileAppender
bool fileAppend
 Append to or truncate the file? The default value for this variable is true, meaning that by default a FileAppender will append to an existing file and not truncate it. More...
LogString fileName
 The name of the log file. More...
bool bufferedIO
 Do we do bufferedIO? More...
int bufferSize
 How big should the IO buffer be? Default is 8K. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from AppenderSkeleton
LayoutPtr layout
 The layout variable does not need to be set if the appender implementation has its own layout. More...
LogString name
 Appenders are named. More...
LevelPtr threshold
 There is no level threshold filtering by default. More...
spi::ErrorHandlerPtr errorHandler
 It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. More...
spi::FilterPtr headFilter
 The first filter in the filter chain. More...
spi::FilterPtr tailFilter
 The last filter in the filter chain. More...
bool closed
 Is this appender closed? More...
log4cxx::helpers::Pool pool
log4cxx::helpers::Mutex mutex
- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjectImpl
unsigned int volatile ref

Detailed Description

Base class for log4cxx::rolling::RollingFileAppender and log4cxx::RollingFileAppender (analogues of org.apache.log4j.rolling.RFA from extras companion and org.apache.log4j.RFA from log4j 1.2, respectively).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

The default constructor simply calls its parents constructor.

Member Function Documentation

void activateOptions ( log4cxx::helpers::Pool p)

Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable.

If there was already an opened file, then the previous file is closed first.

Reimplemented from FileAppender.

Reimplemented in RollingFileAppender.

void close ( )

Close appender.

Waits for any asynchronous file compression actions to be completed.

Reimplemented from WriterAppender.

log4cxx::helpers::WriterPtr createWriter ( log4cxx::helpers::OutputStreamPtr &  os)

Returns an OutputStreamWriter when passed an OutputStream.

The encoding used will depend on the value of the encoding property. If the encoding value is specified incorrectly the writer will be opened using the default system encoding (an error message will be printed to the loglog.

osoutput stream, may not be null.
new writer.

Reimplemented from WriterAppender.

size_t getFileLength ( ) const

Get byte length of current active log file.

byte length of current active log file.
RollingPolicyPtr getRollingPolicy ( ) const
TriggeringPolicyPtr getTriggeringPolicy ( ) const
void incrementFileLength ( size_t  increment)

Increments estimated byte length of current active log file.

incrementadditional bytes written to log file.
bool rollover ( log4cxx::helpers::Pool p)

Implements the usual roll over behaviour.

If MaxBackupIndex is positive, then files {File.1, ..., File.MaxBackupIndex -1} are renamed to {File.2, ..., File.MaxBackupIndex}. Moreover, File is renamed File.1 and closed. A new File is created to receive further log output.

If MaxBackupIndex is equal to zero, then the File is truncated with no backup files created.

void setRollingPolicy ( const RollingPolicyPtr &  policy)

Sets the rolling policy.

In case the 'policy' argument also implements TriggeringPolicy, then the triggering policy for this appender is automatically set to be the policy argument.

void setTriggeringPolicy ( const TriggeringPolicyPtr &  policy)
virtual void subAppend ( const spi::LoggingEventPtr event,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool p 

Actual writing occurs here.

Reimplemented from WriterAppender.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: