All Implemented Interfaces:

@Plugin(name="IfAll", category="Core", printObject=true) public final class IfAll extends Object implements PathCondition
Composite PathCondition that only accepts objects that are accepted by all component conditions. Corresponds to logical "AND".
  • Method Details

    • getDeleteFilters

      public PathCondition[] getDeleteFilters()
    • accept

      public boolean accept(Path baseDir, Path relativePath, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
      Description copied from interface: PathCondition
      Returns true if the specified candidate path should be deleted, false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface PathCondition
      baseDir - the directory from where to start scanning for deletion candidate files
      relativePath - the candidate for deletion. This path is relative to the baseDir.
      attrs - attributes of the candidate path
      whether the candidate path should be deleted
    • accept

      public static boolean accept(PathCondition[] list, Path baseDir, Path relativePath, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
      Returns true if all the specified conditions accept the specified path, false otherwise.
      list - the array of conditions to evaluate
      baseDir - the directory from where to start scanning for deletion candidate files
      relativePath - the candidate for deletion. This path is relative to the baseDir.
      attrs - attributes of the candidate path
      true if all the specified conditions accept the specified path, false otherwise
      NullPointerException - if any of the parameters is null
    • beforeFileTreeWalk

      public void beforeFileTreeWalk()
      Description copied from interface: PathCondition
      Invoked before a new file tree walk is started. Stateful PathConditions can reset their state when this method is called.
      Specified by:
      beforeFileTreeWalk in interface PathCondition
    • beforeFileTreeWalk

      public static void beforeFileTreeWalk(PathCondition[] nestedConditions)
      Calls beforeFileTreeWalk() on all of the specified nested conditions.
      nestedConditions - the conditions to call beforeFileTreeWalk() on
    • createAndCondition

      @PluginFactory public static IfAll createAndCondition(@PluginElement("PathConditions") @Required(message="No components provided for IfAll") PathCondition... components)
      Create a Composite PathCondition whose components all need to accept before this condition accepts.
      components - The component filters.
      A Composite PathCondition.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object