Apache Log4cxx  Version 1.4.0
No Matches
log4cxx::helpers Namespace Reference


namespace  SimpleDateFormatImpl


class  AbsoluteTimeDateFormat
 Formats a date in the format HH:mm:ss,SSS for example, "15:49:37,459". More...
class  AppenderAttachableImpl
class  APRInitializer
class  BindException
 Signals that an error occurred while attempting to bind a socket to a local address and port. More...
class  BufferedWriter
 Writes text to a character-output stream buffering requests to increase efficiency. More...
class  ByteArrayInputStream
 InputStream implemented on top of a byte array. More...
class  ByteArrayOutputStream
 OutputStream implemented on top of std::vector. More...
class  ByteBuffer
 A byte buffer. More...
class  CharMessageBuffer
 This class is used by the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros to support insertion operators in the message parameter. More...
class  CharsetDecoder
 An abstract engine to transform a sequences of bytes in a specific charset into a LogString. More...
class  CharsetEncoder
 An engine to transform LogStrings into bytes for the specific character set. More...
class  Class
class  ClassNotFoundException
 Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name but no definition for the class with the specified name could be found. More...
class  ClassRegistration
class  ClosedChannelException
class  ConnectException
 Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port. More...
class  CyclicBuffer
 CyclicBuffer is used by other appenders to hold instances of LoggingEvent for immediate or deferred display. More...
class  DatagramPacket
 This class represents a datagram packet. More...
class  DatagramSocket
 This class represents a socket for sending and receiving datagram packets. More...
class  Date
 Simple transcoder for converting between external char and wchar_t strings and internal strings. More...
class  DateFormat
 DateFormat is an abstract class for date/time formatting patterned after java.text.DateFormat. More...
class  DateTimeDateFormat
 Formats a date in the format dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". More...
class  DOMException
class  Exception
 The class Exception and its subclasses indicate conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch. More...
class  FileInputStream
 InputStream implemented on top of APR file IO. More...
class  FileOutputStream
 OutputStream implemented on top of APR file IO. More...
class  FileWatchdog
 Check every now and then that a certain file has not changed. More...
class  IllegalArgumentException
 Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument. More...
class  IllegalMonitorStateException
class  IllegalStateException
class  InetAddress
class  InputStream
 Abstract class for reading from character streams. More...
class  InputStreamReader
 Class for reading from character streams. More...
class  InstantiationException
 Thrown when an application tries to create an instance of a class using the newInstance method in class Class, but the specified class object cannot be instantiated because it is an interface or is an abstract class. More...
class  Integer
class  InterruptedException
class  InterruptedIOException
 Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted. More...
class  IOException
 Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. More...
class  ISO8601DateFormat
 Formats a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS for example "1999-11-27 15:49:37,459". More...
class  Loader
class  Locale
class  LogLog
 This class used to output log statements from within the log4cxx package. More...
class  MessageBuffer
 This class is used by the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros to support insertion operators in the message parameter. More...
class  MissingResourceException
class  NoSuchElementException
class  NullPointerException
 Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required. More...
class  Object
 base class for java-like objects. More...
class  OnlyOnceErrorHandler
 The OnlyOnceErrorHandler implements log4cxx's default error handling policy which consists of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and ignoring all following errors. More...
class  OptionConverter
 A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. More...
class  OutputStream
 Abstract class for writing to character streams. More...
class  OutputStreamWriter
 Abstract class for writing to character streams. More...
class  Pool
class  PoolException
class  Properties
class  PropertyResourceBundle
 PropertyResourceBundle is a concrete subclass of ResourceBundle that manages resources for a locale using a set of static strings from a property file. More...
class  Reader
 Abstract class for reading from character streams. More...
class  RelativeTimeDateFormat
 Formats a date by printing the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the application. More...
class  ResourceBundle
 Resource bundles contain locale-specific objects. More...
class  RuntimeException
 RuntimeException is the parent class of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the process. More...
class  ServerSocket
class  SimpleDateFormat
 Concrete class for converting and formatting a date/time in a locale-sensitive manner. More...
class  SingletonHolder
 Wraps any singleton object so it can be added to APRInitializer. More...
class  Socket
class  SocketException
 Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error. More...
class  SocketOutputStream
class  SocketTimeoutException
 Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted. More...
class  StrftimeDateFormat
 Concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner. More...
class  StrictMath
 The class StrictMath contains methods for performing basic numeric operations. More...
class  StringHelper
 String manipulation routines. More...
class  StringTokenizer
class  SyslogWriter
 SyslogWriter is a wrapper around the DatagramSocket class it writes text to the specified host on the port 514 (UNIX syslog) More...
class  System
 The System class contains several useful class fields and methods. More...
class  SystemErrWriter
 Sends output to stderr. More...
class  SystemOutWriter
 Sends output to stdout. More...
class  ThreadException
class  ThreadLocal
 This class provides thread-local variables. More...
class  ThreadSpecificData
 This class contains all the thread-specific data in use by log4cxx. More...
class  ThreadUtility
class  TimeZone
class  Transcoder
 Simple transcoder for converting between external char and wchar_t strings and internal strings. More...
class  TranscoderException
class  Transform
 Utility class for transforming strings. More...
class  UniCharMessageBuffer
 This class is designed to support insertion operations in the message argument to the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros and is not designed for general purpose use. More...
class  UnknownHostException
class  WideLife
 The WideLife wrapper is destined to prolongate the runtime logger state lifetime from static duration to infinite. More...
class  WideMessageBuffer
 This class is designed to support insertion operations in the message argument to the LOG4CXX_INFO and similar macros and is not designed for general purpose use. More...
class  Writer
 Abstract class for writing to character streams. More...
class  XMLDOMDocument
 The XMLDOMDocument interface represents an entire XML document. More...
class  XMLDOMElement
 The XMLDOMElement interface represents an element in an XML document. More...
class  XMLDOMNode
 The XMLDOMNode interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model. More...
class  XMLDOMNodeList
 The XMLDOMNodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. More...


typedef std::ios_base &(* ios_base_manip) (std::ios_base &)
typedef std::shared_ptr< ObjectObjectPtr
typedef std::function< void()> ThreadStartPre
 A function that will be called before a thread is started.
typedef std::function< void(LogString threadName, std::thread::id threadId, std::thread::native_handle_type nativeHandle)> ThreadStarted
 Called when a new thread has started.
typedef std::function< void()> ThreadStartPost
 Called after a thread has started.
typedef std::shared_ptr< XMLDOMNodeXMLDOMNodePtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< XMLDOMDocumentXMLDOMDocumentPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< XMLDOMNodeListXMLDOMNodeListPtr


enum class  ThreadConfigurationType { NoConfiguration , BlockSignalsOnly , NameThreadOnly , BlockSignalsAndNameThread }


 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (AppenderAttachableImpl)
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (ByteList, unsigned char)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (ByteArrayInputStream)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (ByteArrayOutputStream)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (CharsetDecoder)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (CharsetEncoder)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (DatagramPacket)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (DatagramSocket)
 LOG4CXX_UNIQUE_PTR_DEF (DatagramSocket)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (DateFormat)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (FileInputStream)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (FileOutputStream)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (InetAddress)
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (InetAddressList, InetAddressPtr)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (InputStream)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (InputStreamReader)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (Integer)
template<class V >
std::basic_ostream< char > & operator<< (CharMessageBuffer &os, const V &val)
template<class V >
UniCharMessageBuffer::uostreamoperator<< (UniCharMessageBuffer &os, const V &val)
template<class V >
std::basic_ostream< wchar_t > & operator<< (WideMessageBuffer &os, const V &val)
template<class V >
std::ostream & operator<< (MessageBuffer &os, const V &val)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (OutputStream)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (OutputStreamWriter)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (PropertyResourceBundle)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (ResourceBundle)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (ServerSocket)
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (PatternTokenList, log4cxx::helpers::SimpleDateFormatImpl::PatternToken *)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (SocketOutputStream)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ios_base_manip

typedef std::ios_base &(* log4cxx::helpers::ios_base_manip) (std::ios_base &)

◆ ObjectPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<Object> log4cxx::helpers::ObjectPtr

◆ ThreadStarted

typedef std::function<void( LogString threadName, std::thread::id threadId, std::thread::native_handle_type nativeHandle )> log4cxx::helpers::ThreadStarted

Called when a new thread has started.

This can be used to set parameters for the thread in a platform-specific manner.

threadNameThe name of the thread
threadIdThe ID of the thread as reported by std::thread::get_id
nativeHandleThe native handle of the thread, as reported by std::thread::native_handle

◆ ThreadStartPost

typedef std::function<void()> log4cxx::helpers::ThreadStartPost

Called after a thread has started.

This can be used to (for example) unblock the signals in the thread.

◆ ThreadStartPre

typedef std::function<void()> log4cxx::helpers::ThreadStartPre

A function that will be called before a thread is started.

This can be used to (for example) block all of the signals in the thread, so that when the thread is created it will have a correct signal mask.

◆ XMLDOMDocumentPtr

◆ XMLDOMNodeListPtr


typedef std::shared_ptr<XMLDOMNode> log4cxx::helpers::XMLDOMNodePtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ThreadConfigurationType


Function Documentation

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [1/3]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( ByteList  ,
unsigned char   

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [2/3]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( InetAddressList  ,

◆ LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF() [3/3]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF ( PatternTokenList  ,
log4cxx::helpers::SimpleDateFormatImpl::PatternToken *   

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [1/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( AppenderAttachableImpl  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [2/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( ByteArrayInputStream  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [3/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( ByteArrayOutputStream  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [4/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( CharsetDecoder  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [5/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( CharsetEncoder  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [6/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( DatagramPacket  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [7/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( DatagramSocket  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [8/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Date  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [9/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( DateFormat  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [10/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( FileInputStream  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [11/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( FileOutputStream  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [12/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( InetAddress  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [13/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( InputStream  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [14/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( InputStreamReader  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [15/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Integer  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [16/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Object  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [17/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( OutputStream  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [18/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( OutputStreamWriter  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [19/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( PropertyResourceBundle  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [20/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Reader  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [21/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( ResourceBundle  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [22/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( ServerSocket  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [23/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Socket  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [24/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( SocketOutputStream  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [25/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( TimeZone  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [26/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( Writer  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [27/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( XMLDOMDocument  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [28/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( XMLDOMElement  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [29/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( XMLDOMNode  )

◆ LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF() [30/30]

log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( XMLDOMNodeList  )


log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_UNIQUE_PTR_DEF ( DatagramSocket  )


log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_UNIQUE_PTR_DEF ( ServerSocket  )


log4cxx::helpers::LOG4CXX_UNIQUE_PTR_DEF ( Socket  )

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

template<class V >
std::basic_ostream< char > & log4cxx::helpers::operator<< ( CharMessageBuffer os,
const V &  val 

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

template<class V >
std::ostream & log4cxx::helpers::operator<< ( MessageBuffer os,
const V &  val 

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

template<class V >
UniCharMessageBuffer::uostream & log4cxx::helpers::operator<< ( UniCharMessageBuffer os,
const V &  val 

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

template<class V >
std::basic_ostream< wchar_t > & log4cxx::helpers::operator<< ( WideMessageBuffer os,
const V &  val 