Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - java.util.Collections. |
22 |
Error |
imports |
ImportOrder |
Wrong order for 'org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager' import. |
32 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource. |
56 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope. |
57 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.springframework.core.annotation.Order. |
59 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling. |
62 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewResolver. |
63 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.EnableWebMvc. |
65 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.thymeleaf.spring4.SpringTemplateEngine. |
69 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.thymeleaf.spring4.templateresolver.SpringResourceTemplateResolver. |
70 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.thymeleaf.spring4.view.ThymeleafView. |
71 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.thymeleaf.spring4.view.ThymeleafViewResolver. |
72 |
Error |
imports |
UnusedImports |
Unused import - org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode. |
73 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
77 |
Error |
design |
VisibilityModifier |
Variable 'configurationService' must be private and have accessor methods. |
85 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
155 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
158 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
161 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
164 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
167 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
170 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
173 |
Error |
coding |
DeclarationOrder |
Instance variable definition in wrong order. |
176 |
Error |
design |
VisibilityModifier |
Variable 'sshSessionFactory' must be private and have accessor methods. |
190 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is followed by whitespace. |
192 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is preceded with whitespace. |
192 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is followed by whitespace. |
193 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is preceded with whitespace. |
193 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 69 should have line break after. |
211 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'return' is not preceded with whitespace. |
211 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'{' is not followed by whitespace. |
211 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
';' is not followed by whitespace. |
211 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'}' is not preceded with whitespace. |
211 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 87 should have line break after. |
214 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'return' is not preceded with whitespace. |
214 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'{' is not followed by whitespace. |
214 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
';' is not followed by whitespace. |
214 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'}' is not preceded with whitespace. |
214 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 89 should have line break after. |
217 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'return' is not preceded with whitespace. |
217 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'{' is not followed by whitespace. |
217 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
';' is not followed by whitespace. |
217 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'}' is not preceded with whitespace. |
217 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 84 should have line break after. |
220 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'return' is not preceded with whitespace. |
220 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'{' is not followed by whitespace. |
220 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
';' is not followed by whitespace. |
220 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'}' is not preceded with whitespace. |
220 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'{' is not followed by whitespace. |
223 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'}' is not preceded with whitespace. |
223 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'typecast' is not followed by whitespace. |
231 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is followed by whitespace. |
232 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is preceded with whitespace. |
232 |