Package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup
package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup
Log4j 2 Lookups. These are used in variable interpolation in various configuration attributes.
plugins should use the
plugin category
ClassDescriptionStrLookup that is ConfigurationAware.A default lookup for others to extend.
is aStrSubstitutor
which only supports recursive evaluation of lookups.Looks up keys from the context.Formats the current date or the date in the LogEvent.Looks up keys from environment variables.Looks up values from the log event.Proxies all the otherStrLookup
s.Looks up keys related to Java: Java version, JRE version, VM version, and so on.Maps JVM input arguments (but not main arguments) using JMX to acquire JVM arguments.Looks up keys from JNDI resources.Lookup properties of Log4jConverts values to lower case.A map-based lookup for main arguments.A map-based lookup.Looks-up markers.A lookup designed forProperties
defined in the configuration.Looks up keys from resource bundles.RuntimeStrSubstitutor
is aStrSubstitutor
which only supports evaluation of top-level lookups.Lookup a String key to a String value.A matcher class that can be queried to determine if a character array portion matches.Substitutes variables within a string by values.Looks up keys fromStructuredDataMessage
log messages.Looks up keys from system properties.Converts values to upper case.