Class RepeatPatternConverter

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Plugin(name="repeat", category="Converter") public final class RepeatPatternConverter extends LogEventPatternConverter
Equals pattern converter.
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public static RepeatPatternConverter newInstance(Configuration config, String[] options)
      Gets an instance of the class.
      config - The current Configuration.
      options - pattern options, an array of two elements: repeatString and count.
      instance of class.
    • format

      public void format(Object obj, StringBuilder toAppendTo)
      Adds the repeated String to the buffer.
      Specified by:
      format in interface PatternConverter
      format in class LogEventPatternConverter
      obj - event to format, may not be null.
      toAppendTo - string buffer to which the formatted event will be appended. May not be null.
    • format

      public void format(LogEvent event, StringBuilder toAppendTo)
      Adds the repeated String to the buffer.
      Specified by:
      format in class LogEventPatternConverter
      event - event to format, may not be null.
      toAppendTo - string buffer to which the formatted event will be appended. May not be null.