Apache logging services logo Apache log4j logo


Release History

Version Date Description
2.12.4 2021-12-28 GA Release 2.12.4
2.12.3 2021-12-dd GA Release 2.12.3
2.12.2 2021-12-14 GA Release 2.12.2
2.12.1 2019-08-06 GA Release 2.12.1
2.12.0 2019-06-23 GA Release 2.12.0
2.11.2 2019-02-04 GA Release 2.11.2
2.11.1 2018-07-22 GA Release 2.11.1
2.11.0 2018-03-11 GA Release 2.11.0
2.10.0 2017-11-18 GA Release 2.10.0
2.9.1 2017-09-17 GA Release 2.9.1
2.9.0 2017-08-26 GA Release 2.9.0
2.8.2 2017-04-02 GA Release 2.8.2
2.8.1 2017-02-26 GA Release 2.8.1
2.8 2017-01-21 GA Release 2.8
2.7 2016-10-02 GA Release 2.7
2.6.2 2016-07-05 GA Release 2.6.2
2.6.1 2016-06-05 GA Release 2.6.1
2.6 2016-05-25 GA Release 2.6
2.5 2015-12-06 GA Release 2.5
2.4.1 2015-10-08 GA Release 2.4.1
2.4 2015-09-20 GA Release 2.4
2.3 2015-05-09 GA Release 2.3
2.2 2015-02-22 GA Release 2.2
2.1 2014-10-19 GA Release 2.1
2.0.2 2014-08-16 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0.1 2014-07-29 Bug fixes
2.0 2014-07-12 GA Release
2.0-rc2 2014-06-21 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-rc1 2014-02-16 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta9 2013-09-14 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta8 2013-07-10 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta7 2013-06-01 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta6 2013-05-05 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta5 2013-04-20 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta4 2013-01-28 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta3 2012-11-11 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta2 2012-10-07 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-beta1 2012-09-18 Bug fixes and enhancements
2.0-alpha2 2012-08-24 Bug fixes and minor enhancements
2.0-alpha1 2012-07-29 Rewrite of Log4j

Release 2.12.4 – 2021-12-28

Type Changes By
Fix JdbcAppender now uses JndiManager to access JNDI resources. JNDI is only enabled when system property log4j2.enableJndiJdbc is set to true. Fixes LOG4J2-3293. ggregory

Release 2.12.3 – 2021-12-dd

Type Changes By
Fix Fix string substitution recursion. Fixes LOG4J2-3230. ckozak
Update Add support for specifying an SSL configuration for SmtpAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-2819. mattsicker
Update Rename JNDI enablement property from 'log4j2.enableJndi' to 'log4j2.enableJndiLookup', 'log4j2.enableJndiJms', and 'log4j2.enableJndiContextSelector'. Fixes LOG4J2-3242. ggregory

Release 2.12.2 – 2021-12-14

Type Changes By
Fix Disable JNDI by default, remove JNDI Lookup, remove message lookups. When enabled JNDI only supports the java protocol. Fixes LOG4J-3220. rgoers

Release 2.12.1 – 2019-08-06

Type Changes By
Fix Allow file renames to work when files are missing from the sequence. Fixes LOG4J2-1946. Thanks to Igor Perelyotov. rgoers
Fix Support emulating a MAC address when using ipv6. Fixes LOG4J2-2650. Thanks to Mattia Bertorello. rgoers
Fix Remove references to LoggerContext when it is shutdown. Fixes LOG4J2-2366. rgoers
Update Make Log4j Core optional for Log4j 1.2 API. Fixes LOG4J2-2556. rgoers
Fix Improve the performance of capturing location information. Fixes LOG4J2-2644. rgoers
Update Update MongoDB 3 driver from 3.10.1 to 3.10.2. Fixes LOG4J2-2646. ggregory
Update Improve exception messages in the JDBC appender. Fixes LOG4J2-2657. ggregory
Fix AbstractAction.reportException records a warning to the status logger, providing more information when file based appenders fail to compress rolled data asynchronously. Fixes LOG4J2-2658. ckozak
Fix AbstractAction handles and records unchecked RuntimeException and Error in addition to IOException. Fixes LOG4J2-2659. ckozak
Update Retry when JDBC throws a java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException in commitAndClose(). Fixes LOG4J2-2660. ggregory
Fix "Values not bound to statement" when using JDBC appender, appender does not respect bufferSize="0". Fixes LOG4J2-2667. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Edith Chui. ggregory

Release 2.12.0 – 2019-06-23

Type Changes By
Fix RollingRandomAccessFileAppender error message referenced incorrect class name. Fixes LOG4J2-2547. rgoers
Fix Restore constructor to ThrowablePatternConverter that was removed in 2.8.2. Fixes LOG4J2-2616. rgoers
Fix StructuredDataId was ignoring maxLength atribute. Fixes LOG4J2-2622. rgoers
Fix RFC5424Layout was not properly setting default Structured Element id for the MDC. Fixes LOG4J2-2636. rgoers
Add Allow zero padding the counter of a RollingFileAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-2403. Thanks to hupfdule. rgoers
Add Add filter that will match events when no marker is present. Fixes LOG4J2-2427. Thanks to Rimaljit Kaur. rgoers
Fix Lookups were not found if the plugin key was not lowercase. Fixes LOG4J2-1143. Thanks to Pascal Heinrich. rgoers
Add Add reconfiguration methods to Configurator. Fixes LOG4J2-2406. rgoers
Fix Locate plugins within a Jar using a URL Connection. Fixes LOG4J2-1852. Thanks to Tanner Altares. rgoers
Fix Explicitly set file creation time. Fixes LOG4J2-2610. rgoers
Fix JEP223 version detection fix for JDK 9 and up. Fixes LOG4J2-2561. Thanks to Ulrich Enslin. rgoers
Fix FailoverAppender was failing with ERROR appender Failover has no parameter that matches element Failovers. Fixes LOG4J2-1103. Thanks to Seán Dunne. rgoers
Fix Update file time when size based triggering policy is used without a time-based triggering policy. Fixes LOG4J2-2602. rgoers
Fix Throw better exception message when both log4j-slf4j-impl and log4j-to-slf4j are present. Fixes LOG4J2-2597. rgoers
Add Add support for reconfiguration via HTTP(S), Docker, and Spring Cloud Configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-913. rgoers
Add TCP Appender should support a host name resolving to multiple IP addresses. Fixes LOG4J2-2586. rgoers
Fix NullPointerException in JdbcAppender.createAppender(). Fixes LOG4J2-2559. Thanks to Li Lei, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Update tests from H2 1.4.197 to 1.4.199. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.7 to 2.9.8. Fixes LOG4J2-2570. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Update MongoDB 3 module driver from 3.9.0 to 3.10.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2574. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix StackOverflowException when server not reachable with SocketAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-2592. Thanks to Dávid Kaya, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Allow custom end-of-line with JsonLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-2337. Thanks to Arvind Sahare, Patrice Ferrot. ggregory
Add GZIP compression on rollover supports configurable compression levels. Fixes LOG4J2-2598. Thanks to Carter Kozak. ckozak
Fix java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.apache.logging.log4j.junit.AbstractExternalFileCleaner.println(AbstractExternalFileCleaner.java:169). Fixes LOG4J2-2598. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix MapPatternConverter is properly created from the '%K', '%map', and '%MAP' patterns. PatternConverter instanceOf methods with unknown parameter types no longer elide those with known parameters. Fixes LOG4J2-2564. ckozak
Add AsyncQueueFullPolicy configuration short values "Default" and "Discard" are case insensitive to avoid confusion. Fixes LOG4J2-2611. ckozak
Fix NullPointerException at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.jdbc.JdbcDatabaseManager.writeInternal(JdbcDatabaseManager.java:803). Fixes LOG4J2-2612. ggregory
Fix Possible ClassCastException in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.script.ScriptManager.ScriptManager(Configuration, WatchManager). Fixes LOG4J2-2618. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.8 to 2.9.9. Fixes LOG4J2-2619. ggregory
Fix RoutingAppender PurgePolicy implementations no longer stop appenders referenced from the logger configuration, only those that have been created by the RoutingAppender. Note that RoutingAppender.getAppenders no longer includes entries for referenced appenders, only those which it has created. Fixes LOG4J2-2631. ckozak
Fix Fix a race allowing events not to be recorded when a RoutingAppender purge policy attempts to delete an idle appender at exactly the same time as a new event is recorded. Fixes LOG4J2-2629. ckozak
Fix Asynchronous logging when the queue is full no longer results in heavy CPU utilization and low throughput. Fixes LOG4J2-2606. ckozak
Update Refactor several AsyncLogger methods below the 35 byte threshold for inlining. Fixes LOG4J2-2634. ckozak
Add Add and use method org.apache.logging.log4j.message.MapMessage.toKey(String) for simpler subclasses. Fixes LOG4J2-2634. ggregory

Release 2.11.2 – 2019-02-04

Type Changes By
Fix Document that Properties element must be the first configuration element. Fixes LOG4J2-2500. rgoers
Fix Add Log4j-to-SLF4J to BOM pom.xml. Fixes LOG4J2-2543. Thanks to Dermot Hardy. rgoers
Fix Use the file pattern as the FileManager "name" when no filename is present. Fixes LOG4J2-2061. rgoers
Fix Expose LoggerContext.setConfiguration as a public method. Fixes LOG4J2-2009. rgoers
Fix CronTriggeringPolicy was not rolling properly, especially when used with the SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy. Fixes LOG4J2-2542. rgoers
Fix Load PropertySources from any accessible ClassLoader. Hide any exceptions that may occur accessing a PropertySource. Fixes LOG4J2-2266. rgoers
Fix Logging with a lambda expression with a method call that also logs would cause logs within method call to reference line num and method name of the parent method. Fixes LOG4J2-1570. rgoers
Update Switch from CLIRR to RevAPI for detecting API changes. Fixes LOG4J2-1576. rgoers
Fix SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy was not honored when using the DirectWriteRolloverStrategy if the machine restarts. Fixes LOG4J2-2485. Thanks to Giovanni Matteo Fumarola. rgoers
Fix Direct write was creating files with the wrong date/time. Fixes LOG4J2-1906. rgoers
Fix Add Log4j-slf4j18-impl dependency to bom pom. Fixes LOG4J2-2453. Thanks to theit. rgoers
Fix Configuration documentation referenced incorrect method name. Fixes LOG4J2-2515. Thanks to MakarovS. rgoers
Fix Make Strings.toRootUpperCase a static method so it can be accessed. Fixes LOG4J2-2514. Thanks to smilebrian0515. rgoers
Fix Fixed Appenders section in Extending Log4j. Fixes LOG4J2-1571. Thanks to torbenmoeller. rgoers
Update Improve exception logging performance. ThrowableProxy construction uses a faster method to discover the current stack trace. ThrowablePatternConverter and ExtendedThrowablePatternConverter default configurations no longer allocate an additional buffer for stack trace contents. Fixes LOG4J2-2391. ckozak
Fix Predeployment of PersistenceUnit that using Log4j as session logger failed (#198). Fixes LOG4J2-2397. Thanks to EckelDong. ggregory
Fix NameAbbreviator correctly abbreviates first fragments (#188). Fixes LOG4J2-2365. Thanks to Eugene Zimichev. ckozak
Fix Fix memory leak in ReusableParameterizedMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-2201. ckozak
Fix ReusableObjectMessage parameter is properly passed to appenders (#203). Fixes LOG4J2-2363. Thanks to Brian Laub. ckozak
Fix NullPointerException when closing never used RollingRandomAccessFileAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-2418. Thanks to Jonas Rutishauser. ggregory
Fix Handle some unchecked exceptions while loading plugins. Fixes LOG4J2-2422. Thanks to rswart, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Setting a null ErrorHandler on AbstractAppender is not allowed and will no-op as expected. Fixes LOG4J2-2441. ckozak
Fix ErrorHandler is invoked with a LogEvent and Throwable when possible, where previously only a string was used. Fixes LOG4J2-2444. ckozak
Update Let the NullAppender default its name to "null". Fixes LOG4J2-2447. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.6 to 2.9.7. Fixes LOG4J2-2468. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.17 to 1.18. Fixes LOG4J2-2469. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons CSV from 1.5 to 1.6. Fixes LOG4J2-2470. ggregory
Update Update javax.mail from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2. Fixes LOG4J2-2471. ggregory
Update Update mongo-java-driver 3 from 3.8.0 to 3.8.2. Fixes LOG4J2-2472. ggregory
Fix Exceptions are added to all columns when a JDBC Appender's ColumnMapping uses a Pattern. Fixes LOG4J2-2413. Thanks to Andres Luuk, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix ColumnMapping literal not working. Fixes LOG4J2-2466. Thanks to Paolo Bonanomi, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix AbstractStringLayoutStringEncodingBenchmark returns the computed variables on each benchmark to avoid DCE. Fixes LOG4J2-2478. Thanks to Diego Elias Costa. ckozak
Fix StackOverflowError at AwaitCompletionReliabilityStrategy. Fixes LOG4J2-2134. Thanks to David del Amo Mateos, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Avoid NullPointerExceptions in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AbstractConfiguration for null arguments. Fixes LOG4J2-2481. ggregory
Fix RollingRandomAccessFileManager ignores new file patterns from programmatic reconfiguration. Fixes LOG4J2-2457. Thanks to Heiko Schwanke, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix BasicContextSelector cannot be used in a OSGI application. Fixes LOG4J2-2482. Thanks to Rob Gansevles. ggregory
Fix org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout and ConsoleAppender missing in log4j-1.2-api. Fixes LOG4J2-2476. Thanks to Al Bundy. ggregory
Update JDBC Appender should release parameter resources ASAP. Fixes LOG4J2-2489. ggregory
Update Allow all Appenders to optionally carry a Property array. Fixes LOG4J2-2491. ggregory
Fix JmsAppender reconnectIntervalMillis cannot be set from a configuration file. Fixes LOG4J2-2497. ggregory
Fix JMS Appender may throw a NullPointerException when JMS is not up while the Appender is starting. Fixes LOG4J2-2499. ggregory
Add JDBC Appender should reconnect to the database when a connection goes stale. Fixes LOG4J2-2496. ggregory
Update Better handling of %highlight pattern when using jul-bridge. Fixes LOG4J2-2405. Thanks to Marco Herrn. ggregory
Update Update MongoDB driver from 3.8.2 to 3.9.0 for log4j-mongodb3 module. Fixes LOG4J2-2503. ggregory
Add Let JDBC PoolingDriverConnectionSource with Apache Commons DBCP configure a PoolableConnectionFactory. Fixes LOG4J2-2505. ggregory
Fix JDBC Appender fails when using both parameter, source, and literal ColumnMapping elements. Fixes LOG4J2-2508. ggregory
Add Allow a JDBC Appender to truncate strings to match a table's metadata column length limit. Fixes LOG4J2-2509. ggregory
Add PatternLayout %date conversion pattern should render time zone designator for ISO-ISO8601. Fixes LOG4J2-1246. ggregory
Fix Prevent ConcurrentModificationException while iterating over ListAppender events. Fixes LOG4J2-2527. ckozak
Fix Fix regression using MapMessageLookup.lookup with MapMessages that do not implement StringMapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-2522. Thanks to Adam Lesiak. ckozak
Fix Generalize checks using MapMessage implementations with do not extend StringMapMessage. Introduce new JAVA_UNQUOTED MapMessage format type based on the JAVA formatting, but without quoted values. Fixes LOG4J2-2530. Thanks to Travis Spencer. ckozak
Fix Fix a regression introduced by LOG4J2-2301 in 2.11.1 allowing allocation to occur in AsyncLoggerConfig. Fixes LOG4J2-2533. Thanks to Michail Prusakov. ckozak

Release 2.11.1 – 2018-07-22

Type Changes By
Fix ThrowableProxy was saving and retrieving cache entries using different keys. Fixes LOG4J2-2389. Thanks to Liu Wen. rgoers
Fix If root LoggerConfig does not have a Level return ERROR. Fixes LOG4J2-2316. rgoers
Fix Fix broken links in log4j web documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-2390. Thanks to anton-balaniuc. rgoers
Update Allow composite configuration for context parameter. Fixes LOG4J2-1721. Thanks to Phokham Nonava. rgoers
Fix The OSGi Activator specified an incorrect version. Fixes LOG4J2-2343. Thanks to Raymond Augé. rgoers
Fix Make java.util.ServiceLoader properly work in OSGi by using the Service Loader Mediator Specification. Fixes LOG4J2-2305. Thanks to Björn Kautler. rgoers
Fix Split the SLF4J binding into 2 implementations - one for SLF4J 1.7.x and one for SLF4J 1.8+. Fixes LOG4J2-2305. rgoers
Fix Improve plugin error message when elements are missing. Fixes LOG4J2-2268. Thanks to Tilman Hausherr. rgoers
Fix ParserConfigurationException when using Log4j with oracle.xml.jaxp.JXDocumentBuilderFactory. Fixes LOG4J2-2283. Thanks to Vishnu Priya Matha. ggregory
Fix PoolingDriverConnectionSource does not take into account properties, user name, and password. Fixes LOG4J2-2300. ggregory
Update Status logger should show the Log4j name and version when initializing itself. Fixes LOG4J2-2302. ggregory
Update Log4j2 2.8.2 JMX unregister NullPointerException. Fixes LOG4J2-2304. Thanks to wumengsheng. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5. Fixes LOG4J2-2311. ggregory
Update Update LMAX Disruptor from 3.3.7 to 3.4.2. Fixes LOG4J2-2313. ggregory
Update Log4j 2.0 ERROR "Could not search jar" with JBoss EAP 6.2. Fixes LOG4J2-548. Thanks to Shehata, Paresh Varke, Eric Victorson, Martin Laforet. ggregory
Fix MutableLogEvent and RingBufferLogEvent message mementos retain the original format string. Fixes LOG4J2-2307. ckozak
Fix Curly braces in parameters are not treated as placeholders. Fixes LOG4J2-2032. Thanks to Kostiantyn Shchepanovskyi. ckozak
Fix MutableLogEvent.getNonNullImmutableMessage and Log4jLogEvent.makeMessageImmutable retain format and parameters. Fixes LOG4J2-2317. ckozak
Fix Messages are no longer mutated when the asynchronous queue is full. A warning is logged to the status logger instead. Fixes LOG4J2-2318. ckozak
Fix Fix NPE in AbstractLogger when another exception is thrown, masking the root cause. Fixes LOG4J2-2320. ckozak
Fix AsyncLogger uses the correct level when unspecified. This provides parity between AsyncLogger and Logger. Fixes LOG4J2-2321. ckozak
Fix Custom ContextSelector implementations which select an AsyncLoggerContext disable LoggerConfig.includeLocation by default for parity with AsyncLoggerContextSelector. Fixes LOG4J2-2322. ckozak
Fix MutableLogEvent references to other objects are cleared after each use. Fix a memory leak causing references to parameters to be held after synchronous logging with thread locals enabled. Fixes LOG4J2-2269. ckozak
Update Update JAnsi from 1.17 to 1.17.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2328. ggregory
Fix Mixed async loggers no longer forget parameter values, providing some appenders with an array of nulls. Fixes LOG4J2-2301. ckozak
Fix RollingFileManager debug logging avoids string concatenation and errant braces in favor of parameterized logging. Fixes LOG4J2-2331. Thanks to Mike Baranski. ckozak
Fix Handle errors thrown in default disruptor ExceptionHandler implementations to avoid killing background threads. Fixes LOG4J2-2333. ckozak
Fix Add API org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.AsyncAppender.getQueueSize(). Fixes LOG4J2-2334. ggregory
Fix Remove duplicate hyphen from the AsyncLoggerConfig background thread name. Fixes LOG4J2-2336. ckozak
Fix Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.16.1 to 1.17. Fixes LOG4J2-2347. ggregory
Update Added AbstractLogEvent.getMutableInstant to allow the MutableInstant instance to be modified by classes extending AbstractLogEvent. Fixes LOG4J2-2351. ckozak
Fix RingBufferLogEvent memento messages provide the expected format string, and no longer attempt to substitute parameters into curly braces in parameter toString values. Both RingBufferLogEvent and MutableLogEvent memento implementations memoize results to avoid rebuilding formatted string values. Fixes LOG4J2-2352. ckozak
Fix PropertiesUtil ignores non-string system properties. Fixes a NoClassDefFoundError initializing StatusLogger caused by an NPE while initializing the static PropertiesUtil field. Fixes LOG4J2-2355. Thanks to Henrik Brautaset Aronsen. ckozak
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6. Fixes LOG4J2-2357. ggregory
Update Update Kafka client from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2358. ggregory
Fix Fixed a memory leak in which ReusableObjectMessage would hold a reference to the most recently logged object. Fixes LOG4J2-2362. ckozak
Fix Jackson layouts used with AsyncLoggerContextSelector output the expected format rather than only a JSON string of the message text. Fixes LOG4J2-2312. ckozak
Fix Fixed a memory leak in which ReusableParameterizedMessage would hold a reference to the most recently logged throwable and provided varargs array. Fixes LOG4J2-2364. ckozak
Fix Nested logging doesn't clobber AbstractStringLayout cached StringBuidlers. Fixes LOG4J2-2368. ckozak
Fix StringBuilders.escapeJson implementation runs in linear time. Escaping large JSON strings in EncodingPatternConverter and MapMessage will perform significantly better. Fixes LOG4J2-2373. Thanks to Kevin Meurer. ckozak
Fix StringBuilders.escapeXml implementation runs in linear time. Escaping large XML strings in EncodingPatternConverter and MapMessage will perform significantly better. Fixes LOG4J2-2376. Thanks to Kevin Meurer. ckozak
Fix NullPointerException in org.apache.logging.log4j.util.LoaderUtil.getClassLoaders() when using Bootstrap class loader. Fixes LOG4J2-2377. Thanks to Mirko Rzehak, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Update Mongodb 3 driver from 3.6.3 to 3.8.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2382. ggregory
Update Update Kafka client from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2384. ggregory
Update Update Groovy from 2.4.13 to 2.5.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2385. ggregory
Update Update optional Apache Commons DBCP from 2.2.0 to 2.4.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2386. ggregory
Fix Thread indefinitely blocked when logging a message in an interrupted thread. Fixes LOG4J2-2388. Thanks to Failled. ggregory

Release 2.11.0 – 2018-03-11

Type Changes By
Fix LoaderUtil was not looping properly over classloaders. Fixes LOG4J2-2104. rgoers
Fix Revert OSGi API version to 4.3.1. Fixes LOG4J2-1976. rgoers
Update Documentation fix in manual page for custom configurations. Fixes LOG4J2-2273. Thanks to Bruno P. Kinoshita. rpopma
Update Reusable LogEvents now pass the original format string to downstream components like layouts and filters. Fixes LOG4J2-2252. Thanks to Carter Kozak. rpopma
Add Add API to enable iterating over message parameters without creating temporary objects. Fixes LOG4J2-2253. Thanks to Carter Kozak. rpopma
Fix Move module-info.class to META-INF/versions/9 directory. Fixes LOG4J2-2271. rgoers
Fix Incorrect automatics module name header was being included in manifests. Fixes LOG4J2-2254. rgoers
Fix NullPointerException would occur when header was provided to a Layout on RollingRandingAccessFileAppender with DirectWriteRolloverStrategy. Fixes LOG4J2-2247. rgoers
Update The internal status logger timestamp format is now configurable with system property `log4j2.StatusLogger.DateFormat`. Fixes LOG4J2-2250. rpopma
Update Removed unnecessary dependency on jcommander since Log4j uses embedded picocli since 2.9. Fixes LOG4J2-2236. rpopma
Add Added support for precise (micro and nanosecond) timestamps when running on Java 9. A limited number of precise %d date formats are supported with PatternLayout. POTENTIAL BREAKING CHANGE: The XML, JSON and YAML formats have changed: they no longer have the "timeMillis" attribute and instead have an "Instant" element with "epochSecond" and "nanoOfSecond" attributes. Fixes LOG4J2-1883. Thanks to Anthony Maire. rpopma
Add Output JSON object for ObjectMessage in JsonLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-2190. Thanks to Franz Wong. mikes
Add Made log4j-core a multi-release ("multi-version") jar, added log4j-core-java9 module. Fixes LOG4J2-2191. rpopma
Fix Log4j2 throws NoClassDefFoundError in Java 9 in java.util.ServiceLoader. Fixes LOG4J2-2129. Thanks to Blazej Bucko. rgoers
Fix Fixed bug where ThreadContext map was cleared, resulting in entries being only available for one log event. Fixes LOG4J2-2158. Thanks to Björn Kautler. rpopma
Fix Avoid null attribute values in DefaultConfigurationBuilder. Fixes LOG4J2-2002. Thanks to Paul Burrowes. mikes
Fix Fix typo in Property Substitution docs. Fixes LOG4J2-2175. Thanks to Behrang Saeedzadeh. mikes
Fix Allow SortedArrayStringMap to be filtered upon deserialization. Fix build error in Java 9 when compiling log4j-core test classes. Fixes LOG4J2-2163. rgoers
Fix Don't create exit message in traceExit(R) when logging is disabled. Fixes LOG4J2-2157. Thanks to Malte Skoruppa. ggregory
Fix DefaultMergeStrategy did not merge filters on loggers correctly. Fixes LOG4J2-2123. Thanks to Jacob Tolar. rgoers
Update Update version of maven bundle plugin to 3.4.0. Convert bundle plugin error to a warning. Fixes LOG4J2-2146. rgoers
Update Reduce compiler warnings in log4j-api. Fixes LOG4J2-2215. rpopma
Add Add missing converters to PatternLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-2143. mikes
Add Add API org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.Interpolator.getStrLookupMap(). Fixes LOG4J2-2160. ggregory
Update Removed unnecessary threadlocal StringBuilder field from MdcPatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-2127. Thanks to Carter Kozak. rpopma
Fix Removed compile-time dependency on Java Management APIs from Log4J API module to improve compatibility with Android Platform which does not support JMX extensions. Fixes LOG4J2-2126. Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski. rpopma
Update Require Java 9 to compile the log4j-perf module to allow benchmarking with Java 9 APIs. Fixes LOG4J2-2194. rpopma
Update Update JMH to version 1.19 from 1.1.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2193. rpopma
Update Update ZeroMQ's jeromq from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3. Fixes LOG4J2-2132. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.2 to 2.9.3. Fixes LOG4J2-2165. ggregory
Add The MongoDB Appender should use a keys and values for a Log4j MapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-2179. ggregory
Add Add a MongoDbProvider builder for and deprecate org.apache.logging.log4j.mongodb.MongoDbProvider.createNoSqlProvider(). Fixes LOG4J2-2180. ggregory
Add The JDBC Appender should use keys and values from a Log4j MapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-2181. ggregory
Update Update MongoDB driver from 3.0.4 to 3.6.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2184. ggregory
Add Add a simple JDBC DriverManager-based ConnectionSource that uses JDBC's DriverManager#getConnection(String, String, String). Fixes LOG4J2-2185. ggregory
Update Document default property value support. Fixes LOG4J2-2197. Thanks to Fabrice Daugan. ggregory
Update Update MongoDB dependencies from classic to modern. Fixes LOG4J2-2198. ggregory
Add Add a JDBC ConnectionSource that provides pooling through Apache Commons DBCP 2. Fixes LOG4J2-2186. ggregory
Add Add a hook for a Connection Source for a JDBC Appender to release its resources. Fixes LOG4J2-2187. ggregory
Add Add org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.WatchManager#unwatch(File). Fixes LOG4J2-2203. ggregory
Update org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.WatchManager.getWatchers() should pre-allocate its new Map. Fixes LOG4J2-2204. ggregory
Add Add method org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.WatchManager.reset(File) and reset(). Fixes LOG4J2-2206. ggregory
Add Add debug logging to org.apache.logging.log4j.mongodb.MongoDbConnection. Fixes LOG4J2-2208. ggregory
Update Rename existing MongoDb plugin and related artifacts from MongoDb to MongoDb2. Fixes LOG4J2-2209. ggregory
Update Fix error log message for Script which says ScriptFile instead. Fixes LOG4J2-2210. Thanks to Björn Kautler. ggregory
Update Unnecessary contention in CopyOnWriteSortedArrayThreadContextMap. Fixes LOG4J2-2212. Thanks to Daniel Feist, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Unnecessary contention in GarbageFreeSortedArrayThreadContextMap. Fixes LOG4J2-2213. Thanks to Daniel Feist, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Unnecessary contention in DefaultThreadContextMap. Fixes LOG4J2-2214. Thanks to Daniel Feist, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update NullPointerException at org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Activator.loadProvider(Activator.java:81) in log4j 2.10.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2182. Thanks to liwenxian2017, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update MarkerFilter onMismatch invalid attribute in .properties. Fixes LOG4J2-2202. Thanks to Kilian, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Configuration builder classes should look for "onMismatch", not "onMisMatch". Fixes LOG4J2-2219. Thanks to Kilian, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update New module log4j-mongodb3: Remove use of deprecated MongoDB APIs and code to the Java driver version 3 API. Fixes LOG4J2-2205. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Split off JPA support into a new module log4j-jpa. Fixes LOG4J2-2188. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.3 to 2.9.4. Fixes LOG4J2-2229. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Cannot see or copy all of certain JAnsi exception messages on Windows due to NUL characters. Fixes LOG4J2-2243. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.15 to 1.16.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2245. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Update MongoDB 3 module from driver 3.6.1 to 3.6.3. Fixes LOG4J2-2259. ggregory
Update [SMTP] Update javax.mail from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2260. ggregory
Update Update JAnsi from 1.16 to 1.17. Fixes LOG4J2-2264. ggregory
Fix Strings::join, when called with [null] returns "null" instead of EMPTY. Fixes LOG4J2-2270. Thanks to Cyril Martin. ggregory
Fix ConcurrentModificationException from org.apache.logging.log4j.status.StatusLogger.<clinit>(StatusLogger.java:71). Fixes LOG4J2-2276. Thanks to Sean Baxter. ggregory
Fix Allow EnvironmentPropertySource to run with a SecurityManager that rejects environment variable access. Fixes LOG4J2-2274. Thanks to Sebastien Lannez. ggregory
Fix Allow SystemPropertiesPropertySource to run with a SecurityManager that rejects system property access. Fixes LOG4J2-2279. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 2.10.0 – 2017-11-18

Type Changes By
Fix XML Schema for DynamicFilterThreshold does not accept multiple KeyValuePairs. Fixes LOG4J2-2289. Thanks to Hari Menon. ggregory
Add Properly escape newlines and other control characters in JSON. Fixes LOG4J2-2120. Thanks to Carter Douglas Kozak. mikes
Add Add property to disable message pattern converter lookups. Fixes LOG4J2-2109. Thanks to Carter Douglas Kozak. mikes
Add MapMessage should use deep toString for values. Fixes LOG4J2-2112. Thanks to Carter Douglas Kozak. mikes
Fix MapMessage supports both StringBuilderFormattable and MultiformatMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-2107. Thanks to Carter Douglas Kozak. mikes
Fix MapMessage JSON encoding will escape keys and values. Fixes LOG4J2-2102. Thanks to Carter Douglas Kozak. mikes
Fix Non-string value in MapMessage caused ClassCastException. Fixes LOG4J2-2101. Thanks to Carter Douglas Kozak. mikes
Add XML encoding for PatternLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-2103. mikes
Add Provide a native Log4j 2 implementation of Eclipse Jetty's org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger. Fixes LOG4J2-2114. ggregory
Add Allow filtering of line breaks in layout pattern. Fixes LOG4J2-1203. Thanks to Robert Turner. mikes
Add Add a noop AppenderSkeleton for applications still using Log4j 1.x. Fixes LOG4J2-2098. rgoers
Fix Log4j respects the configured "log4j2.is.webapp" property. Fixes LOG4J2-2091. Thanks to Carter Douglas Kozak. mikes
Fix LevelMixIn class for Jackson is coded incorrectly. Fixes LOG4J2-2100. ggregory
Fix Jansi now needs to be enabled explicitly (by setting system property `log4j.skipJansi` to `false`). To avoid causing problems for web applications, Log4j will no longer automatically try to load Jansi without explicit configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-2087. Thanks to Andy Gumbrecht. rpopma
Fix AbstractDatabaseManager should make a copy of LogEvents before holding references to them: AsyncLogger log events are mutable. Fixes LOG4J2-2060. rpopma
Update Split up log4j-nosql into one module per appender. Fixes LOG4J2-2076. mikes
Update Upgrade picocli to 2.0.3 from 0.9.8. Fixes LOG4J2-2088. rpopma
Add Add possibility of sending the key of a message to Kafka using KafkaAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-2062. Thanks to Jorge Sanchez. mikes
Add Modularize Log4j-api and make most other log4j jars automatic modules. Fixes LOG4J2-2056. rgoers
Add Simplify log4j system property naming scheme. Fixes LOG4J2-1431. mattsicker
Add Add global configuration environment SPI. Fixes LOG4J2-1809. mattsicker
Update Provide support for overriding the Tomcat Log class in Tomcat 8.5+. Fixes LOG4J2-2025. rgoers
Add Add fields with fixed values to JSON/XML/YAML layouts. Fixes LOG4J2-1694. Thanks to Michal Dvořák. mikes
Add Provide ways to configure SSL that avoid plain-text passwords in the log4j configuration. The configuration may now specify a system environment variable that holds the password, or the path to a file that holds the password. Fixes LOG4J2-2054. rpopma
Update Support new SLF4J binding mechanism introduced in SLF4J 1.8. Fixes LOG4J2-2057. rgoers
Update Disable thread name caching by default when running on Java 8u102 or later. Fixes LOG4J2-2052. rpopma
Fix If Log4j is used as the Tomcat logging implementation startup might fail if an application also uses Log4j. Fixes LOG4J2-2055. rgoers
Update Update classes in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.ssl in APIs from String to a PasswordProvider producing char[] for passwords. Fixes LOG4J2-1896. rpopma
Fix Until this change, messages appeared out of order in log file any time when the async logging queue was full. With this change, messages are only logged out of order to prevent deadlock when Log4j2 detects recursive logging while the queue is full. Fixes LOG4J2-2031. rpopma
Fix Exception java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: cp65001 in 2.9.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2053. ggregory
Fix Nested pattern layout options broken. Fixes LOG4J2-1216. Thanks to Thies Wellpott, Barna Zsombor Klara, GFriedrich. ggregory
Fix Log4j1XmlLayout does not provide the entire stack trace, it is missing the caused by information. Fixes LOG4J2-2070. Thanks to Doug Hughes. ggregory
Fix CompositeConfiguration supports Reconfiguration. PR #115. Fixes LOG4J2-2036. Thanks to Robert Haycock. ggregory
Add Add org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.composite.CompositeConfiguration#toString(). Fixes LOG4J2-2071. Thanks to Carter Kozak. ggregory
Fix Log4j-config.xsd should make AppenderRef optional for each Logger element. Fixes LOG4J2-2073. Thanks to Patrick Lucas. ggregory
Fix The console appender should say why it cannot load JAnsi. Fixes LOG4J2-2074. ggregory
Fix Wrong Apache Commons CSV version referenced in the Javadoc of CsvParameterLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-2085. Thanks to István Neuwirth. ggregory
Update Update LMAX disruptor from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7. Fixes LOG4J2-2078. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.14 to 1.15. Fixes LOG4J2-2081. ggregory
Update [TagLib] Update servlet-api provided dependency from 2.5 to 3.0.1. Fixes LOG4J2-2089. ggregory
Update Update Apache Kafka kafka-clients from to 1.0.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2096. ggregory
Update Update from Jackson 2.9.1 to 2.9.2. Fixes LOG4J2-2077. ggregory
Update Jackson dependencies for 2.9.2 incorrectly bring in jackson-annotations 2.9.0 instead of 2.9.2. Fixes LOG4J2-2117. ggregory

Release 2.9.1 – 2017-09-17

Type Changes By
Fix Prevent ConcurrentModificationException with AsyncLoggerConfig. Fixes LOG4J2-1988. rpopma
Fix Prevent ConcurrentModificationException with AsyncLoggerConfig. Fixes LOG4J2-1914. rpopma
Fix Increase default queue size for AsyncAppender from 128 to 1024. Fixes LOG4J2-2048. rpopma
Fix Fix documentation to clarify disruptor-3.3.4 is now required for async loggers (previously the docs referred to disruptor-3.3.3 which was never released). Fixes LOG4J2-2035. rpopma
Fix Inspect all known ClassLoaders to locate the service provider. Fixes LOG4J2-2030. rgoers
Fix Java 9 StackLocator was not properly skipping the initial stack frames. Fixes LOG4J2-2028. Thanks to Jason Tedor. rgoers
Update Use a class' canonical name instead of name to create its logger name. Fixes LOG4J2-2023. ggregory
Fix java.lang.AbstractMethodError: javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.setFeature(). Fixes LOG4J2-2026. Thanks to Leon Finker. ggregory
Fix Marker examples should not use deprecated flow APIs. Fixes LOG4J2-2029. Thanks to Fabrizio Cucci. ggregory
Fix ClassNotFoundException when making all loggers asynchronous under OSGi environment. Fixes LOG4J2-1936. Thanks to Helber Belmiro. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 (fix for Java 9.). Fixes LOG4J2-2043. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons CSV from 1.4 to 1.5. Fixes LOG4J2-2044. ggregory
Update Update javax.mail from 1.5.6 to 1.6.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2045. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.13 to 1.14. Fixes LOG4J2-2046. ggregory
Update Update Cassandra driver from 3.1.0 to 3.1.4. Fixes LOG4J2-2047. ggregory
Update Update Apache Kafka Client from to Fixes LOG4J2-2049. ggregory

Release 2.9.0 – 2017-08-26

Type Changes By
Update Add support for DirectWriteRolloverStrategy to RollingRandomAccessFileAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1928. rgoers
Fix Prevent NullPointerException when a file name is specified with the DirectWriteRolloverStrategy. Fixes LOG4J2-1833. rgoers
Update RFC5424Layout now prints the process id. Fixes LOG4J2-2022. rgoers
Update Remove default layout from KafkaAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-2020. mikes
Fix Fix incorrect documentation for LoggerNameLevelRewritePolicy. Fixes LOG4J2-2018. rpopma
Fix Parameter of mdcId in SyslogAppender has no default value. Fixes LOG4J2-922. Thanks to angus.aqlu, Paul Burrowes. ggregory
Fix StyleConverter.newInstance argument validation is incorrect. Fixes LOG4J2-2001. Thanks to Paul Burrowes. ggregory
Fix HighlightConverter converts all unrecognized levels to DEBUG. Fixes LOG4J2-1999. Thanks to Paul Burrowes. ggregory
Fix SslSocketManager does not apply SSLContext on TCP reconnect. Fixes LOG4J2-2013. Thanks to Taylor Patton, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Use a class' canonical name instead of name to create its logger name. Fixes LOG4J2-2023. ggregory
Update Allow KeyStoreConfiguration and TrustStoreConfiguration to find files as resources. Fixes LOG4J2-2015. ggregory
Update Replace JCommander command line parser with picocli to let users run Log4j2 utility applications without requiring an external dependency. Fixes LOG4J2-2011. rpopma
Add Support printing multiple StructuredData elements in RFC5424Layout. Fixes LOG4J2-2008. rgoers
Add Public API for parsing the output from JsonLayout/XmlLayout/YamlLayout into a LogEvent. Fixes LOG4J2-1986. mikes
Update Allow maxLength of StructuredData to be specified by the user. Fixes LOG4J2-1984. rgoers
Update Allow for bufferSize=0 in SMTP appender. Fixes LOG4J2-1071. Thanks to Ben Ludkiewicz, Benjamin Jaton. ggregory
Add JsonLayout, XmlLayout and YamlLayout support 0-byte termination of log events. Fixes LOG4J2-1981. mikes
Add Support capped collections for MongoDb appender. Fixes LOG4J2-1864. Thanks to Matthias Kappeller. mattsicker
Fix Mark FileRenameAction as successful when using alternative ways to move files. Fixes LOG4J2-2016. Thanks to Benjamin Jaton. ggregory
Fix No compression when using a separate drive in Linux. Fixes LOG4J2-2012. Thanks to Benjamin Jaton. ggregory
Fix Log4j throws a java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: cp65001. Fixes LOG4J2-1888. Thanks to Misagh Moayyed. ggregory
Fix ConcurrentModificationException logging a parameter of type Map. Fixes LOG4J2-1990. Thanks to Philippe Mouawad. ggregory
Fix SocketAppender will lose several events after re-connection to server. Fixes LOG4J2-1311. Thanks to Xibing Liang. ggregory
Fix Consider the StringBuilder's capacity instead of content length when trimming. Fixes LOG4J2-1977. Thanks to Jerry xnslong. ggregory
Fix Register log4j-core as an OSGi service. Skip tests for LOG4J2-1766 on MacOS. Use group "staff" for LOG4J2-1699 test on MacOS. Fixes LOG4J2-1971. rgoers
Fix TcpSocketServer does not close accepted Sockets. Fixes LOG4J2-1994. ggregory
Fix Log4J JUL Bridge and RMI Security Manager causes access denied ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermission" "control"). Fixes LOG4J2-1987. Thanks to Andreas Felder. ggregory
Fix Log4j-config.xsd only allows one AppenderRef element for each Logger element. Fixes LOG4J2-1982. Thanks to Christoph Lembeck. ggregory
Fix Fix default buffer size to match documentation (from 8102 to 8192 a.k.a. 8KB.). Fixes LOG4J2-1985. Thanks to Kenneth McFarland. ggregory
Add Log4j2 will now print all internal logging to the console if system property `log4j2.debug` is defined with any value (or no value). Fixes LOG4J2-1813. rpopma
Update Async Loggers no longer use deprecated LMAX Disruptor APIs. (Disruptor-3.3.3 or higher is now required.). Fixes LOG4J2-1261. rpopma
Update Improved error message when misconfigured with multiple incompatible appenders targeting same file. Fixes LOG4J2-1908. rpopma
Update Configurations with multiple root loggers now fail loudly. Fixes LOG4J2-1954. rpopma
Update Deprecate SerializedLayout and remove it as default. Fixes LOG4J2-1958. mikes
Update Disable DTD processing in XML configuration files. Fixes LOG4J2-1959. mikes
Add Temporary compress directory during rollover (#88). Fixes LOG4J2-1766. Thanks to Pierrick HYMBERT. ggregory
Update Fix docker build with jdk9 requirements (#84). Fixes LOG4J2-1950. Thanks to Pierrick HYMBERT. ggregory
Update Add more detail to WARN "Ignoring log event" messages printed to the console after log4j was shut down. Fixes LOG4J2-1801. rpopma
Add Added wrapper classes CustomLoggerGenerator and ExtendedLoggerGenerator to avoid class name with a dollar ($) character which has special meaning in many *nix command line environments. Fixes LOG4J2-1814. rpopma
Add Added process ID (pid) pattern converter. Fixes LOG4J2-1884. rpopma
Update Facilitate log4j use in Android applications: remove dependency on RMI and Management APIs from log4j-api. Fixes LOG4J2-1926. rpopma
Add Configurable Log File Permissions with PosixFilePermission. Fixes LOG4J2-1699. Thanks to Demetrios Dimatos, Pierrick HYMBERT. ggregory
Add Generate source jas for all test jars. Fixes LOG4J2-1945. ggregory
Add JMS Appender does not know how to recover from a broken connection. Fixes LOG4J2-1934. ggregory
Add JMS Appender should be able connect to a broker (later) even it is not present at configuration time. Fixes LOG4J2-1955. ggregory
Update JMS Appender broker password should be a char[], not a String. Fixes LOG4J2-1956. ggregory
Add Added methods ::writeBytes(ByteBuffer) and ::writeBytes(byte[], int, int) to ByteBufferDestination interface and use these methods in TextEncoderHelper where possible to prepare for future enhancements to reduce lock contention. Fixes LOG4J2-1874. Thanks to Roman Leventov. rpopma
Fix CompositeConfiguration logs warning "Unable to determine URI for configuration." However, the reconfiguration is completed. Fixes LOG4J2-1912. Thanks to R Ri. ggregory
Fix Dynamic reconfiguration does not work for filePattern of RollingFile. Fixes LOG4J2-1964. Thanks to Pierrick HYMBERT. ggregory
Fix Reconfigure breaks DirectWriteRolloverStrategy. Fixes LOG4J2-1961. Thanks to Christian Vent. ggregory
Fix The eventPrefix attribute was being ignored in the RFC5424Layout. Fixes LOG4J2-1943. rgoers
Fix JndiManager is not released when the JmsAppender builder catches an exception trying to build itself. Fixes LOG4J2-1953. ggregory
Fix Improve the documentation of the DynamicThresholdFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1911. rgoers
Fix EOFException with FormattedMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-1929. Thanks to Borys Sokolov. ggregory
Fix Trim levels read from properties file to remove trailing spaces. Fixes LOG4J2-1948. Thanks to Michael Lück. ggregory
Fix ClassCastException: org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.SystemBundleLoader$1 cannot be cast to java.lang.ClassLoader. Fixes LOG4J2-1971. Thanks to liwenxian2017. ggregory
Add Generic HTTP appender. Fixes LOG4J2-1442. mikes
Add Add with(String, primitive) methods to org.apache.logging.log4j.message.MapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-1935. ggregory
Add Add forEach() methods to org.apache.logging.log4j.message.MapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-1930. ggregory
Add Add containsKey() methods to org.apache.logging.log4j.message.MapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-1932. ggregory
Update Support using java.util.ServiceLoader to locate Log4j 2 API providers. Fixes LOG4J2-1917. rgoers
Update Include separator option of PatternLayout in manual (and other updates). Fixes LOG4J2-1966. Thanks to M Sazzadul Hoque. ggregory
Add Support null byte delimiter in GelfLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1854. Thanks to Xavier Jodoin. mikes
Add Add support for Java 9 StackWalker. Fixes LOG4J2-1359. rgoers
Add Warn when a configuration file for an inactive ConfigurationFactory is found. Fixes LOG4J2-1880. mikes
Add Add an optional random delay in TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy. Fixes LOG4J2-1855. Thanks to Anthony Maire. mattsicker
Fix More reliable checking for runtime dependencies. Fixes LOG4J2-1876. mikes
Fix Fix configuration documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-1867. mikes
Fix Ensure the ThreadLocal StringBuilder in ParameterizedMessage won't hold excessively much memory after logging a long message. Fixes LOG4J2-1858. rpopma
Fix Fix documentation about default additivity value for loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-1885. mattsicker
Fix ScriptEngineManager is not available in Android and causes a NoClassDefFoundError. Fixes LOG4J2-1920. Thanks to Ajitha. ggregory
Fix Clarify Javadoc for AbstractTriggeringPolicy. Fixes LOG4J2-1989. Thanks to Kenneth McFarland. ggregory
Fix Fix compiler warnings in LoggerConfigTest. Fixes LOG4J2-1993. Thanks to Kenneth McFarland. ggregory
Update Move server components from log4j-core to new log4-server module. Fixes LOG4J2-1851. mikes
Add Shortcut to add Property and KeyValuePair component in ConfigurationBuilder. Fixes LOG4J2-1860. mikes
Add The JMS Appender should use a JMS MapMessage for a Log4j MapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-1294. ggregory
Update Refactor SimpleMessage to be concise and clear (#100). Fixes LOG4J2-1991. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.8.9 to 2.9.0. Fixes LOG4J2-2017. ggregory
Update Update ZeroMQ's JeroMQ from 0.3.6 to 0.4.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1868. ggregory
Update Update ZeroMQ's JeroMQ from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1. Fixes LOG4J2-1960. ggregory
Update Update ZeroMQ's JeroMQ from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2. Fixes LOG4J2-1974. ggregory
Update Update Kafka client from to Fixes LOG4J2-1869. ggregory
Update Update Kafka client from to Fixes LOG4J2-1962. ggregory
Update Update JavaMail from 1.5.5 to 1.5.6. Fixes LOG4J2-1872. ggregory
Update Update JAnsi from 1.14 to 1.15. Fixes LOG4J2-1879. ggregory
Update Missing documentation for Max index limit in DefaultRolloverStrategy. Fixes LOG4J2-1877. Thanks to Chandra Tungathurthi. ggregory
Update Add missing getters to classes in package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.ssl. Fixes LOG4J2-1899. ggregory
Update Update JAnsi from 1.15 to 1.16. Fixes LOG4J2-1900. ggregory
Update Update SLF4J from 1.7.24 to 1.7.25. Fixes LOG4J2-. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.8.7 to 2.8.9. Fixes LOG4J2-1938. ggregory
Update Update HdrHistogram from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9. Fixes LOG4J2-1970. rpopma
Update Update javax.persistence from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1. Fixes LOG4J2-1975. ggregory
Update Update org.osgi.core from 4.3.1 to 6.0.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1976. ggregory

Release 2.8.2 – 2017-04-02

Type Changes By
Fix Fix JavaDoc on org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext about inheritance. Fixes LOG4J2-1861. mattsicker
Fix Fix JavaDoc about @Order and OrderComparator ordering. Fixes LOG4J2-1862. Thanks to wangyuntao. mattsicker
Fix Fixed daylight savings time (DST) issue with FixedDateFormat. Fixes LOG4J2-1849. rpopma
Fix Fix CassandraRule and unit tests on Windows. Fixes LOG4J2-1850. Thanks to Ludovic Hochet. mattsicker
Fix Fix typo in %replace converter documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-1840. Thanks to Pradeep Balasundaram. mattsicker
Fix Handle when LogEvent.getLoggerName() returns null in LoggerNameLevelRewritePolicy. Fixes LOG4J2-1846. mikes
Fix Handle when LogEvent.getLoggerName() returns null in KafkaAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1845. mikes
Fix The default value of RandomAccessFileAppender.Builder append field is wrong. Fixes LOG4J2-1853. Thanks to wangyuntao. ggregory
Add Add support for filtering input in TcpSocketServer and UdpSocketServer. Fixes LOG4J2-1863. mattsicker
Add Add JSON encoding support to EncodingPatternConverter %encode{}. Fixes LOG4J2-1848. mattsicker
Add Add support for appending common suffix to each line of throwable stack trace. Fixes LOG4J2-1843. Thanks to Zilong Song. mattsicker
Add Add support for appending common suffix to each line of extended and root throwable stack trace. Fixes LOG4J2-1838. Thanks to Zilong Song. mattsicker
Update Move integration tests to their own module to speed up build. Fixes LOG4J2-1827. rgoers
Fix Fix documentation about the licensing for JeroMQ. Fixes LOG4J2-1835. mattsicker
Fix Update the API version to 2.6.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1836. rgoers
Fix NullPointerException in HtmlLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1831. Thanks to Edward Serebrinskiy. ggregory
Fix Log4j 2.8 can lose exceptions when a security manager is present. Fixes LOG4J2-1820. Thanks to Jason Tedor. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.8.6 to 2.8.7. Fixes LOG4J2-1856. ggregory

Release 2.8.1 – 2017-02-26

Type Changes By
Fix Allow %i in file pattern to be preceded with characters other than just '-'. Fixes LOG4J2-1804. Thanks to Pierrick Hymbert. rgoers
Update Update SLF4J to 1.7.24. Fixes LOG4J2-1822. rgoers
Update Improved error message when log4j 2 configuration file not found. Fixes LOG4J2-1812. rpopma
Update Update to use Logback 1.1.10 and then Logback 1.2 for tests. Fixes LOG4J2-1810. rgoers
Update Update Jackson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.6. Fixes LOG4J2-1819. ggregory
Fix Fix ClassNotFoundException org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.ExecutorServices in OSGi tests. Fixes LOG4J2-1753. Thanks to Ludovic Hochet. ggregory
Fix Change minOccur to minOccurs in Log4j-config.xsd. Fixes LOG4J2-1816. Thanks to shubhankar1100. rpopma
Fix Fix Maven POM to ensure JMH generated classes in log4j-perf are included in benchmarks jar. Fixes LOG4J2-1803. rgoers
Fix Report errors when sending to Kafka when using syncSend=false. Fixes LOG4J2-1800. Thanks to Vincent Tieleman. mikes
Fix Fixed rare race condition in FixedDateFormat, made FixedDateFormat::millisSinceMidnight method public. Fixes LOG4J2-1805. rpopma
Fix Fixed bug in PropertiesUtil::getCharsetProperty that caused UnsupportedCharsetException for ConsoleAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1799. Thanks to Eduard Gizatullin. rpopma
Fix Fix Javadoc for DefaultRolloverStrategy::purgeAscending. Fixes LOG4J2-1806. Thanks to challarao. rpopma
Fix Fix rollover to work when filePattern contains no directory components. Fixes LOG4J2-1818. Thanks to xkr47. ggregory
Add Remove deprecation on MessageSupplier lambda functions in Logger API. Fixes LOG4J2-1823. mattsicker
Add [core] Add and implement LogEvent.toImmutable(). Fixes LOG4J2-1807. ggregory

Release 2.8 – 2017-01-21

Type Changes By
Fix Eliminate the use of the ExecutorServices in the LoggerContext. Fixes LOG4J2-1780. mikes
Add Make DefaultRolloverStrategy more efficient when renaming files. Add nomax option to the fileIndex attribute. Fixes LOG4J2-1032. rgoers
Add RollingFileAppender now supports omitting the file name and writing directly to the archive files. Fixes LOG4J2-1101. rgoers
Fix ConfigurationScheduler now preserves interrupt flag during stop. Fixes LOG4J2-1786. rpopma
Add Allow default value in property to be a Lookup. Fixes LOG4J2-1243. rgoers
Fix Fixed bug where AsyncLogger did not resolve configuration properties. Fixes LOG4J2-1779. rpopma
Fix Fixed concurrency issue affecting all layouts except PatternLayout and GelfLayout, which caused scrambled output and exceptions when logging synchronously from multiple threads. Fixes LOG4J2-1769. Thanks to Brandon Goodin. rpopma
Fix Using variables in GelfLayout's additional fields at runtime. Fixes LOG4J2-1724. Thanks to Alexander Krasnostavsky. mikes
Fix Add Builder to GelfLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1762. mikes
Fix Insure the ConfigurationScheduler shuts down without blocking. Fixes LOG4J2-1649. Thanks to Georg Friedrich. rgoers
Fix CronTriggeringPolicy would use the wrong date/time when rolling over and create multiple triggering policies on reconfiguration. Fixes LOG4J2-1653. Thanks to Georg Friedrich. rgoers
Fix Do not use non-daemon thread pool for rollover tasks. Fixes LOG4J2-1748. mikes
Fix Fixed file locking regression in FileAppender introduced in 2.6. Fixes LOG4J2-1628. rpopma
Fix The custom logger Generate tool no longer requires the log4j-api module on the classpath. Fixes LOG4J2-1744. rpopma
Fix SslSocketManager now respects connectTimeoutMillis. Fixes LOG4J2-1731. Thanks to Chris Ribble. rpopma
Fix Logger using LocalizedMessageFactory prints key instead of message. Fixes LOG4J2-1682. Thanks to Markus Waidhofer. ggregory
Fix Make GelfLayout independent of Jackson. Fixes LOG4J2-1720. mikes
Fix Fixed race condition in ObjectMessage and SimpleMessage, ensuring that the log message contains the value the object has during the logging call. Fixes LOG4J2-1719. rpopma
Fix Fixed bug where elements of a log message parameter array were nulled out in garbage-free mode. Fixes LOG4J2-1688. rpopma
Fix Add putAll() method to CloseableThreadContext. Fixes LOG4J2-1692. Thanks to Greg Thomas. mikes
Fix Add CleanableThreadContextMap interface supporting method removeAll(Iterable<String>). Fixes LOG4J2-1689. mikes
Fix Option 'disableAnsi' in PatternLayout to unconditionally disable ANSI escape codes. Fixes LOG4J2-1685. Thanks to Raman Gupta. mikes
Fix Make TimeFilter usable as global filter and as logger filter. Fixes LOG4J2-1706. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in VariablesNotEmptyReplacementConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1722. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in EncodingPatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1717. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in MapPatternConverter. (Note that constructing a MapMessage is not garbage-free.). Fixes LOG4J2-1716. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in MapMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-1683. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in NdcPatternConverter. (Note that use of the ThreadContext stack is not garbage-free.). Fixes LOG4J2-1715. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in AbstractStyleNameConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1714. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in TimeFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1680. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in StructuredDataFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1679. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in ThreadContextMapFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1678. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in MapFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1677. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in ThresholdFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1674. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in MarkerFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1673. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in LevelRangeFilter. Fixes LOG4J2-1672. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in EqualsIgnoreCaseReplacementConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1671. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in EqualsReplacementConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1670. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in MaxLengthConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1669. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in MarkerPatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1668. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in SequenceNumberPatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1667. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in RelativeTimePatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1666. rpopma
Fix (GC) Avoid allocating temporary objects in IntegerPatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1665. rpopma
Fix Fixed problems when used in OSGi containers (IllegalAccessError, NoClassDefFoundError). Fixes LOG4J2-1637. rpopma
Fix Improve LogEvent serialization to handle non-serializable Messages and deserializing when required classes are missing. Fixes LOG4J2-1226. rpopma
Fix Ensure SortedArrayStringMap can be serialized and deserialized without errors regardless of content. Fixes LOG4J2-1663. rpopma
Fix Prevent NPE in ThreadContextMapFactory::createThreadContextMap when initializing Log4j with Configurator::initialize and the BasicContextSelector is used. Fixes LOG4J2-1658. rpopma
Fix Immutable empty StringMap. Fixes LOG4J2-1645. mikes
Fix Configurable JVM shutdown hook timeout. Fixes LOG4J2-1623. mikes
Fix Pick up bug fixes from Apache Commons Lang's org.apache.commons.lang3.time package. Fixes LOG4J2-1712. ggregory
Fix Console Appender does not pick up Oracle Java 8's sun.stdout.encoding and sun.stderr.encoding. Fixes LOG4J2-1636. Thanks to Eldar Gabdullin. ggregory
Fix Fix MemoryMappedFileAppender.createAppender() Javadoc for immediateFlush. Fixes LOG4J2-1639. Thanks to Sridhar Gopinath. ggregory
Fix Some LogEvents may not carry a Throwable (Use Message.getThrowable() in log(Message) methods.). Fixes LOG4J2-1676. Thanks to Joern Huxhorn. ggregory
Fix Unwanted transitive dependency on geronimo-jms_1.1_spec causes OSGi tests to fail. Fixes LOG4J2-1723. Thanks to Ludovic HOCHET. ggregory
Fix Improve OSGi unit tests. Fixes LOG4J2-1664. Thanks to Ludovic HOCHET. ggregory
Fix NPE in ThrowableProxy when resolving stack in Java EE/OSGi environment. Fixes LOG4J2-1687. Thanks to Robert Christiansen. ggregory
Fix DefaultShutdownCallbackRegistry can throw a NoClassDefFoundError. Fixes LOG4J2-1642. Thanks to Johno Crawford. ggregory
Fix CronTriggeringPolicy raise exception and fail to rollover log file when evaluateOnStartup is true. Fixes LOG4J2-1474. Thanks to yin mingjun, Neon. ggregory
Fix SslSocketManagerFactory might leak Sockets when certain startup errors occur. Fixes LOG4J2-1734. ggregory
Fix TcpSocketManagerFactory might leak Sockets when certain startup errors occur. Fixes LOG4J2-1736. ggregory
Fix Add CronTriggeringPolicy programmatically leads to NPE. Fixes LOG4J2-1740. ggregory
Fix CompositeConfiguration does not add filters to appenderRefs. Fixes LOG4J2-1743. Thanks to Toby Shepheard. ggregory
Fix Adds xmlns in schema and some other tags. Fixes LOG4J2-1756. Thanks to shubhankar1100. ggregory
Update Update Conversant Disruptor from 1.2.7 to 1.2.10. Fixes LOG4J2-1781. mattsicker
Update Replace MockEJB dependency in unit tests with Spring Test and Mockito. Fixes LOG4J2-1774. mattsicker
Update Inefficient locking in AbstractLoggerAdapter. Fixes LOG4J2-1644. Thanks to Tim Gokcen, Pavel Sivolobtchik. ggregory
Update Update JeroMQ from 0.3.5 to 0.3.6. Fixes LOG4J2-1641. ggregory
Update Update Commons Lang from 3.4 to 3.5. Fixes LOG4J2-1647. mattsicker
Update Migrate to Mockito 2.x in unit tests. Fixes LOG4J2-1646. mattsicker
Update Update Jackson from 2.8.3 to 2.8.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1655. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.8.4 to 2.8.5. Fixes LOG4J2-1735. ggregory
Update Update Apache Flume from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1656. ggregory
Update Update LMAX Disruptor from 3.3.5 to 3.3.6. Fixes LOG4J2-1698. ggregory
Update Update Jansi from 1.13 to 1.14. Fixes LOG4J2-1700. ggregory
Update Update Kafka from to Fixes LOG4J2-1750. ggregory
Update Update liquibase-core from 3.5.1 to 3.5.3. Fixes LOG4J2-1751. ggregory
Update The log4j-slf4j-impl module now declares a runtime dependency on log4j-core. While not technically required, this makes the log4j-slf4j-impl module behave similarly to slf4j-log4j12, and facilitates migration to Log4j 2. Fixes LOG4J2-1302. rpopma
Add Document how to exclude transitive conflicting dependencies in Maven and Gradle. Fixes LOG4J2-1787. mattsicker
Add Add StatusLoggerRule to allow unit tests to set a status level. Fixes LOG4J2-1773. mattsicker
Add Add non-string data type support to JdbcAppender via new ColumnMapping plugin. Fixes LOG4J2-424. mattsicker
Add Add a Builder to ColumnConfig and deprecate ColumnConfig.createColumnConfig(). Fixes LOG4J2-1771. mattsicker
Add Add a Builder to JdbcAppender and deprecate JdbcAppender.createAppender(). Fixes LOG4J2-1770. mattsicker
Add Use MethodHandle in ContextDataFactory cached constructor. Fixes LOG4J2-1764. mattsicker
Add Add Apache Cassandra appender and ColumnMapping plugin. Fixes LOG4J2-1730. mattsicker
Add Add TypeConverter for java.util.UUID. Fixes LOG4J2-1759. mattsicker
Add Add TypeConverter for java.nio.file.Path. Fixes LOG4J2-1758. mattsicker
Add Add TypeConverter and constraint validators for java.net.InetAddress and port numbers. Fixes LOG4J2-1755. mattsicker
Add Refactor SyslogAppender so that Layout is a Plugin element. Fixes LOG4J2-969. ggregory
Add Added public method ThreadContext::getThreadContextMap; removed class ThreadContextAccess. Fixes LOG4J2-1660. rpopma
Add Add documentation regarding YAML configuration format. Fixes LOG4J2-1379. mattsicker
Add Introduce marker interface AsynchronouslyFormattable. Fixes LOG4J2-1718. rpopma
Add Introduce interfaces IndexedStringMap and IndexedReadOnlyStringMap, supporting garbage-free iteration over sorted map. Fixes LOG4J2-1681. rpopma
Add Add a Builder to ScriptPatternSelector and deprecate ScriptPatternSelector.createSelector(). Fixes LOG4J2-1695. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to MarkerPatternSelector and deprecate MarkerPatternSelector.createSelector(). Fixes LOG4J2-1696. ggregory
Add Add a SerializerBuilder to PatternLayout and deprecate PatternLayout.createSerializer(). Fixes LOG4J2-1697. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to RandomAccessFileAppender and deprecate RandomAccessFileAppender.createAppender(). Fixes LOG4J2-1701. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to MemoryMappedFileAppender and deprecate MemoryMappedFileAppender.createAppender(). Fixes LOG4J2-1703. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to RollingRandomAccessFileAppender and deprecate RollingRandomAccessFileAppender.createAppender(). Fixes LOG4J2-1704. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to SyslogAppender and deprecate SyslogAppender.createAppender(). Fixes LOG4J2-1709. ggregory
Add Allow TCP Socket Appender to set socket options. Fixes LOG4J2-1707. ggregory
Add Allow Secure Socket Appender to set socket options. Fixes LOG4J2-1708. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to SyslogLayout and deprecate SyslogLayout.createLayout(Facility, boolean, String, Charset). Fixes LOG4J2-1737. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to JsonLayout and deprecate org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.JsonLayout.createLayout(Configuration, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, Charset, boolean). Fixes LOG4J2-1738. ggregory
Add Add Builder to KafkaAppender and deprecate KafkaAppender.createAppender(Layout, Filter, String, boolean, String, Property[], Configuration). Fixes LOG4J2-1739. ggregory
Add Add SyncSend attribute to KafkaAppender (as in KafkaLog4jAppender). Fixes LOG4J2-1733. Thanks to Vincent Tieleman. ggregory
Fix Cannot define both `filters` and `separator` for PatternLayout %xEx. Fixes LOG4J2-2195. Thanks to Raman Gupta, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix RootThrowablePatternConverter does not use TextRenderer or line separator options. Fixes LOG4J2-2221. Thanks to Raman Gupta, Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 2.7 – 2016-10-02

Type Changes By
Fix Fixed ClassCastException when using JUL logging during shutdown. Fixes LOG4J2-1618. Thanks to Raman Gupta. rpopma
Fix 2.7-rc1: RollingFileAppender immediateFlush default value should be true, not false. Fixes LOG4J2-1620. Thanks to Sascha Scholz. ggregory
Fix Improved performance of context data injector for web applications to be on par with standalone applications. Fixes LOG4J2-1611. rpopma
Fix Introduced new interface LifeCycle2 with stop(long,TimeUnit) method to avoid breaking backwards compatibility with new Configurator.shutdown(LoggerContext, long, TimeUnit) API. Fixes LOG4J2-1591. rpopma
Fix Fixed issue with filters extending AbstractFilter that did not override methods with unrolled varargs. Fixes LOG4J2-1590. rpopma
Fix Fixed scrambled log messages triggered by nested logging from toString() method of a logging parameter object. Fixes LOG4J2-1583. Thanks to Larry West. rpopma
Fix Log4j threads are no longer leaking on Tomcat shutdown. Fixes LOG4J2-1259. Thanks to Misagh Moayyed, Steffen Offermann. ggregory
Fix When starting on Google App Engine, Interpolator now suppresses the NoClassDefFoundError stack trace for the jvmrunargs lookup. Fixes LOG4J2-1051. Thanks to Lukasz Lenart. rpopma
Fix When initializing on platforms where JMX is not available, Interpolator component no longer prints stack trace for warning messages. Fixes LOG4J2-1582. rpopma
Fix Unregistering JMX components no longer prints a stack trace when the MBean has already been unregistered. Fixes LOG4J2-1581. rpopma
Fix Support Property values to be specified in configuration as a value attribute as well as an element. Fixes LOG4J2-1313. Thanks to Philipp Knobel, Leon Finker. rpopma
Fix (GC) LoggerConfig now stores configuration properties in a List, not a Map to prevent creating temporary Iterator objects. Added method LoggerConfig#getPropertyList(), deprecated method #getProperties(). Fixes LOG4J2-1575. rpopma
Fix Fixed class loader deadlock when using async logging and extended stack trace pattern. Fixes LOG4J2-1457. Thanks to Leon Finker. mattsicker
Fix Fix to prevent Log4j 2.6.2 and higher from losing exceptions when a security manager is present. Fixes LOG4J2-1563. Thanks to Jason Tedor. ggregory
Fix Fixed issue where LogEvent.getContextStack() returned null. Fixes LOG4J2-1530. mikes
Fix Prevent deadlock in Async Loggers when queue is full and logged Object's toString() logs another message. Fixes LOG4J2-1518. Thanks to Leon Finker. rpopma
Fix Prevent ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ParameterizedMessage.formatTo for single-char or empty messages. Fixes LOG4J2-1542. Thanks to Rogério Lecarião Leite. rpopma
Fix Fixed issue where AsyncLoggerContextSelector+PropertiesConfigurationBuilder defaulted to includeLocation=true. Fixes LOG4J2-1549. Thanks to Jason Bedard. mikes
Fix Prevent SocketAppender memory usage from growing unbounded if it cannot connect to a server. Fixes LOG4J2-1562. ggregory
Fix Prevent NPE in Level.isInRange. Fixes LOG4J2-1559. Thanks to Andrey Plotkin. ggregory
Fix DynamicThresholdFilter filtered incorrectly when params were passed as individual arguments instead of varargs. Fixes LOG4J2-1511. Thanks to Srikanth Surukuntu. ggregory
Fix [CronTriggeringPolicy] ConfigurationScheduler scheduled the task infinitely after first fire. Fixes LOG4J2-1548. ggregory
Fix Log4j should not unregister JMX MBeans when log4j2.disable.jmx property is true. Fixes LOG4J2-1506. Thanks to Johannes Schleger. ggregory
Fix Log4j2 should postpone creating log file until the appender actually receives an event. Fixes LOG4J2-1490. Thanks to Krzysztof Taborski. ggregory
Fix Support loading custom plugins from jar files and directories whose classpath entries use the "vfs" URL protocol. Fixes LOG4J2-1320. Thanks to Paresh Varke, Pierrick Hymbert. ggregory
Fix Fix file handle resource leak in XmlConfiguration.XmlConfiguration(ConfigurationSource). Fixes LOG4J2-1541. ggregory
Fix Prevent NPE when dynamically removing filters. Fixes LOG4J2-1538. Thanks to Igor Karpov. ggregory
Fix Attributes were not merged properly in composite configurations. Fixes LOG4J2-1532. ggregory
Fix Attributes were not merged properly in composite configurations. Fixes LOG4J2-1529. Thanks to Sridevi Narra. mattsicker
Fix Prevent NPE in RingBufferLogEvent.getFormattedMessage() when used in web applications. Fixes LOG4J2-1527. Thanks to Jose Leon. rpopma
Fix Added ability to disable (date) lookup completely for compatibility with other libraries like Camel. Fixes LOG4J2-905. Thanks to Moritz Löser. ggregory
Fix Added support for setting StatusLogger destination in ConfigurationBuilder. Fixes LOG4J2-1526. mikes
Fix Allow comma separated agents, host list to be passed to FlumeAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1448. Thanks to Keith Laban. rpopma
Fix Merging configurations failed with an NPE when comparing Nodes with different attributes. Fixes LOG4J2-1500. Thanks to Jose Leon. ggregory
Fix Fixed improper header in CsvParameterLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1482. Thanks to Sumit Singhal. ggregory
Fix Documented that JVM Input Arguments Lookup (JMX) is not available on Google App Engine. Fixes LOG4J2-1199. rpopma
Fix (GC) Added method getParameter() to ObjectMessage (and ReusableObjectMessage). Fixes LOG4J2-1438. rpopma
Fix (GC) Fixed ISO8601 %date conversion pattern with a period '.' separator for milliseconds is now garbage free. Fixes LOG4J2-1488. Thanks to Richard Zschech. rpopma
Fix (GC) Fixed %date conversion patterns with a timezone parameter are now garbage free. Fixes LOG4J2-1489. Thanks to Richard Zschech. rpopma
Fix Prevent NullPointerException in FastDateParser$TimeZoneStrategy. Fixes LOG4J2-1279. Thanks to Tony Baines. rpopma
Fix (GC) HighlightConverter and StyleConverter are now GC-free. Fixes LOG4J2-1341. Thanks to Richard Zschech. rpopma
Fix [OSGi] Fixed missing import package. Fixes LOG4J2-1467. Thanks to Ralf, Gary Gregory. rpopma, ggregory
Fix [OSGi] Fixed wrong Fragment-Host in manifest files. Fixes LOG4J2-351. Thanks to Roland Weiglhofer. rpopma, ggregory
Fix Properties declared in configuration can now have their value either in the element body or in an attribute named "value". Fixes LOG4J2-1313. Thanks to Philipp Knobel. rpopma
Fix org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.routing.IdlePurgePolicy was not working correctly. Fixes LOG4J2-1235. Thanks to Niranjan Rao, Sascha Scholz, Aleksey Zvolinsky. ggregory
Fix Fixed issue where CsvParameterLayout and CsvLogEventLayout inserted NUL characters if data starts with {, (, [ or ". Fixes LOG4J2-1502. Thanks to Sumit Singhal. ggregory
Fix Layout is no longer optional. Fixes LOG4J2-1573. Thanks to Steffen Offermann. ggregory
Fix ServletAppender does not provide throwable object to ServletContext. Fixes LOG4J2-1608. ggregory
Fix Prevent potential NPE in org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterFormatter.formatMessage3(StringBuilder, char[], int, Object[], int, int[]). Fixes LOG4J2-1599. ggregory
Fix Prevent potential NPE due to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.MarkerPatternSelector.createSelector(PatternMatch[], String, boolean, boolean, Configuration). Fixes LOG4J2-1600. ggregory
Fix Prevent potential NPE due to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.ScriptPatternSelector.createSelector(AbstractScript, PatternMatch[], String, boolean, boolean, Configuration). Fixes LOG4J2-1601. ggregory
Fix Prevent potential NPE in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.datetime.FormatCache.MultipartKey.equals(Object) when object is null. Fixes LOG4J2-1602. ggregory
Fix Redo hashCode() and equals() methods in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.ssl classes. Fixes LOG4J2-1603. ggregory
Fix Add targetNamespace to log4j-config.xsd. GitHub #43. Fixes LOG4J2-1610. Thanks to Shubhankar. ggregory
Fix new Log4jLogEvent().toString() throws an NPE. Fixes LOG4J2-1619. ggregory
Add RoutingAppender can be configured with scripts. Add Script in a Routes element. Fixes LOG4J2-1578. ggregory
Add Add a ScriptAppenderSelector to create an Appender specified by a Script. Fixes LOG4J2-1597. ggregory
Add (GC) Added support for garbage-free ThreadContext map. Disabled by default, users need to enable this explicitly. Fixes LOG4J2-1349. rpopma
Add (GC) Changed LogEvent's internal data structure for context data to be garbage-free. Added method LogEvent#getContextData(), deprecated method #getContextMap(). Fixes LOG4J2-1447. rpopma
Add Users can now inject context data from other sources than ThreadContext. Values can be any Object, not just Strings. Fixes LOG4J2-1010. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. rpopma
Add Added support for java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue to AsyncAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1568. mattsicker
Add Added optional support for Conversant DisruptorBlockingQueue in AsyncAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1430. Thanks to John Cairns. mattsicker
Add Added optional support for JCTools MPSC bounded lock-free queue in AsyncAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1439. Thanks to Anthony Maire. mattsicker
Add SocketAppender now supports IO buffering. Fixes LOG4J2-1558. ggregory
Add Add a Builder for the SocketAppender (deprecates factory method). Fixes LOG4J2-1557. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to ServletAppender and deprecate factory method. Fixes LOG4J2-1609. ggregory
Add AbstractManager now implements AutoCloseable. Fixes LOG4J2-1553. ggregory
Add Added ability to generate Log4j 2-style XML configuration file from ConfigurationBuilder. Fixes LOG4J2-1528. mikes
Add Added Logging API for Scala 2.10 and 2.11. Fixes LOG4J2-1181. mikes
Add Added options to exclude stack trace from JSON, XML and YAML layouts. Fixes LOG4J2-1512. mikes
Add Added Core API Configurator.shutdown(LoggerContext, long, TimeUnit). Fixes LOG4J2-1539. ggregory
Add FileAppender is now able to create files on-demand. Fixes LOG4J2-1501. ggregory
Add RollingFileAppender is now able to create files on-demand. Fixes LOG4J2-1504. ggregory
Add [PatternLayout] Add an ANSI option to %xThrowable. Fixes LOG4J2-1471. ggregory
Add org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext now implements Closeable. Fixes LOG4J2-1472. ggregory
Add [PatternLayout] Add an ANSI option to %message. Fixes LOG4J2-1458. ggregory
Add Create a Builder for the FileAppender plugin to facilitate adding attributes in the future. Fixes LOG4J2-1505. ggregory
Add Allow Builders to be completely generic. Fixes LOG4J2-1507. ggregory
Add Allow a Builder to subclass another Builder. Fixes LOG4J2-1508. ggregory
Add Add ThreadContextMap2 interface supporting method putAll(Map<String, String>). Fixes LOG4J2-1516. Thanks to Gary Gregory. rpopma
Add Add ThreadContext.putAll(Map<String, String>). Fixes LOG4J2-1519. ggregory
Add Add JUnit Rule implementations to manage the thread context. Fixes LOG4J2-1520. ggregory
Add The Core AbstractConfiguration now tracks its LoggerContext and add Configuration.getLoggerContext(). Fixes LOG4J2-1547. ggregory
Add The Core AbstractManager now tracks its LoggerContext. Fixes LOG4J2-1540. ggregory
Add Add a Builder to the RoutingAppender and deprecate factory method. Fixes LOG4J2-1577. ggregory
Update Log4j2 TcpSocketServer in background. Fixes LOG4J2-1604. Thanks to Colin Hillman. ggregory
Update Allow the RollingFileAppender to use default pattern layout. Fixes LOG4J2-1574. ggregory
Update Custom Log4j threads now extend Log4jThread. Fixes LOG4J2-1556. ggregory
Update Improve error messages for TcpSocketServer and UdpSocketServer. Fixes LOG4J2-1605. ggregory
Update Updated Jackson from 2.7.5 to 2.8.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1458. ggregory
Update Updated Jackson from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1. Fixes LOG4J2-1494. ggregory
Update Updated Jackson from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2. Fixes LOG4J2-1569. ggregory
Update Updated Jackson from 2.8.2 to 2.8.3. Fixes LOG4J2-1598. ggregory
Update Updated LMAX Disruptor from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5. Fixes LOG4J2-1495. ggregory
Update Updated Kafka client from to Fixes LOG4J2-1496. ggregory
Update Updated Kafka client from to Fixes LOG4J2-1533. ggregory
Update Updated JMS test from ActiveMQ 5.13.3 to 5.13.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1487. ggregory
Update Updated JMS test from ActiveMQ 5.13.4 to 5.14.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1551. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.12 to 1.13. Fixes LOG4J2-1757. ggregory
Update Removed deprecated Core API org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Constants.UTF_8. Fixes LOG4J2-1543. ggregory
Update Removed deprecated Core API org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Assert.requireNonNull(T, String). Fixes LOG4J2-1544. ggregory
Update Removed deprecated Web API org.apache.logging.log4j.web.WebLookup.getServletContext(). Fixes LOG4J2-1545. ggregory

Release 2.6.2 – 2016-07-05

Type Changes By
Fix If copy and delete fails in rename action then resort to truncating the source file after copying it. Fixes LOG4J2-904. Thanks to Bernhard Mähr. rgoers
Fix CronTriggeringPolicy was not properly setting the prevFileTime value for the PatternProcessor so file dates and times on rolled files were incorrect. Fixes LOG4J2-1250. rgoers
Fix Fixed issue where reusable messages broke flow tracing logic. Fixes LOG4J2-1452. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. rpopma
Fix Fix bug in OnStartupTriggeringPolicy that allowed it to roll over on every reconfiguration. Added minSize attribute. Fixes LOG4J2-1440. rgoers
Fix Fixed minor issues with the 2.6.1 web site. Fixes LOG4J2-1414. Thanks to Ralph Goers. rpopma
Fix Ensure that the thread-local StringBuilders used by Layouts to format log events to text will not retain excessive memory after a large message was logged. Fixes LOG4J2-1434. Thanks to Luke Butters. rpopma
Add Add "direct" option to ConsoleAppender for increased performance. Fixes LOG4J2-1395. mikes
Fix Provide MessageFactory2 to custom Logger implementations. Fixes LOG4J2-1418. mikes
Fix RollingRandomAccessFileManager was not properly rolling over on startup and was getting a NullPointerException. Fixes LOG4J2-1420. rgoers
Fix Fixed issue where Unbox utility ignored the value Constants.ENABLE_THREADLOCALS and always stored non-JDK classes in ThreadLocals. Fixes LOG4J2-1417. rpopma
Fix Fixed issue where AsyncAppenderQueueFullPolicyTest sometimes hangs. Fixes LOG4J2-1422. rpopma
Fix OnStartupTriggeringPolicyTest fails on Windows saying the file is used by another process. Fixes LOG4J2-1445. Thanks to Ludovic HOCHET. ggregory
Add (GC) ObjectMessage and ReusableObjectMessage now avoid calling toString() on auto-boxed primitive parameters. Fixes LOG4J2-1437. rpopma
Add (GC) ParameterFormatter now avoids calling toString() on auto-boxed primitive message parameters. Fixes LOG4J2-1415. rpopma
Add Unbox utility's ringbuffer of StringBuilders is now configurable. Fixes LOG4J2-1412. rpopma
Update Update Jackson from 2.7.4 to 2.7.5. Fixes LOG4J2-1432. ggregory
Update Update Jansi from 1.11 to 1.13. Fixes LOG4J2-1433. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.11 to 1.12. Fixes LOG4J2-1444. ggregory

Release 2.6.1 – 2016-06-05

Type Changes By
Fix OnStartupTriggeringPolicy was forcing a rollover of empty files at startup and would append a second footer that was added by the prior shutdown. Fixes LOG4J2-1405. rgoers
Fix Fixed bug in ReusableParameterizedMessage where Throwable was never updated so first error was logged over and over again and subsequent errors were not logged. Fixes LOG4J2-1406. Thanks to Trask Stalnaker. rpopma
Fix Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that may occur in ReusableParameterizedMessage. Fixes LOG4J2-1409. Thanks to Shahan. rpopma
Fix Add filter and remove filter were not working properly in AbstractFilterable. Fixes LOG4J2-997. Thanks to Maytee Chinavanichkit. rgoers
Fix Changed RenameAction to use java.nio to better report rename failures. Fixes LOG4J2-1032. rgoers
Fix Fixed misleading WARN log events from Log4j about message factories and unexpected formatting. Fixes LOG4J2-1407. ggregory
Fix Added the module log4j-liquibase to BOM POM. Fixes LOG4J2-1408. ggregory
Fix Logger cache now accounts for message factory. Fixes LOG4J2-1180. ggregory
Fix Fix regression in properties configuration to support arbitrary component ids. Fixes LOG4J2-1402. rgoers
Update (GC) CSV layouts should not create a new CSVPrinter for each log event. Requires Apache Commons CSV 1.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1385. ggregory
Update Update liquibase-core from 3.4.2 to 3.5.1. Fixes LOG4J2-1398. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons CSV from 1.3 to 1.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1399. ggregory
Add Added documentation about plugin builders compared to factories. Fixes LOG4J2-1411. mattsicker
Fix Fixed minor issues with the 2.6 web site. Fixes LOG4J2-1394. mattsicker,mikes

Release 2.6 – 2016-05-25

Type Changes By
Add (GC) Added support for garbage-free logging in steady state. This includes Async Loggers and logging synchronously to the console and to a file, but does not include the AsyncAppender. This release makes the GelfLayout and the main patterns in the PatternLayout garbage-free. Fixes LOG4J2-1270. rpopma
Add (GC) Added manual page on garbage-free logging. Fixes LOG4J2-1297. rpopma
Add (GC) Update Logger wrapper Generator tool to generate methods for the new Logger methods. Fixes LOG4J2-1373. rpopma
Update (GC) GelfLayout does now support garbage-free logging (with compressionType=OFF). Fixes LOG4J2-1356. mikes
Add (GC) Added methods to the Logger interface for logging CharSequence messages. Fixes LOG4J2-1326. rpopma
Add (GC) FileAppender, RollingFileAppender and MemoryMappedFileAppender are now also garbage-free by default. Fixes LOG4J2-1344. rpopma
Update (GC) ConsoleAppender is now garbage-free by default. This logic is reusable for all AbstractOutputStreamAppender subclasses. Fixes LOG4J2-1343. rpopma
Add (GC) Added unrolled varargs methods to Logger API, added Unbox utility to avoid auto-boxing when logging primitive values. Fixes LOG4J2-1278. rpopma
Update (GC) Avoid allocating unnecessary temporary objects in LoggerContext's getLogger methods. Fixes LOG4J2-1318. rpopma
Update (GC) Avoid allocating unnecessary temporary objects in MarkerManager's getMarker methods. Fixes LOG4J2-1333. rpopma
Update (GC) Avoid allocating unnecessary temporary objects in PatternLayout's NamePatternConverter and ClassNamePatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-1321. rpopma
Add (GC) Add MessageFactory that avoid allocation by reusing a cached ParameterizedMessage instance. Fixes LOG4J2-1271. rpopma
Update (GC) ParameterizedMessage optimizations to avoid or at least postpone allocating temporary objects. Fixes LOG4J2-1271. rpopma
Update (GC) Provide ThreadLocal-based gc-free caching mechanism in DatePatternConverter for non-webapps. Fixes LOG4J2-1283. rpopma
Add (GC) Add interface StringBuilderFormattable to enable converting Messages and parameters to text without allocating temporary objects. ParameterizedMessage, ObjectMessage, SimpleMessage and ThreadDumpMessage now implement StringBuilderFormattable. Fixes LOG4J2-1293. rpopma
Update (GC) Update PatternLayout to utilize gc-free mechanism for LogEvent processing. Fixes LOG4J2-1291. rpopma
Update (GC) Update RandomAccessFileAppender and RollingRandomAccessFileAppender to utilize gc-free Layout.encode() method. Fixes LOG4J2-1292. rpopma
Add (GC) Add encode(LogEvent, ByteBufferDestination) method to Layout API to enable converting LogEvents to bytes without creating temporary objects. Fixes LOG4J2-1274. rpopma
Fix (GC) LoggerConfig.getProperties() should not allocate on each call. Fixes LOG4J2-1281. rpopma
Update (GC) Improve LoggerConfig's data structure for AppenderControl objects to avoid allocating temporary objects during traversal for each log event. Fixes LOG4J2-1272. rpopma
Fix (GC) AsyncLogger should use thread-local translator by default. Fixes LOG4J2-1269. rpopma
Fix Generate MDC properties as a JSON map in JSONLayout, with option to output as list of map entries. Fixes LOG4J2-623. rpopma
Add Added a YAML layout. Fixes LOG4J2-1362. Thanks to Gary Gregory. rpopma
Fix Fixed memory leak related to shutdown hook. Fixes LOG4J2-1387. rpopma
Add Documented benchmark results comparing Log4j 2 performance to other logging libraries. Fixes LOG4J2-1179. rpopma
Fix Copying a MutableLogEvent using Log4jLogEvent.Builder should not unnecessarily obtain caller location information. Fixes LOG4J2-1382. rpopma
Add Document dependencies for layouts. Fixes LOG4J2-1011. mikes
Add Pattern to drop first N package parts. Fixes LOG4J2-621. Thanks to Lee Theobald, Kamal Mettananda, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Support merging configurations to for a composite configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-494. Thanks to Philipp Knobel. rgoers
Add Option to not log stack traces for logged Throwables in GelfLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1357. mikes
Update Update SLF4J from 1.7.13 to 1.7.21. Fixes LOG4J2-1375. rpopma
Update Migrate tests from Logback 1.1.3 to 1.1.7. Fixes LOG4J2-1374. rpopma
Update Update Apache Commons CSV from 1.2 to 1.3. Fixes LOG4J2-1384. ggregory
Fix XMLLayout indents, but not the first child tag (Event). Fixes LOG4J2-1372. Thanks to Kamal Mettananda, Gary Gregory. rgoers
Fix Properties Configuration did not support includeLocation attribute on Loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-1363. rgoers
Fix The ConfigurationSource was not saved for BuiltConfigurations so monitor interval had no effect. Fixes LOG4J2-1263. rgoers
Fix "xz" compression results in plaintext, uncompressed files. Fixes LOG4J2-1369. Thanks to Alex Birch, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update (Log4j-internal) Provide message text as CharSequence for some message types to optimize some layouts. Fixes LOG4J2-1365. mikes
Fix (Log4j-internal) StatusLogger dropped exceptions when logging parameterized messages. Fixes LOG4J2-1368. rpopma
Add Add an AutoCloseable ThreadContext class: CloseableThreadContext. Fixes LOG4J2-1348. Thanks to Greg Thomas, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update (Doc) Clarify documentation for properties that control Log4j behaviour. Fixes LOG4J2-1345. rpopma
Fix LoggerFactory in 1.2 API module is not compatible with 1.2. Fixes LOG4J2-1336. Thanks to Zbynek Vyskovsky. ggregory
Fix No configuration reload is triggered under Windows when replacing the configuration file with one that has older last modified date. Fixes LOG4J2-1354. Thanks to Arkadiusz Adolph. ggregory
Fix Exception from Log4jServletContextListener prevents jetty-maven-plugin run-forked. Fixes LOG4J2-1346.
Fix (Perf) AsyncLogger performance optimization: avoid calling instanceof TimestampMessage in hot path. Fixes LOG4J2-1339. rpopma
Fix Improve error handling in the Async Logger background thread: the new default exception handler no longer rethrows the error. Fixes LOG4J2-1324. rpopma
Fix Configuration file error does not show cause exception. Fixes LOG4J2-1309. ggregory
Add Add pattern converter for thread id and priority in PatternLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1299. ggregory
Fix Change flow logging text from "entry' to "Enter" and "exit" to "Exit". Fixes LOG4J2-1289. ggregory
Fix Made default MessageFactory configurable. Fixes LOG4J2-1284. rpopma
Fix Deprecate org.apache.logging.log4j.util.MessageSupplier. Fixes LOG4J2-1280. ggregory
Fix Logger methods taking Supplier parameters now correctly handle cases where the supplied value is a Message. Fixes LOG4J2-1280. rpopma
Fix FixedDateFormat was incorrect for formats having MMM with the French locale. Fixes LOG4J2-1268. rpopma
Update Add enhanced entry and exit methods. Fixes LOG4J2-1255. rgoers
Add Add shutdown methods to LogManager. Fixes LOG4J2-124. rgoers
Fix Creation of a LoggerContext will fail if shutdown is in progress. LogManager will default to SimpleLogger instead. Fixes LOG4J2-1222. rgoers
Add Added async logger Timeout wait strategy and made this the default wait strategy for async loggers. This prevents a rare deadlock that may occur on Solaris. Fixes LOG4J2-1221. Thanks to Michael Barker. rpopma
Add Added option to discard events below a certain log level if the async logger ring buffer or async appender queue is full. Fixes LOG4J2-1080. rpopma
Add Make PatternLayout header and footer accept a pattern. Fixes LOG4J2-1237. Thanks to Mike Calmus, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Make header and footer values customizable in JSONLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1244. Thanks to Anshu Garg, Remko Popma, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Make CSV Layout header and footers accept patterns. Fixes LOG4J2-1245. ggregory
Add Dynamic Subject for SMTP Appender. Fixes LOG4J2-1192. Thanks to Jörg Bretschneider, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add FormattedMessage, MessageFormatMessage and StringFormattedMessage should support passing in a Locale to ensure appropriate formatting. Fixes LOG4J2-1277. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Ludovic Hochet. ggregory
Fix TlsSyslogFrame calculates message length incorrectly. Fixes LOG4J2-1260. Thanks to Blake Day, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Async DynamicThresholdFilter does not use the log event's context map. Fixes LOG4J2-1258. Thanks to Francis Lalonde. ggregory
Fix Incorrect log rotation in last week of year. Fixes LOG4J2-1232. Thanks to Nikolai. ggregory
Fix Fixed broken nanotime in pattern layout. Fixes LOG4J2-1248. rpopma
Fix JSONLayout doesn't add a comma between log events. Fixes LOG4J2-908. Thanks to Konstantinos Liakos, Patrick Flaherty, Robin Coe, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Don't concatenate SYSLOG Messages. Fixes LOG4J2-1230. Thanks to Vladimir Hudec, Ralph Goers, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.TcpSocketManager and other classes does not report internal exceptions to the status logger. Fixes LOG4J2-1238. ggregory
Fix Fix documentation to specify the correct default wait strategy used by async loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-1212. rpopma
Fix Documentation/XSD inconsistencies. Fixes LOG4J2-1215. Thanks to Erik Kemperman. ggregory
Fix LoggerMessageSupplierTest and LoggerSupplierTest are Locale sensitive. Fixes LOG4J2-1276. Thanks to Ludovic Hochet. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1380. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.7.0 to 2.7.2. Fixes LOG4J2-1304. ggregory
Update Update LMAX Disruptor from 3.3.2 to 3.3.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1253. ggregory
Update Update SLF4J from 1.7.12 to 1.7.13. Fixes LOG4J2-1219. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1239. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.6.4 to 2.7.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1249. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3. Fixes LOG4J2-1351. ggregory
Update Update Liquibase from 3.3.5 to 3.4.2. Fixes LOG4J2-1240. ggregory
Update Update Kafka client from to Fixes LOG4J2-1294. ggregory
Update Update javax.mail from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5. Fixes LOG4J2-1352. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.10 to 1.11. Fixes LOG4J2-1358. ggregory
Update Update Google java-allocation-instrumenter from 3.0 to 3.0.1. Fixes LOG4J2-1388. rpopma
Update Misleading Value In Properties Example. Fixes LOG4J2-1233. Thanks to Bahri Gencsoy. ggregory
Fix Fix JUL bridge issue where LogRecord.getParameters() is used when null. Fixes LOG4J2-1251. Thanks to Romain Manni-Bucau. mattsicker
Fix Fix typo in Flow Tracing documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-1254. Thanks to Josh Trow. rpopma
Fix ClassNotFoundException for BundleContextSelector when initialising in an OSGi environment. Fixes LOG4J2-920. Thanks to Ludovic Hochet. mattsicker
Update Remove serializability from classes that don't need it. Fixes LOG4J2-1300. mattsicker
Add Add documentation links to runtime dependencies in each component intro page. Fixes LOG4J2-1303. mattsicker
Fix Fix RollingAppenderNoUnconditionalDeleteTest repeat test runs from failing. Fixes LOG4J2-1275. Thanks to Ludovic Hochet. mattsicker
Fix Stop throwing unnecessary exception in Log4jServletContextListener.contextDestroyed(). Fixes LOG4J2-1262. mattsicker
Add JeroMqAppender should support layouts. Fixes LOG4J2-1252. mattsicker
Fix NullPointerException in MapLookup.lookup if the event is null. Fixes LOG4J2-1227. Thanks to Olivier Lemasle. mattsicker
Update JeroMqAppender should use ShutdownCallbackRegistry instead of runtime hooks. Fixes LOG4J2-1306. mattsicker
Add PatternLayout option to limit length of text. Fixes LOG4J2-1217. Thanks to Thies Wellpott. mattsicker
Update Remove need to pre-specify appender et al. identifiers in property file config format. Fixes LOG4J2-1308. mattsicker
Fix Add a Log4jLookup class to help write log files relative to log4j2.xml. Fixes LOG4J2-1050. Thanks to Adam Retter. mattsicker
Add Add JNDI lookup documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-1133. mattsicker
Fix JndiLookup mindlessly casts to String and should use String.valueOf(). Fixes LOG4J2-1310. mattsicker
Update org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext#updateLoggers should call firePropertyChangeEvent. Fixes LOG4J2-1206. mattsicker
Fix Log4jWebInitializerImpl: Use Thread instead of Class for fallback classloader. Fixes LOG4J2-248. mattsicker
Add PatternLayout: Possible variable substitution in equals substitution parameter. Fixes LOG4J2-1169. Thanks to Gerald Kritzinger. mattsicker
Update Update Log4j 1.x migration guide to include information about system property lookup syntax changes. Fixes LOG4J2-1322. mattsicker
Fix Fix NoClassDefFoundError in ReflectionUtil on Google App Engine. Fixes LOG4J2-1330. mattsicker

Release 2.5 – 2015-12-06

Type Changes By
Fix Reduced memory usage of status messages in bounded queue; support zero-length queue that stores no messages. Fixes LOG4J2-324. rpopma
Fix Fixed rollover error when copying to a directory mapped to a remote Linux host. Fixes LOG4J2-1173. rpopma
Add Added support for custom delete actions triggered by a rollover. Fixes LOG4J2-435. Thanks to Robert Schaft. rpopma
Update Add PurgePolicy and IdlePurgePolicy to RoutingAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-649. Thanks to Aleksey Zvolinsky. rgoers
Update Remove ConfigurationMonitor. The WatchManager is now used to check for configuration changes. Fixes LOG4J2-1202. rgoers
Fix Make KafkaAppender support SerializedLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1195. Thanks to Melvin Du. mikes
Add Allow rollover to occur at any time. Add CronTriggeringPolicy. Fixes LOG4J2-89. rgoers
Fix Allow triggering policy and rollover strategy to be modified during reconfiguration. Fixes LOG4J2-381. Thanks to Anthony Baldocchi. rgoers
Add Add support for JSR 223 scripts in filters and the PatternSelector. Fixes LOG4J2-1136. rgoers
Add Add getters for source and destination file in file rename action. Fixes LOG4J2-1168. Thanks to Steven Swor. ggregory
Add Add getters for classes in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action. Fixes LOG4J2-1175. ggregory
Add Added system property to allow users to control whether messages should be formatted in the background. Fixes LOG4J2-898. rpopma
Add Support use-case for JDBC's CommonDataSource.setLogWriter(PrintWriter) and java.sql.DriverManager.setLogWriter(PrintWriter). Fixes LOG4J2-1178. ggregory
Add Support use case for java.sql.DriverManager.setLogStream(PrintStream). Fixes LOG4J2-1187. ggregory
Fix Performance improvement when gathering location information. Fixes LOG4J2-1029. Thanks to Stefan Leonhartsberger. rpopma
Fix Fixed ThreadLocal leak [AsyncLogger$Info] on Tomcat when using AsyncLoggerContextSelector. Fixes LOG4J2-1172. rpopma
Fix Fixed memory leak when log4j jars are in Tomcat's lib folder. Fixes LOG4J2-1176. rpopma
Fix Logger cache does not account for message factory. Fixes LOG4J2-1180. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Fix Documentation: fixed minor issues with the site and manual pages. Fixes LOG4J2-879. rpopma
Fix RollingFileAppender should also roll over when log event time is equal to rollover time, not only when later. Fixes LOG4J2-999. Thanks to Joan Balagueró. rpopma
Fix Fixed bug where omitting the <display-name> element in web.xml caused incorrect log4j initialization, resulting in memory leaks when the web application was stopped or reloaded. Fixes LOG4J2-873. Thanks to Martin Dickins, LC, Luke Woodward. rpopma
Fix Better web app support for async loggers: Fixed a memory leak that occurred when the logging jars are placed in the container's classpath and the configuration file uses AsyncRoot/AsyncLogger. The problem was that the first web application started the Disruptor background thread [AsyncLoggerConfig-1] but did not stop it until all web apps are stopped. Each web application now has its own Disruptor which is stopped/started together with the web app. Fixes LOG4J2-323. rpopma
Fix Better web app support for async loggers: it is now possible to place the logging jars in the container's classpath when making all loggers asynchronous by using AsyncLoggerContextSelector. This fixes a problem where logging would stop working after stopping and restarting a web application. Fixes LOG4J2-493. rpopma
Fix Use servlet context name for logger context name when available. Fixes LOG4J2-1171. rpopma
Fix Fixed a ThreadLocal memory leak in Tomcat8 that mentions AsyncLoggers when Async Loggers are not used. Fixes LOG4J2-1159. rpopma
Fix AbstractConfiguration executor should use a DaemonThreadFactory. Fixes LOG4J2-1166. rpopma
Fix Improve Log4j initialization status messages. Fixes LOG4J2-1165. rpopma
Fix Web site corrections and updates. Fixes LOG4J2-1156. rpopma
Fix Log4J JUL adapter is using MessageFormat on String passed by java.util.function.Supplier<String>. Fixes LOG4J2-1158. Thanks to Michael Fortin, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger should be serializable. Fixes LOG4J2-801. mattsicker
Fix Fix compilation error for classes annotated with @Plugin. Fixes LOG4J2-1157. Thanks to Norbert Bartels. mattsicker
Fix Fix plugin documentation error about Converters. Fixes LOG4J2-948. Thanks to Andrew Flower. mattsicker
Fix Prefix all thread names Log4j creates with "Log4j2-". Fixes LOG4J2-1193. ggregory
Fix Documentation does not match parameters for LoggerNameLevelRewritePolicy. Fixes LOG4J2-1194. Thanks to Adam Brin. ggregory
Fix MongoDbConnection does not close MongoClient. Fixes LOG4J2-1196. Thanks to René Zanner. mattsicker
Update Update Jackson from 2.6.2 to 2.6.3. Fixes LOG4J2-1174. ggregory
Update Update kafka-clients from to Fixes LOG4J2-1207. ggregory

Release 2.4.1 – 2015-10-08

Type Changes By
Add Allow PatternLayout to select a pattern to use based on some selection criteria. Fixes LOG4J2-1129. rgoers
Add Add %equals to PatternLayout to test and replace patterns with strings. Fixes LOG4J2-1145. ggregory
Add Add %equalsIgnoreCase to PatternLayout to test and replace patterns with strings. Fixes LOG4J2-1147. ggregory
Add Add %notEmpty to PatternLayout to avoid output of patterns where all variables are empty. Fixes LOG4J2-1146. ggregory
Add Add possibility to set shutdown timeout on AsyncAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1020. mikes
Fix Fixed NullPointerException when only root logger is defined (and no named loggers) in configuration properties file. Fixes LOG4J2-1153. rpopma
Fix Fixed bug where headers were not being written to first file with RollingFileAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1140. rpopma
Fix Fixed bug where PatternLayout predefined date pattern with time zone always renders default date format. Fixes LOG4J2-1149. rpopma
Fix Fixed Log4jLookup. Fixes LOG4J2-1050. rpopma
Fix Fix potential memory leak in web applications by using a straight ThreadLocal field instead of subclassing ThreadLocal. Fixes LOG4J2-1142. rpopma
Fix Compression on rollover was broken: log file was renamed to .zip but not compressed. Fixes LOG4J2-1135. rpopma
Fix log4j2.xml cannot be parsed on Oracle Weblogic 12c. Fixes LOG4J2-1127. ggregory
Fix Do not use MongoDB driver 2.13.3 deprecated methods. Fixes LOG4J2-1132. ggregory
Fix Add %markerSimpleName in pattern layout should evaluate to marker name (not toString()). Fixes LOG4J2-1144. ggregory
Fix Web site corrections and updates. Fixes LOG4J2-1126. ggregory
Update Performance improvement: backport Java 8 fast ISO-8859-1 String to byte[] encoder to AbstractStringLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1151. rpopma
Update Performance improvement when converting Strings to byte[] arrays. Fixes LOG4J2-935. rpopma
Update Update MongoDB driver from 2.13.3 to 3.0.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1040. ggregory
Update Reuse StringBuilder to improve performance for String-based layouts: CSV, GELF, HTML, RFC524, Syslog. Fixes LOG4J2-1128. ggregory
Update Update mongo-java-driver from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3. Fixes LOG4J2-1131. ggregory
Update Do not use Jackson deprecated methods. Fixes LOG4J2-1138. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2. Fixes LOG4J2-1139. ggregory
Update Update kafka-clients from to Fixes LOG4J2-1150. ggregory

Release 2.4 – 2015-09-20

Type Changes By
Add Add support for configuration via Properties. Fixes LOG4J2-635. rgoers
Add Add ConfigurationBuilder for programmatic configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-952. rgoers
Update Update Java platform from Java 6 to 7. From this version onwards, log4j 2 requires Java 7. Fixes LOG4J2-1017. ggregory
Add Added support for Java 8 lambda expressions to lazily construct a log message only if the requested log level is enabled. Fixes LOG4J2-599. rpopma
Add Updated Logger wrapper generator tool to add Java 8 lambda support for custom log levels. Fixes LOG4J2-1118. rpopma
Add New Appender for Apache Kafka. Fixes LOG4J2-1107. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Add New publisher Appender for ZeroMQ (using JeroMQ). Fixes LOG4J2-1113. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add Comma Separated Value (CSV) layouts for parameter and event logging. Fixes LOG4J2-1088. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update PatternLayout timestamp formatting performance improvement: replaced synchronized SimpleDateFormat with Apache Commons FastDateFormat. This and better caching resulted in a ~3-30X faster timestamp formatting. Fixes LOG4J2-812. rgoers
Update PatternLayout timestamp formatting performance improvement: predefined date formats (and variants using a period '.' millisecond separator instead of ',') are now formatted ~2-10X faster than other date formats. Fixes LOG4J2-1097. rpopma
Update Improved performance of ParameterizedMessage::getFormattedMessage by ~2X. Fixes LOG4J2-1096. rpopma
Update LoggerConfig performance improvements: avoid unnecessary lock acquisition, use more efficient data structure. Fixes LOG4J2-1120. rpopma
Update PatternLayout performance improvement by caching and reusing a ThreadLocal StringBuilder. Fixes LOG4J2-1125. rpopma
Fix Fixed potential race condition on reconfiguration. Introduced ReliabilityStrategy to facilitate switching between different mechanisms for preventing log events from being dropped on reconfiguration. Fixes LOG4J2-1121. rpopma
Update Add thread name to status logger layout. Fixes LOG4J2-1114. ggregory
Fix Core Configurator.initialize(String, ClassLoader, String) fails to work when config location is a file path. Fixes LOG4J2-1123. ggregory
Fix OutputStreamManager in ConsoleAppender leaking managers. Fixes LOG4J2-1117. Thanks to Marcus Thiesen. ggregory
Fix Write pending events to Flume when the appender is stopped. Fixes LOG4J2-1044. rgoers
Fix NullPointerException when passing null to java.util.logging.Logger.setLevel(). Fixes LOG4J2-1108. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Fix org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.CoreLogger.setLevel() checks for security permission too late. Fixes LOG4J2-1110. ggregory
Remove Removed experimental interface LevelLogger which got committed to master by mistake. rpopma
Update Pass log event when interpolating logger properties. Fixes LOG4J2-1010. rgoers
Add Add Core Configurator APIs to change a logger's level. Fixes LOG4J2-1090. ggregory
Add Add API org.apache.logging.log4j.Level.isInRange(Level, Level). Fixes LOG4J2-1105. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add a LevelRangeFilter class. Fixes LOG4J2-1106. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Added support for system nanosecond time in pattern layout. Fixes LOG4J2-1074. rpopma
Add Added support for compressing to bzip2 format on file rollover. Fixes LOG4J2-1075. rpopma
Add Support additional Apache Commons Compress compression formats on rollover: Deflate, Pack200, XY. Fixes LOG4J2-1077. ggregory
Add New module for Liquibase integration. Fixes LOG4J2-767. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Add New RewritePolicy for changing level of a log event. Fixes LOG4J2-1023. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Add Add a way to route messages based on the %marker in Layout for RoutingAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-1015. Thanks to Daniel Marcotte. ggregory
Add Add a Log4jLookup class to help write log files relative to log4j2.xml. Fixes LOG4J2-1050. Thanks to Adam Retter. ggregory
Add Add API org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getFormatterLogger(). Fixes LOG4J2-1057. ggregory
Add Expose Log4jContextFactory's ShutdownCallbackRegistry. Fixes LOG4J2-1066. Thanks to Charles Allen. ggregory
Fix Misleading StatusLogger WARN event in LogManager with java.util.Map. Fixes LOG4J2-1084. Thanks to Philipp Schneider. ggregory
Fix NoClassDefFoundError when starting app on Google App Engine. Fixes LOG4J2-1051. Thanks to Lukasz Lenart. ggregory
Fix ExtendedThrowablePatternConverter does not print suppressed exceptions. Fixes LOG4J2-684. Thanks to Joern Huxhorn, Mauro Molinari. ggregory
Fix Improper handling of JSON escape chars when deserializing JSON log events. Fixes LOG4J2-1069. Thanks to Sam Braam. ggregory
Fix Exceptions not logged when using TcpSocketServer + SerializedLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1068. Thanks to Andy McMullan. ggregory
Fix ThrowableProxy getExtendedStackTraceAsString throws NPE on deserialized nested exceptions. Fixes LOG4J2-1067. Thanks to Sam Braam. ggregory
Fix AsyncAppender now resets the thread interrupted flag after catching InterruptedException. Fixes LOG4J2-1049. Thanks to Robert Schaft. rpopma
Fix FileConfigurationMonitor unnecessarily calls System.currentTimeMillis() causing high CPU usage. Fixes LOG4J2-1048. Thanks to Nikhil. rpopma
Fix Backward compatibility issue in log4j-1.2-api NDC pop() and peek(). Fixes LOG4J2-1037. Thanks to Marc Dergacz. ggregory
Fix Custom java.util.logging.Level gives null Log4j Level and causes NPE. Fixes LOG4J2-1025. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Fix SimpleLogger creates unnecessary Map objects by calling ThreadContext.getContext() instead of getImmutableContext(). Fixes LOG4J2-1033. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Fix HighlightConverter does not obey noConsoleNoAnsi. Fixes LOG4J2-1026. ggregory
Fix ZipCompressAction leaves files open until GC when an IO error takes place. Fixes LOG4J2-1019. ggregory
Fix GzCompressAction leaves files open until GC when an IO error takes place. Fixes LOG4J2-1020. ggregory
Fix Incorrect documentation for layout default charset. Fixes LOG4J2-1038. Thanks to Gili. ggregory
Fix Socket and Syslog appenders don't take timeout into account at startup. Fixes LOG4J2-1042. Thanks to Guillaume Turri. ggregory
Fix Circular suppressed Exception throws StackOverflowError. Fixes LOG4J2-934. Thanks to Kenneth Gendron. ggregory
Fix Circular Exception cause throws StackOverflowError. Fixes LOG4J2-1046. Thanks to Kenneth Gendron. ggregory
Fix Use System.nanoTime() to measure time intervals. Fixes LOG4J2-982. Thanks to Mikhail Mazurskiy. ggregory
Fix Externalize log4j2.xml via URL resource. Fixes LOG4J2-1045. Thanks to Günter Albrecht. ggregory
Fix Log4jMarker#contains(String) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract. Fixes LOG4J2-1058. Thanks to Daniel Branzea. ggregory
Fix Log4jMarker#contains(Marker) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract. Fixes LOG4J2-1060. ggregory
Fix Log4jMarker#remove(Marker) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract. Fixes LOG4J2-1061. ggregory
Fix Log4jMarker#add(Marker) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract. Fixes LOG4J2-1062. ggregory
Fix org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jMarker does not implement org.slf4j.Marker.equals(Object) org.slf4j.Marker.hashCode(). Fixes LOG4J2-1064. ggregory
Fix Header in layout should not be written on application startup if appending to an existing file. Fixes LOG4J2-1030. Fixes LOG4J2-889. Thanks to Maciej Karaś, Kenneth Leider. rpopma
Fix Clarify documentation for combining async with sync loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-918. rpopma
Fix GelfLayout throws exception if some log event fields are null. Fixes LOG4J2-1078. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Update Support batchSize in FlumeAvroManager. Fixes LOG4J2-1044. rgoers
Update Define org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker.equals(Object) and org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker.hashCode(). Fixes LOG4J2-1065. ggregory
Update Avoid creating temporary array object in org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jMarker.iterator(). Fixes LOG4J2-1063. ggregory
Update log4j-web-2.1 should workaround a bug in JBOSS EAP 6.2. Fixes LOG4J2-890. Thanks to Hassan Kalaldeh, Robert Andersson, Remko Popma. ggregory
Update MongoDB appender, username and password should be optional. Fixes LOG4J2-403. Thanks to Poorna Subhash P, Jeremy Lautman. ggregory
Update Log4j2 tries to SystemClassLoader when running on Google AppEngine. Fixes LOG4J2-1035. ggregory
Update Allow a list of keys to be specified in the MDC pattern converter. Fixes LOG4J2-1022. rgoers
Update Fix FindBugs DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING bug in SimpleLogger.logMessage() and simplify code. Fixes LOG4J2-959. ggregory
Update Update Apache Flume from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1036. ggregory
Update Update MongoDB driver from 2.11.2 to 2.13.2. Fixes LOG4J2-1041. ggregory
Update Update database tests from H2 1.3.175 to 1.3.176. Fixes LOG4J2-1018. ggregory
Update Update Java Mail from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1070. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4. Fixes LOG4J2-1079. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.5.4 to 2.6.0. Fixes LOG4J2-1879. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1. Fixes LOG4J2-1092. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.9 to 1.10. Fixes LOG4J2-1104. ggregory

Release 2.3 – 2015-05-09

Type Changes By
Fix Incorrectly defined compressionType parameter to GelfLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-1009. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Fix org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util.ResolverUtil.extractPath(URL) incorrectly converts '+' characters to spaces. Fixes LOG4J2-1008. Thanks to Ralph Goers, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util#fileFromUri(URI uri) incorrectly converts '+' characters to spaces. Fixes LOG4J2-1007. Thanks to Ralph Goers, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix JUL Logger.throwing is mis-mapped to ERROR when it should be TRACE. Fixes LOG4J2-1003. Thanks to Dan Armbrust. ggregory
Fix System.out no longer works after the Console appender and JANSI are initialized. Fixes LOG4J2-965. Thanks to Khotyn Huang. ggregory
Update Make org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger#updateConfiguration protected. Fixes LOG4J2-998. Thanks to Mariano Gonzalez. ggregory
Update Move UTF-8 constant from Charsets to Constants class. Remove Charsets class. Fixes LOG4J2-995. rgoers
Fix Deadlock would occur if appender thread creates a new Logger during reconfiguration. Fixes LOG4J2-993. rgoers
Fix Async root logger config should default includeLocation to false. Fixes LOG4J2-991. Thanks to Ryan Rupp. rpopma
Fix AbstractFilter should not implement equals() and hashCode(). Fixes LOG4J2-985. Thanks to Sean Dawson. rpopma
Add PatternLayout %highlight to support noConsoleNoAnsi like %style. Fixes LOG4J2-984. Thanks to Jonas Höpfner. ggregory
Add Truncate from the end of text format modifier. Fixes LOG4J2-926. Thanks to David Ohana. ggregory
Fix Numerical overflow in BurstFilter not handled correctly. Fixes LOG4J2-980. Thanks to Mikhail Mazurskiy. ggregory
Fix Incorrect unlock in ProviderUtil. Fixes LOG4J2-981. Thanks to Mikhail Mazurskiy. ggregory
Fix KeyStoreConfiguration.createKeyStoreConfiguration() ignores keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm. Fixes LOG4J2-966. ggregory
Fix Using monitorInterval with YAML config file format causes JSONParseException. Fixes LOG4J2-976. Thanks to Matt Quinn. ggregory
Fix StringFormattedMessage serialization is incorrect. Fixes LOG4J2-964. Thanks to Jonne Jyrylä. ggregory
Fix A new StatusLoggerAdmin listener is added to StatusLogger every time the log is reconfigured. Fixes LOG4J2-947. Thanks to Stefan Wehner. ggregory
Fix SyslogLayout contains extra space. Fixes LOG4J2-968. Thanks to Paul D Johe. ggregory
Fix log4j2.component.properties not read for all properties. Fixes LOG4J2-967. Thanks to Stefan Wehner. ggregory
Fix Another bad priority in Syslog messages. Fixes LOG4J2-971. Thanks to Paul D Johe. ggregory
Fix org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.ssl.TlsSyslogInputStreamReader does not need to create temp Integer objects. Fixes LOG4J2-972. ggregory
Fix Typo in EventLogger documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-974. Thanks to Daniel Galán y Martins. ggregory
Update Update LMAX Disruptor from 3.3.0 to 3.3.2. Fixes LOG4J2-988. ggregory
Update Migrate tests from Logback 1.1.2 to 1.1.3. Fixes LOG4J2-987. ggregory
Update Update tests to use ActiveMQ from 5.10 to 5.11.1. Fixes LOG4J2-988. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.5.1 to 2.5.3. Fixes LOG4J2-1004. ggregory
Update Update Slf4j from 1.7.7 to 1.7.12. Fixes LOG4J2-1005. ggregory

Release 2.2 – 2015-02-22

Type Changes By
Fix (JMX) To avoid memory leaks when web applications are restarted, JMX notifications are sent from the caller thread in web applications. For non-web applications notifications are sent from a background thread as before. Fixes LOG4J2-938. Thanks to Mauro Molinari. rpopma
Fix Missing toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH). Fixes LOG4J2-957. Thanks to fatih guleryuz. ggregory
Fix Manual refers to Route "AppenderRef" attribute, should be "ref". Fixes LOG4J2-956. Thanks to David Kellerman. ggregory
Update Documentation: clarify system properties to control status logger, improve troubleshooting FAQ entry. Fixes LOG4J2-955. rpopma
Update Incorrect attribute name in PropertiesRewritePolicy example. Fixes LOG4J2-950. Thanks to Joel Edwards. ggregory
Fix Log4j Flume appender is not adding millisecond to the event headers when the event is logged at 000 milliseconds. Fixes LOG4J2-944. Thanks to Vinayaka Ramachandra. ggregory
Add Allow JSON layout to create one compact log record per line. Fixes LOG4J2-941. Thanks to Konstantinos Liakos. ggregory
Add HTML layout should not use attribute minimalization for hr noshade. Fixes LOG4J2-933. Thanks to ppiman at gmail.com. ggregory
Add Specify the SyslogAppender connect timeout value as part of the configuration. The SyslogAppender takes a new parameter connectTimeoutMillis. Fixes LOG4J2-895. ggregory
Add Specify the SocketAppender connect timeout value as part of the configuration. The SyslogAppender takes a new parameter connectTimeoutMillis. Fixes LOG4J2-899. ggregory
Fix Log4j 1.2 Bridge doesn't map level ALL correctly in Category.getEffectiveLevel(). Fixes LOG4J2-924. Thanks to Ryan Rupp. ggregory
Fix ConsoleAppender is missing @PluginFactory annotation at createAppender method. Fixes LOG4J2-931. Thanks to Robert Gacki. ggregory
Fix Logging system fails to initialize if XInclude API is not available. Fixes LOG4J2-919. Thanks to David Johle. ggregory
Fix ThrowableProxy.getExtendedStackTraceAsString causes NullPointerException. Fixes LOG4J2-914. Thanks to Kaj Bjurman. ggregory
Fix XML configuration does not report full error message for XInclude parser configuration problems. Fixes LOG4J2-912. ggregory
Fix ClassLoaderContextSelector uses ClassLoader.toString() as a key. Fixes LOG4J2-903. Thanks to Mauro Molinari. ggregory
Fix ThrowableProxy throws NoClassDefFoundError. Fixes LOG4J2-834. Thanks to Nikita Koval, Leonard Broman, Thiago Kronig. ggregory
Fix NullPointerException on filter when mapping JUL to Log4j2. Fixes LOG4J2-893. ggregory
Fix JUL adapter does not map Log4j'2 FATAL level to a JUL level. Fixes LOG4J2-892. ggregory
Fix AbstractLifecycle should not implement equals() and hashCode(). Fixes LOG4J2-881. Thanks to Mariano Gonzalez. ggregory
Fix Javadoc for org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator.configure() is incorrect. Fixes LOG4J2-897. ggregory
Fix AbstractLifecycle should not implement equals() and hashCode(). Fixes LOG4J2-891. ggregory
Fix [docs] Using Log4j 2 in Web Applications: Update example (Log4jWebLifeCycle is not visible). Fixes LOG4J2-946. Thanks to artemonster. ggregory
Update Update docs for SyslogAppender: "No structured id name was supplied". Fixes LOG4J2-901. Thanks to Tihomir Meščić, Siegfried Greisinger. ggregory
Update Update from Jackson 2.5.0 to 2.5.1. Fixes LOG4J2-958. ggregory
Update Update from Jackson 2.4.4 to 2.5.0. Fixes LOG4J2-925. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.4.3 to 2.4.4. Fixes LOG4J2-910. ggregory
Update Update Jackson from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3. Fixes LOG4J2-881. ggregory
Update Update maven-core from 3.1.0 to 3.2.3. Fixes LOG4J2-882. ggregory
Update Update tests from org.apache.felix.framework 4.2.1 to 4.4.1. Fixes LOG4J2-883. ggregory
Update Update org.eclipse.osgi from 3.6.0 to 3.7.1. Fixes LOG4J2-884. ggregory
Update Update Apache Flume from to 1.5.2. Fixes LOG4J2-900. ggregory

Release 2.1 – 2014-10-19

Type Changes By
Fix Some typo fixes and enhancements for the site. Fixes LOG4J2-676. Thanks to Stefan Bodewig. rgoers
Add Add ShutdownCallbackRegistry interface for customizable shutdown callback handling. This is particularly useful for application servers that wish to integrate with Log4j 2. Fixes LOG4J2-868. mattsicker
Fix Documentation: fixed missing closing parenthesis in code example. Fixes LOG4J2-866. Thanks to Gerard Weatherby. rpopma
Fix Fixed classloader issue that prevented Log4j from finding the implementation when used in a custom Ant task. Fixes LOG4J2-862. Thanks to Michael Sutherland. mattsicker
Add Supported filtering on custom log levels in configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-589. rpopma
Fix Documentation: fix broken links on left navigation Extending Log4j Configuration sub-menu. Fixes LOG4J2-861. rpopma
Add Documentation: add sections on the JUL Adapter, IO Streams and NoSQL Appenders to the Maven and Ivy page. Fixes LOG4J2-856. rpopma
Fix Documentation: clarified why log4j-core is a compile time dependency in Maven and Ivy page. Fixes LOG4J2-797. Thanks to Andreas Rytina. rpopma
Fix Documentation: fix broken links on Appenders manual page. Fixes LOG4J2-855. rpopma
Fix Prevent NPE when configuration with AsyncLogger/AsyncRoot is reloaded. Fixes LOG4J2-807. rpopma
Add Add a Java lookup to provide nicely formatted runtime version information. Fixes LOG4J2-848. ggregory
Add Move reflection utility class to API's private utility classes. Fixes LOG4J2-809. mattsicker
Update Add 2.1.0 to compatible versions in Log4j API ProviderUtil and update Log4jAPIVersion to 2.1.0 in core META-INF/log4j-provider.properties. Fixes LOG4J2-845. mattsicker
Add Documentation: added Runtime Dependencies link to left nav-bar on site. Fixes LOG4J2-833. rpopma
Add Documentation: added section on XInclude to user manual Configuration page. Fixes LOG4J2-816. rpopma
Fix Documentation: fixed minor issues with Log4j2 web site/documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-678. Thanks to Matt Sicker. rpopma
Update Update JMH to 1.1 from 0.7.2. Fixes LOG4J2-844. rpopma
Fix Migrate JpaHyperSqlAppenderTest JUnit performance test to log4j-perf. Fixes LOG4J2-843. rpopma
Fix Migrate JpaH2AppenderTest JUnit performance test to log4j-perf. Fixes LOG4J2-842. rpopma
Fix Migrate JdbcHyperSqlAppenderTest JUnit performance test to log4j-perf. Fixes LOG4J2-841. rpopma
Fix Migrate JdbcH2AppenderTest JUnit performance test to log4j-perf. Fixes LOG4J2-840. rpopma
Fix Respect external interrupt signal to allow application shutdown after joining AsyncAppender thread. Fixes LOG4J2-830. rpopma
Fix MarkerManager Log4jMarker.hasParents() returns opposite of correct result. Fixes LOG4J2-813. Thanks to David Erichsen, Brandon Barry. ggregory
Fix Documentation: fixed capitalization inconsistency in user manual example config. Fixes LOG4J2-785. rpopma
Fix Fixed issue in RollingFile filePattern: backslashes are path separators, not escape characters. Fixes LOG4J2-829. rpopma
Add Add the Log4j IOStreams component. Fixes LOG4J2-547. mattsicker
Add Added Memory-Mapped File Appender. Fixes LOG4J2-431. Thanks to Claude Mamo. rpopma
Fix ThrowableProxy fails if a class in logged stack trace throws java.lang.Error from initializer. Fixes LOG4J2-832. Thanks to Seth Leger. ggregory
Update Documentation: updated FAQ "which jars" diagrams for JUL bridge and 2.1 version. Fixes LOG4J2-831. rpopma
Add Support use of TypeConverter classes through the standard Plugin system. Fixes LOG4J2-827. mattsicker
Fix Avoid ConverterKey plugin clashes by using a more predictable plugin loading infrastructure. Plugins have been segmented into three parts: class path, user-specified packages, and OSGi bundles. Fixes LOG4J2-745. Thanks to Scott Harrington. mattsicker
Fix Fixed plugin scanning redundancy causing massive slowdowns in certain environments. Fixes LOG4J2-798. Thanks to Scott Harrington. mattsicker
Fix Reduced CachedClock thread contention. Fixes LOG4J2-753. rpopma
Fix Fixed memory leak in Tomcat 6 caused by clock background threads unintentionally started by Tomcat after web application stop. Fixes LOG4J2-819. Thanks to Gary Gregory. mattsicker
Add Add simple validation constraint annotations for the Plugin system. Fixes LOG4J2-825. mattsicker
Add Implement a GELF layout. Fixes LOG4J2-428. Thanks to Mark Paluch, Mikael Ståldal. ggregory
Fix FlumePersistentManager now handles LockConflictExceptions in Berkeley Db when sending a batch. Fixes LOG4J2-391. Thanks to Kamal Bahadur. rgoers
Fix Remove invalid Oracle Maven repository. Fixes LOG4J2-782. mattsicker
Update Update Spring Framework to 3.2.11.RELEASE from 3.2.8.RELEASE. Fixes LOG4J2-780. mattsicker
Update Unify the two JMS appenders into a single appender. Configurations written for 2.0 will still work in 2.1+. Fixes LOG4J2-815. mattsicker
Add Add java.util.logging implementation based on log4j-api. See log4j-jul documentation for more details. Fixes LOG4J2-608. mattsicker
Fix Fixed issue where log4j-to-slf4j did not work correctly with SLF4J Simple Logger. Fixes LOG4J2-796. rpopma
Fix SimpleLogger throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for an empty array. Fixes LOG4J2-811. Thanks to Yogesh Rao. ggregory
Fix Fix OSGi Import-Package problem with the JMS API. Fixes LOG4J2-663. Thanks to Florian Brunner. mattsicker
Add Add support for custom SLF4J Markers in log4j-slf4j-impl module. Fixes LOG4J2-793. mattsicker
Fix PatternLayout should use platform character encoding by default, not UTF-8. Fixes LOG4J2-783. Thanks to Minglei Lee. rpopma
Add Add lookup for application main arguments. Fixes LOG4J2-771. ggregory
Add Add lookup for JVM arguments. Fixes LOG4J2-787. ggregory
Update Update Jackson to 2.4.2 from 2.4.1 (for XML and JSON processing). Fixes LOG4J2-790. ggregory
Update Incomplete documentation for JSONLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-766. Thanks to Bruno P. Kinoshita. ggregory
Update All life cycle implementations should be serializable. This is still work in progress. Fixes LOG4J2-800. ggregory
Update org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger should be serializable. This is still work in progress. Fixes LOG4J2-801. ggregory
Update Update javax.mail to 1.5.2 from 1.5.0. Fixes LOG4J2-810. ggregory
Update Update org.eclipse.persistence.jpa to 2.5.2 from 2.5.1. Fixes LOG4J2-822. ggregory
Update FlumeAppender: maxDelay not in seconds, but milliseconds. Add time scale to some settings, for example maxDelayMillis instead of maxDelay. The old names are aliased for compatibility. Fixes LOG4J2-867. ggregory

Release 2.0.2 – 2014-08-16

Type Changes By
Update Update Apache Flume to from 1.5.0. Fixes LOG4J2-775. ggregory
Fix Site: log4j-core component pages were still using the old logo. Fixes LOG4J2-773. rpopma
Fix Documentation improvement: link to dependency tree from log4j-core component page, link to log4j-core component page from FAQ page. Fixes LOG4J2-760. rpopma
Fix Resolved race condition that caused log file rotation to fail with error: "Unable to create directory ...". Fixes LOG4J2-679. rpopma
Fix Prevent application from hanging when PatternLayout configuration has opening '{' but no closing '}'. Fixes LOG4J2-726. rpopma
Fix Startup takes a long time if you have empty packages attribute. Fixes LOG4J2-769. Thanks to Scott Harrington. rpopma
Fix Improved asynchronous loggers and appenders to ensure the formatted message does not change even if parameters are modified by the application. (ParameterizedMessage was already safe.) Improved documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-763. Thanks to Stephen Connolly. rpopma
Fix Emit warning message to console if no configuration file found. Fixes LOG4J2-729. rpopma
Fix Improve warning message when missing log4j-core in the classpath. Fixes LOG4J2-765. rpopma
Fix Clarified in documentation that Commons Logging jar is required when using log4j-jcl. Fixes LOG4J2-722. rpopma
Fix Clarified in documentation that SLF4J API jar is required when using log4j-slf4j-impl. Fixes LOG4J2-723. rpopma
Update Allow Log4jContextFactory subclasses to specify a custom ContextSelector. Fixes LOG4J2-730. rpopma
Fix Fixed various minor site/documentation issues, mostly versioning related. Fixes LOG4J2-759. rpopma
Fix Prevent JUnit test from creating unnecessary Log4j2Plugins.dat during build. Fixes LOG4J2-756. Thanks to Scott Harrington. rpopma

Release 2.0.1 – 2014-07-29

Type Changes By
Fix Avoid unnecessary Clock calls when TimestampMessage is logged. Fixes LOG4J2-744. Thanks to Scott Harrington. rpopma
Fix Improved error message if configuration file not found. Fixes LOG4J2-704. rpopma
Fix Webapp configuration page has incorrect class name. Fixes LOG4J2-750. Thanks to Mike Calmus. ggregory
Fix Retain the default date pattern after fixing the ISO8601 pattern. Fixes LOG4J2-749. Thanks to Scott Harrington. rpopma
Fix DatePatternConverter ISO8601_PATTERN now conforms to ISO8601. Fixes LOG4J2-670. rpopma
Fix Reinstate the package configuration attribute for discovering custom plugins. Fixes LOG4J2-741. rpopma
Fix XInclude not working with relative path. Fixes LOG4J2-742. Thanks to Pascal Chollet. ggregory
Fix Fixed typo in webapp manual regarding sample web.xml file. Fixes LOG4J2-740. Thanks to Kosta Krauth. mattsicker
Fix RollingFileManager deadlock if async action thread fails to start. Fixes LOG4J2-738. Thanks to Timothy Stack. ggregory
Fix Fixed log4j-bom so that it won't specify a default scope on any third party dependencies. Fixes LOG4J2-736. mattsicker
Fix Fixed log4j-bom so that it won't interfere with spring-bom and others. Fixes LOG4J2-735. mattsicker
Fix Updated documentation regarding extensions to LoggerContextFactory and Log4j 2 providers. Fixes LOG4J2-731. mattsicker
Fix Fixed ClassLoader issues in loading Log4j providers in an OSGi environment. Fixes LOG4J2-373. mattsicker
Add Added WebLoggerContextUtils class to log4j-web for helper methods useful for asynchronous servlets. Fixes LOG4J2-725. mattsicker
Add Added documentation for Custom Levels and Custom Loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-710. rpopma
Fix Correctly handle NetworkOnMainThreadException thrown on Android during Log4j2 initialization. Fixes LOG4J2-719. rpopma
Fix Automatically disable log4j JMX when detecting we are running on Android. Fixes LOG4J2-716. rpopma
Fix Fixed AbstractDatabaseManager to close connection on writeInternal error. Fixes LOG4J2-657. Thanks to Stefan Wehner. rpopma
Fix Android: java.lang.VerifyError: org/apache/logging/log4j/core/util/Closer. Fixes LOG4J2-713. Thanks to Nelson Melina. ggregory
Fix Android: Could not find class 'javax.naming.InitialContext', referenced from method org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JndiLookup.lookup. Fixes LOG4J2-703. Thanks to Nelson Melina. ggregory
Update to LMAX Disruptor 3.3.0 from 3.2.1. Fixes LOG4J2-732. ggregory
Update to latest Jackson jars from the 2.4.1.X line. Fixes LOG4J2-733. ggregory

Release 2.0 – 2014-07-12

Type Changes By
Fix Fixed issue where Async Logger does not log thread context stack data. API change: added method getImmutableStackOrNull() to ThreadContext.ContextStack interface. Fixes LOG4J2-705. rpopma
Fix Update docs to clarify how to use formatter logger and standard logger together. Fixes LOG4J2-631. rpopma
Add Added support for generating custom logger wrappers that replace the existing log levels and extended logger wrappers that add custom log levels to the existing ones. Fixes LOG4J2-519. rpopma
Fix LoggerConfigs with no Level now inherit the Level from their parent. Fixes LOG4J2-441. rgoers
Add RegexFilter does not match multiline log messages. Fixes LOG4J2-696. ggregory
Fix PatternLayout manual page missing documentation on header/footer. Fixes LOG4J2-699. rpopma
Fix Fixed Serialization error with SocketAppender and Async Loggers. (Fixed in RC2, but wasn't included in release notes.). Fixes LOG4J2-625. rpopma
Fix JMX GUI: fixed occasional ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after pressing "reconfigure with XML below". (Fixed in RC2, but wasn't included in release notes.). Fixes LOG4J2-538. rpopma
Fix AsyncLoggerContextSelector should ensure that different AsyncLoggerContext objects created by web app classloaders have unique names. Fixes LOG4J2-666. rpopma
Fix Fix annotation processor warnings on JDK 1.7+. Fixes LOG4J2-683. Thanks to Jurriaan Mous. mattsicker
Fix Fix strange compilation error that popped up in a test class. Fixes LOG4J2-694. mattsicker
Fix Update documentation to specify only Maven 3 is supported. Fixes LOG4J2-692. rgoers
Fix Log4j Web test dependencies should be in scope "test" in the pom. Fixes LOG4J2-690. Thanks to Philip Helger. rgoers
Fix Special characters (tab and so on) in PatternLayout do not work. Fixes LOG4J2-682. Thanks to Scott Harrington. ggregory
Update Make org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.AbstractLayout immutable. Fixes LOG4J2-685. ggregory
Fix Core's OptionConverter support for \b is broken (affects PatternLayout). Fixes LOG4J2-686. ggregory
Fix Rename org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Closer.closeSilent() to closeSilently(). Fixes LOG4J2-687. ggregory
Fix Make org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.PatternLayout immutable. Fixes LOG4J2-688. ggregory
Update Update Jackson to 2.4.1. Fixes LOG4J2-689. ggregory
Fix Some exceptions are not logged when configuration problems are detected. Fixes LOG4J2-707. ggregory
Update Update Apache Commons Logging to 1.2 from 1.1.3. Fixes LOG4J2-709. ggregory

Release 2.0-rc2 – 2014-06-21

Type Changes By
Add RollingFile and RollingRandomAccessFile now write the layout footer before rollover. Fixes LOG4J2-675. rpopma
Fix RollingRandomAccessFile now writes the layout header after rollover. Fixes LOG4J2-581. Thanks to Alexander Khokhlov. rpopma
Fix RollingFileManager now correctly honours the bufferedIO configuration after rollover. Fixes LOG4J2-622. Thanks to Farooq Khan. rpopma
Add Made RollingFileAppender buffer size configurable. Fixes LOG4J2-674. rpopma
Fix Improved documentation regarding log4j status logger. Fixes LOG4J2-141. Thanks to Joern Huxhorn. rpopma
Fix Fixed issue with "Reconfigure using XML below" function in JMX Client GUI. ConfigurationSource is now a top-level class and can be obtained with Configuration.getConfigurationSource(). LoggerContext.getConfiguration().getConfigurationSource() provides a reliable public method for obtaining a logger context's configuration location and content. Fixes LOG4J2-539. Thanks to Colin Froggatt. rpopma
Fix Invalid XML configuration files do not prevent the config file from being checked again. Fixes LOG4J2-619. Thanks to Scott Harrington. rgoers
Fix JMX: Updating a Logger's level via jConsole now correctly takes effect. Fixes LOG4J2-637. Thanks to Mansoor Sajjad, Jon Wilmoth. rpopma
Fix Correctly process log events when combining AsyncLoggers with AsyncAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-668. rpopma
Fix Prevent NPE when combining AsyncLoggers with AsyncLoggerConfigs. Fixes LOG4J2-669. rpopma
Add Create an appender to route log events to the ServletContext log. Fixes LOG4J2-42. rgoers
Update Support default value for missing key in look ups with fallback to looking in the properties map. Fixes LOG4J2-419. Thanks to Woonsan Ko. rgoers
Fix FlumeAvroManager now always uses a client type of default_failover. Fixes LOG4J2-563. Thanks to Michael Friedmann. rgoers
Update Allow configuration files to be located as Servlet Context resources. Fixes LOG4J2-554. rgoers
Fix Reset rollover time when size rollover is triggered. Fixes LOG4J2-535. rgoers
Fix Moved plugin cache file to META-INF for OSGi compatibility. Fixes LOG4J2-664. mattsicker
Fix Fix NPE that can be caused by a null ThreadContextClassLoader. Fixes LOG4J2-640. mattsicker
Add Add Vagrantfile for testing in GNU+Linux. Fixes LOG4J2-655. mattsicker
Fix Log4j 2 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Fixes LOG4J2-651. ggregory
Add Add log4j-perf module to provide a home for all log4j performance tests. Add support for JMH microbenchmark performance tests. Fixes LOG4J2-654. rpopma
Add Add support for default plugin values and attributes. Fixes LOG4J2-652. mattsicker
Add Add support for types other than String for plugin factory values/attributes. Fixes LOG4J2-598. mattsicker
Update Refactor Log4jLogEvent to lazily create ThrowableProxy. Fixes LOG4J2-250. rpopma
Update Upgrade to Flume 1.5.0. Fixes LOG4J2-647. ggregory
Add Implement a SecureSocketAppender and secure server (SSL/TLS). Fixes LOG4J2-644. ggregory
Update Merge the TLS Syslog appender into the Syslog appender. Fixes LOG4J2-646. ggregory
Fix Perform reconfiguration in a separate thread to prevent deadlocks. Fixes LOG4J2-620. rgoers
Update Override commons-logging dependency version in tests. Fixes LOG4J2-641. mattsicker
Fix Prevent NPE in AsyncLogger and AsyncLoggerConfig if logger is used after log4j has been shut down. Fixes LOG4J2-639. Thanks to Mck SembWever. rpopma
Fix FailoverAppender was not resetting its status after the primary appender recovered. Fixes LOG4J2-469. rgoers
Fix Generate MDC properties as a JSON map in JSONLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-623. rgoers
Update Made RollingRandomAccessFileAppender buffer size configurable. Fixes LOG4J2-566. Thanks to Luigi Alice. rpopma
Fix Resolved issue where AsyncAppender dropped events if queue still contained events when application is stopped. Fixes LOG4J2-520. Thanks to JavaTech, Andre Bogus. rpopma
Fix Resolved a problem with the previous solution for LOG4J2-392 that resulted in dropped events when using AsyncLoggerConfig with slow appenders when application is stopped. Fixes LOG4J2-392. Thanks to Andre Bogus. rpopma
Fix The OSGi version of log4j-web imports Servlet 2.5 at minimum instead of 3.0. Fixes LOG4J2-613. mattsicker
Fix Unit tests are now less verbose during the build process. Fixes LOG4J2-602. rgoers
Fix Fix shutdown thread memory leak in servlet containers. Fixes LOG4J2-570. mattsicker
Update Use Clock to generate all log event timestamps, not just for Async Loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-628. rpopma
Add Document the system properties used in Log4J 2. Fixes LOG4J2-629. rpopma
Fix Make Throwable transient in ThrowableProxy. Fixes LOG4J2-542. rgoers
Update Update SLF4J to 1.7.7. Fixes LOG4J2-617. mattsicker
Update Update Jackson to 2.3.3. Fixes LOG4J2-616. mattsicker
Fix During shutdown, a NullPointerException could be thrown due to the NullConfiguration class no longer being available to the ClassLoader. Fixes LOG4J2-440. mattsicker
Fix Cyclic dependency with log4j-slf4j-impl in OSGi. Fixes LOG4J2-346. mattsicker
Fix The log4j-1.2-api module didn't export any packages to OSGi. Fixes LOG4J2-345. mattsicker
Fix Password data from the NoSQL plugins no longer shows up in cleartext in debug logging. Fixes LOG4J2-605. mattsicker
Fix A StringIndexOutOfBounds exception could occur during property substitution. Fixes LOG4J2-448. Thanks to X86core. rgoers
Fix StatusLogger was not skipping multiple instances of the FQCN class, causing messages from classes in the Verbose list to be printed. Fixes LOG4J2-597. rgoers
Update Add support for multiple parents to Markers. Fixes LOG4J2-585. Thanks to Bruce Brouwer. rgoers
Add Introduce Java annotation processor as the new plugin pre-caching mechanism. This is available in log4j-core. All custom plugins created before this should be re-built against the current log4j-core. Fixes LOG4J2-595. mattsicker
Fix Renamed SLF4J logger class to Log4jLogger. Fixes LOG4J2-564. mattsicker
Fix Rework Level comparison APIs. Fixes LOG4J2-579. ggregory
Add Add org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger.getLevel(). Fixes LOG4J2-576. ggregory
Update Make Blocking the default WaitStrategy for Async Loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-574. rpopma
Update Introduce ExtendedLogger interface to facilitate implementing and extending Loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-555. Thanks to Bruce Brouwer. rpopma
Fix SyslogAppenderTest and RFC5424LayoutTest were failing in Java 8. Fixes LOG4J2-560. rgoers
Update Allow spaces around commas in Configuration's package attribute. Fixes LOG4J2-561. Thanks to vibin. ggregory
Update Have Logger API expose a PrintWriter instead of custom LoggerStream. Fixes LOG4J2-547. Thanks to Bruce Brouwer. rgoers
Add Add EncodingPatternConverter to escape newlines and HTML special characters. Fixes LOG4J2-439. Thanks to Bruce Brouwer. rgoers
Update Allow header and footer to be specified as lookup patterns in PatternLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-496. rgoers
Fix Add equals and hashcode to Log4jLogEvent. Fixes LOG4J2-499. rgoers
Update SLf4JLogger is now Serializable. Fixes LOG4J2-410. Thanks to Ivlin Zeng. rgoers
Add Add support for configuration via YAML. Fixes LOG4J2-427. Thanks to Alexander Reelsen. rgoers
Fix Add DateLookup and ThreadContextLookup to default lookups. Fixes LOG4J2-378. rgoers
Update Add support to add a LoggerConfig. Document two ways to modify the configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-468. rgoers
Update Rename org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.SocketServer to TCPSocketServer and refactor with UDP. Fixes LOG4J2-582. ggregory
Update Update Jackson to 2.3.2 from 2.2.2. Fixes LOG4J2-592. ggregory

Release 2.0-rc1 – 2014-02-16

Type Changes By
Removed the DataSourceConnectionSource and the <DriverManager> plugin for the JDBC Appender. It is not safe to use. Please use the DataSource or factory connection sources backed by a connection pool. nickwilliams
Update Renamed the org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.nosql.mongo package to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.nosql.mongodb. nickwilliams
Update Renamed the org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.nosql.couch package to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.nosql.couchdb. grobmeier
Fix (JMX - ObjectNames changed!) Unloading one web application unloads JMX MBeans for all web applications. Fixes LOG4J2-500. rpopma
Update Space Level numbers by 100 instead of 1. Fixes LOG4J2-507. ggregory
Fix Fixed bugs where rolled log files were overwritten by RollingFile appender with composite time and size based policies. Fixes LOG4J2-531. Thanks to Geoff Ballinger. rpopma
Fix Changed the MongoDBConnection to add a MongoDB encoding hook instead of a decoding hook. Fixes LOG4J2-475. Thanks to Matt Sicker. nickwilliams
Fix Fixed the JPAAppender's overuse of transactions by connecting (borrowing from pool) on new write internal or on flush. Fixes LOG4J2-489. nickwilliams
Fix Fixed failure of JDBC and JPA appender to properly release database connections by connecting (borrowing from pool) on new write internal or on flush. Fixes LOG4J2-457. nickwilliams
Fix Fixed problem with JDBC and JPA appender connectivity in WebSphere by connecting (borrowing from pool) on new write internal or on flush. Fixes LOG4J2-442. nickwilliams
Fix Ensured the JDBCAppender commits transactions after a single write or a flush of multiple writes. Fixes LOG4J2-438. nickwilliams
Fix Fixed inability to recover from lost database connection in database appenders by connecting (borrowing from pool) on new write internal or on flush. Fixes LOG4J2-407. nickwilliams
Add (JMX) JMX Client GUI should dynamically update when LoggerContext MBeans are registered/unregistered in MBean server. Fixes LOG4J2-530. rpopma
Fix Stop AsyncLoggerConfig Disruptor thread(s), then AsyncAppender thread(s) first before stopping other appenders. Fixes LOG4J2-511. Thanks to James Pretorius. rpopma
Fix Stop AsyncLoggerConfig Disruptor thread(s), then AsyncAppender thread(s) first before stopping other appenders. Fixes LOG4J2-392. Thanks to ilynaf, Andre Bogus. rpopma
Fix (OSGi) logging.log4j-1.2-api doesn't export the log4j API 1.2. Dependent bundles can not be resolved. Fixes LOG4J2-345. Thanks to Roland Weiglhofer, Matt Sicker. rpopma
Fix LocalizedMessage serialization is broken. Fixes LOG4J2-523. ggregory
Fix Fixed issues with time-based file rollover (monthly, weekly, hourly and every minute). Fixes LOG4J2-385. Thanks to Ace Funk, Porfirio Partida. rpopma
Fix Added a ServletContext attribute that, when set to "true", disables Log4j's auto-initialization in Servlet 3.0+ web applications. Fixes LOG4J2-452. nickwilliams
Fix Exposed Log4j web support interface and methods and the LoggerContext through ServletContext attributes so that threads not affected by filters (such as asynchronous threads) can utilize the LoggerContext. Also updated the Log4j filter so that it supports async. Fixes LOG4J2-512. Thanks to Chandra Sekhar Kakarla, Matt Sicker. nickwilliams
Fix Created a utility to properly escape backslashes before creating URIs, and changed URI creation to use the utility instead of instantiating URI directly. Fixes LOG4J2-409. Thanks to Frank Steinmann, Thomas Neidhart. nickwilliams
Fix Changed the Servlet 3.0 auto-initializer to add the filter by class to get around a WebLogic bug. Fixes LOG4J2-344. Thanks to Keir Lawson, Tomasz Wladzinski. nickwilliams
Fix Changed the Servlet 3.0 auto-initializer so that it does nothing in a Servlet 2.5 or older application. This ensures behavioral consistency across containers. This includes additional fixes to abort initialization if a duplicate filter already exists and to check the actual Servlet EFFECTIVE version. Fixes LOG4J2-359. Thanks to Abhinav Shah. nickwilliams
Fix Switch in log4j-1.2-api Category.getEffectiveLevel has no cases for FATAL, OFF. Fixes LOG4J2-517. rpopma
Update Add support for custom logging levels. Fixes LOG4J2-41. Thanks to Nick Williams. rgoers
Fix (JMX) Unregister all log4j JMX MBeans when the LoggerContext is stopped to allow web application classes to be GC-ed on undeploy. Fixes LOG4J2-406. Thanks to Kerrigan Joseph. rpopma
Fix Configuration was being processed twice at startup. Fixes LOG4J2-405. rgoers
Add ThreadContext now uses plain ThreadLocal by default, unless system property isThreadContextMapInheritable has value "true". Fixes LOG4J2-479. Thanks to MK. rpopma
Fix Configure properties and setup Interpolator before processing rest of configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-398. rgoers
Add Add Stream interface to Loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-481. Thanks to Matt Sicker. rgoers
Update Update EasyMock to version 3.2. Fixes LOG4J2-490. Thanks to Matt Sicker. rgoers
Fix hostName property was not being set until after the first configuration element. Fixes LOG4J2-470. rgoers
Fix Support arrays as sub-elements of a JSON configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-464. rgoers
Fix (JMX) Fixed MalformedObjectNameException if context name contains '=' or newline characters. Fixes LOG4J2-492. Thanks to Shaddy Baddah, Herlani Junior. rpopma
Fix (OSGi) Fix NPE during shutdown. Fixes LOG4J2-377. Thanks to Roland Weiglhofer, Matt Sicker. rpopma
Fix Fixed documentation for MyApp example application in the Automatic Configuration section. Fixes LOG4J2-463. Thanks to Michael Diamond, Matt Sicker. rpopma
Fix Fixed error in documentation code example in manual/eventlogging.html. Fixes LOG4J2-408. Thanks to Dongqing Hu, Matt Sicker. rpopma
Fix Fixed typo in documentation: system property should be log4j2.loggerContextFactory. Fixes LOG4J2-451. Thanks to Vinay Pothnis, Matt Sicker. rpopma
Fix (JMX) Fixed issue where log4j2 LoggerContext did not show up in JMX GUI or JConsole. Fixes LOG4J2-443. Thanks to Colin Froggatt, Tudor Har. rpopma
Fix Fixed issue where toString methods that perform logging could deadlock AsyncAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-485. rpopma
Fix ResolverUtil cannot find packages in file URLs which include the '+' character. Fixes LOG4J2-445. Thanks to Anthony Baldocchi. rpopma
Fix Use the formatted Message in RFC5424Layout for non-StructuredDataMessages. Fixes LOG4J2-430. Thanks to David Gstir. rgoers
Fix Set external context when constructing the LoggerContext. Fixes LOG4J2-459. rgoers
Fix Cannot load log4j2 config file if path contains plus '+' characters. Fixes LOG4J2-466. Thanks to Jan Tepke. rpopma
Fix Fix LogEvent to never return null Level, fixes LevelPatternConverter.format may throw NPE. Fixes LOG4J2-462. Thanks to Daisuke Baba. rpopma
Fix Fix LogEvent to never return null Level, fixes ThresholdFilter throws NPE. Fixes LOG4J2-465. Thanks to Daisuke Baba. rpopma
Fix Fixed issue where toString methods that perform logging could deadlock AsyncLogger. Fixes LOG4J2-471. Thanks to Anthony Baldocchi. rpopma
Add Documentation fix: The attribute of Route to refer to an appender is "ref" not "AppenderRef". Fixes LOG4J2-482. Thanks to Hongdi Ren. rpopma
Add Added option to toggle Thread name caching in AsyncLogger. Fixes LOG4J2-467. Thanks to Anthony Baldocchi. rpopma
Fix The message and ndc fields are not JavaScript escaped in JSONLayout. Fixes LOG4J2-478. Thanks to Michael Friedmann.. ggregory
Fix RingBufferLogEvent should return Message timestamp for TimestampMessage messages. Fixes LOG4J2-455. Thanks to Robin Zhang Tao. rpopma
Fix NPE in ClassLoaderContextSelector. Fixes LOG4J2-477. Thanks to Tal Liron. rpopma
Fix TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy should use event time millis. Fixes LOG4J2-454. Thanks to Robin Zhang Tao. rpopma
Fix BaseConfiguration class does not properly implement Configuration interface. Fixes LOG4J2-472. Thanks to Tal Liron. rpopma
Fix XMLLayout does not include marker name. Fixes LOG4J2-447. Thanks to Jeff Hudren, Mark Paluch, Scott Deboy. ggregory
Update Update Flume Appender to use Flume 1.4.0. Fixes LOG4J2-453. rgoers
Add (JMX) Added MBeans for instrumenting AsyncAppenders and AsyncLogger RingBuffers, exposing queue size, remaining capacity and other attributes. Fixes LOG4J2-423. rpopma
Fix Resolved memory leak by releasing reference to ThreadLocal when AsyncLogger is stopped. Fixes LOG4J2-323. rpopma
Fix Resolved memory leak by populating AsyncLoggerConfigHelper ring buffer via EventTranslatorTwoArg, eliminating the need for a ThreadLocal. Fixes LOG4J2-425. rpopma
Add Create a lookup for resource bundle substitution. Fixes LOG4J2-420. ggregory
Fix Fix Event Level / LoggerConfig Level table at the architecture documentation page. Fixes LOG4J2-417. ggregory
Add Format log event time as UNIX time (seconds or milliseconds). Fixes LOG4J2-415. ggregory
Fix @EnterpriseNumber" was missing in the ID of structured data when RFC5424Layout is used. Fixes LOG4J2-404. Thanks to Kamal Bahadur. rgoers
Fix Fixed issue that prevented Log4J from working in Google App Engine. Fixes LOG4J2-379. rpopma
Add Configure FileAppender buffer size. Fixes LOG4J2-401. ggregory
Add Configure RandomAccessFileAppender buffer size. Fixes LOG4J2-402. ggregory
Update Rename package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.helper to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action. Fixes LOG4J2-528. ggregory
Update Resource leak in Flume appender when it cannot create a BerkeleyDB db. Fixes LOG4J2-532. ggregory
Update PatternLayout option to not output ANSI escape codes if no Console is available. Fixes LOG4J2-413. ggregory

Release 2.0-beta9 – 2013-09-14

Type Changes By
Update Renamed FastFileAppender and FastRollingFileAppender to RandomAccessFileAppender and RollingRandomAccessFileAppender. Configurations using the Fast(Rolling)File element no longer work and should be modified to use the (Rolling)RandomAccessFile element. Fixes LOG4J2-317. ggregory
Update Changed the "suppressExceptions" configuration attribute for all Appenders to "ignoreExceptions" to avoid confusion with Java 7 suppressed exceptions. Also renamed the Appender#isExceptionSuppressed() method to Appender#ignoreExceptions() to avoid the same confusion. All Appenders by default internally log and then ignore exceptions encountered while logging. Setting "ignoreExceptions" to "false" on an Appender causes it to allow exceptions to propagate to the caller. You must set "ignoreExceptions" to "false" for Appenders you are wrapping in the Failover Appender. nickwilliams
Update Changed the (relatively new) PatternLayout configuration attribute "suppressExceptions" to "alwaysWriteExceptions" to more correctly indicate what it does. As such, the meaning of this attribute has reversed (previous "true"s should become "false"s, and vice versa). Since this was an undocumented attribute up until now, it's unlikely this change will affect any users. nickwilliams
Fix Fix table of contents generation in pdf. Fixes LOG4J2-226. rgoers
Fix Allow classpath scheme when specifying configuration file location as a system property. Fixes LOG4J2-395. Thanks to Abhinav Shah. rgoers
Fix Initialize PluginManager once during configuration. Move advertisement setup into BaseConfiguration. Fixes LOG4J2-393. rgoers
Fix FlumePersistentManager now handles LockConflictExceptions in Berkeley Db. Fixes LOG4J2-391. Thanks to Kamal Bahadur. rgoers
Add Allow the default file rollover strategy to define the compression level. Fixes LOG4J2-399. ggregory
Add Add TLSAppender. Also added missing license headers to several files. Fixes LOG4J2-338. Thanks to Tibor Benke. rgoers
Fix Use rollover date when substituting ${date} in the filePattern. Fixes LOG4J2-380. rgoers
Add Added FAQ page to the site. Fixes LOG4J2-253. rpopma
Add Add a diagram to the site (FAQ page) that explains when to use which jar. Fixes LOG4J2-362. rpopma
Fix Centralized reflective use of Reflection#getCallerClass and properly handled its instability in various versions of Java. Fixes LOG4J2-322. nickwilliams
Fix Reset the Configuration if the ClassLoaderContextSelector creates a LoggerContext without a configuration location and then is later provided one. Fixes LOG4J2-293. rgoers
Fix Changed the ConfigurationFactory to recognize and properly use the classpath: URI scheme in addition to the classloader: URI scheme. Fixes LOG4J2-293. Thanks to Abhinav Shah. nickwilliams
Fix Changed the Servlet 3.0 auto-initializer so that it does nothing in a Servlet 2.5 or older application. This ensures behavioral consistency across containers. Fixes LOG4J2-359. Thanks to Abhinav Shah. nickwilliams
Add Add more options to PatternLayout to display more detailed information about a Throwable. Fixes LOG4J2-374. Thanks to Tibor Benke. ggregory
Add [Pattern Layout] Customize level names by length. Fixes LOG4J2-383. ggregory
Add [Pattern Layout] Customize level names to lower-case. Fixes LOG4J2-384. ggregory
Update Add support for multiple SD-ELEMENTs in a RFC 5424 syslog message. Fixes LOG4J2-355. Thanks to Tibor Benke. ggregory
Update Cleaned up tests and cleared up documentation for the JPA appender following the resolution of EclipseLink issue #412454. nickwilliams
Fix Fixed issue where SMTPAppender did not send mails with error or fatal level without prior info event. Fixes LOG4J2-310. Thanks to Olivier Lemasle. rpopma
Fix Add PatternLayout constructor to Log4j 1.2 bridge for Velocity. Fixes LOG4J2-368. rgoers
Fix Match artifact ids with Maven module names. Fixes LOG4J2-333. Thanks to Hervé Boutemy. ggregory
Add Add WebLookup to retrieve information from the ServletContext. Fixes LOG4J2-364. Thanks to David Nault. rgoers
Fix JMS appenders send two messages for one append. Fixes LOG4J2-367. Thanks to David Parry. ggregory
Fix Double stack trace logging when using %throwable in %style and %highlight. Fixes LOG4J2-319. ggregory
Add Allow Plugins to have aliases. Fixes LOG4J2-360. rgoers
Fix NoSQLAppender using MongoDB provider ignores username and password attributes. Fixes LOG4J2-358. nickwilliams
Add Create a JSON Layout. Fixes LOG4J2-356. ggregory
Fix Removed unnecessary generics from Appender interface and implementing classes. Fixes LOG4J2-343. Thanks to Henning Schmiedehausen. rpopma
Fix [OSGi] wrong Fragment-Host in manifest files. Fixes LOG4J2-351. Thanks to Roland Weiglhofer. rpopma
Fix AsyncLogger errors after multiple calls to LoggerContext.reconfigure(). Fixes LOG4J2-336. Thanks to Andre Bogus. rpopma
Fix Give the AsyncAppender thread a more descriptive name for easier debugging/profiling. Fixes LOG4J2-347. Thanks to David Phillips. rpopma
Fix Modified documentation to refer to SLF4J Binding instead of SLF4J Bridge. Fixes LOG4J2-332. Thanks to Hervé Boutemy. rgoers
Fix Ignore xml:base attributes. Fixes LOG4J2-342. rgoers
Fix Insure jars and distributions only have a single License and Notice file. Fixes LOG4J2-309. rgoers
Add Enable XInclude for XML configurations. Fixes LOG4J2-341. ggregory
Fix JPAAppender stops logging because META-INF/log4j-provider.properties is left open. Fixes LOG4J2-320. ggregory
Fix FlumePersistentManager's writer thread had high CPU usage. Fixes LOG4J2-335. rgoers
Fix Removed erroneous check for affected MongoDB records, which always returns zero on inserts. Fixes LOG4J2-331. nickwilliams
Fix Added a BSON Transformer so that MongoDB can persist Log4j events. Fixes LOG4J2-330. nickwilliams
Fix StatusLogger now only creates StatusData objects if they are the appropriate logging level. Fixes LOG4J2-329. rgoers
Fix FlumePersistentManager was calling Berkeley DB's count method too frequently. Fixes LOG4J2-328. rgoers
Fix Additional fix to make AsyncAppender threads daemon threads and improve their thread name. Fixes LOG4J2-280. rpopma
Fix The slf4j-ext jar is now an optional dependency of the SLF4J bridge. Fixes LOG4J2-165. rgoers
Update Allow shutdown hook to be disabled in the configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-318. rgoers
Fix RoutingAppender's default Route can now be an appender reference. Fixes LOG4J2-166. rgoers
Add Add JNDILookup plugin. Fixes LOG4J2-313. Thanks to Woonsan Ko. rgoers
Fix Add getThrowable method to ThrowableProxy. Fixes LOG4J2-299. rgoers
Fix ThrowableProxy no longer extends Throwable. Fixes LOG4J2-216. rgoers
Fix Synchronized flush() and close() methods in the XxxFileManager and OutputStreamManager classes. Fixes LOG4J2-311. rpopma
Update XML layout improvements (compact vs. pretty, namespace, namespace prefix, root element). Fixes LOG4J2-312. ggregory
Update Update Java Mail dependency to 1.5.0 from 1.4.7. Fixes LOG4J2-388. ggregory
Update Update JDBC tests to use H2 database 1.3.173 from 1.3.172. Fixes LOG4J2-325. ggregory
Update Update commons-logging to 1.1.3 from 1.1.1. Fixes LOG4J2-366. ggregory
Update Update HSQLDB dependency to 2.3.0 from 2.2.9. Fixes LOG4J2-390. ggregory
Update Clarified which library versions were used in Async Loggers performance test. Fixes LOG4J2-308. rpopma
Update Updated Async Loggers' LMAX Disruptor library from 3.0.1 to 3.2.0. Fixes LOG4J2-307. rpopma
Update Update JSON Jackson library to 2.2.2 from 2.2.1. Fixes LOG4J2-306. ggregory
Update Update Jackson dependency to 1.9.13 from 1.9.11. Fixes LOG4J2-387. ggregory
Add Ease porting from 1.x Logger.getRootLogger(): add LogManager.getRootLogger(). Fixes LOG4J2-305. ggregory
Fix Fixed Async Loggers memory leak. Fixes LOG4J2-304. rpopma
Fix Fixed JDBC, JPA, and NoSQL appenders so that the failover appender properly fails over on error. Fixes LOG4J2-291. nickwilliams
Update Improved site by adding quick jump-off page and menu for Javadoc links for all components. nickwilliams
Fix Logger.info(Message) Javadoc is incorrect. Fixes LOG4J2-397. Thanks to Yonatan Graber. ggregory

Release 2.0-beta8 – 2013-07-10

Type Changes By
Update Improved logging initialization in Servlet containers, especially Servlet 3.0 and newer where Log4j now initializes and deinitializes automatically with no deployment descriptor configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-270. nickwilliams
Fix Added toString methods to ThreadContextStack/Map implementation classes. Fixes LOG4J2-302. rpopma
Update Add printf methods to Logger API. Fixes LOG4J2-301. rgoers
Fix WriterThread was ending when no agents are available which caused an OutOfMemoryError. Fixes LOG4J2-300. rgoers
Update Allow the default status level to be specified as a system property. Fixes LOG4J2-282. rgoers
Fix Filter calls from Avro or Flume to be ignored by the FlumeAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-278. rgoers
Fix FlumePersistentManager now calls Berkeley DB from threads to avoid encountering interrupts in the application. Fixes LOG4J2-279. rgoers
Fix Wasted work in FlumePersistentManager.createManager. Fixes LOG4J2-296. ggregory
Fix Wasted work in TestConfigurator.testEnvironment. Fixes LOG4J2-297. ggregory
Fix Wasted work in StyleConverterTest.setupClass. Fixes LOG4J2-298. ggregory
Fix AsyncLogger threads are now daemon threads and won't prevent the JVM from shutting down anymore. Fixes LOG4J2-280. rpopma
Fix Fast(Rolling)FileAppender now correctly handles messages exceeding the buffer size. Fixes LOG4J2-295. rpopma
Fix FastRollingFileAppender with TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy now works correctly if append=false. Fixes LOG4J2-271. rpopma
Fix FastRollingFileAppender with TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy now works correctly if append=false. Fixes LOG4J2-267. rpopma
Fix Fast(Rolling)FileAppender now correctly appends to (does not overwrite) existing file. Fixes LOG4J2-292. rpopma
Update LogManager.getLogger can now be called without a logger name or with a null logger name. Fixes LOG4J2-294. rgoers
Fix Upgrade javadoc plugin to 2.9.1 to fix javadoc security issue. Fixes LOG4J2-289. rgoers
Update Update JUnit to 4.11 from 4.7. Fixes LOG4J2-288. gregory
Update Update test H2 JDBC driver to 1.172 from 1.171. Fixes LOG4J2-286. gregory
Update Update Jansi jar to 1.11 from 1.9. Fixes LOG4J2-285. gregory
Update Update Log4j 1 dependency to 1.2.17 from 1.2.16. Fixes LOG4J2-284. gregory
Update Update NoSQL dependencies: lightcouch 0.0.6 from 0.0.5, mongodb 2.11.2 from 2.11.1. Fixes LOG4J2-386. gregory
Update Remove dependency on Apache ORO jar. Fixes LOG4J2-283. gregory
Update Wasted work in RollingAppenderSizeTest.testAppender() and others. Fixes LOG4J2-277. gregory
Fix Fix NullPointerException (regression due to fix for LOG4J2-228). Fixes LOG4J2-139. rgoers
Update Include arbitrary message fields in RFC-5424 structured data. Fixes LOG4J2-168. Thanks to Scott Severtson. rgoers
Fix FlumeAvroManager fails to notify client of failing event if Flume RPCClient cannot be created. Fixes LOG4J2-275. rgoers
Update Wasted work in UUIDUtil initialization. Fixes LOG4J2-274. ggregory
Update Wasted work in XMLLayout.toSerializable(). Fixes LOG4J2-273. ggregory

Release 2.0-beta7 – 2013-06-01

Type Changes By
Update Allow context parameters in Log4jContextListener to include properties. Fixes LOG4J2-249. rgoers
Fix Do not allow a charset on RFC5424Layout - use UTF-8. Fixes LOG4J2-263. rgoers
Fix StringFormattedMessage and MessageFormatMessage now will accept a Throwable as their last argument and pass it on. Fixes LOG4J2-242. rgoers
Update Allow custom LogEventFactories. Fixes LOG4J2-243. rgoers
Update Add support for interceptors in the embedded Flume Appender. Fixes LOG4J2-262. Thanks to Edward Sargisson. rgoers
Fix Use transaction when batch size is 1. Fixes LOG4J2-269. rgoers
Fix Add guid to FlumeEvent headers for non-Map Messages. Fixes LOG4J2-268. rgoers
Fix Data buffer is reset in finally clause. Fixes LOG4J2-246. rgoers
Fix UDP now sends one event per packet. Fixes LOG4J2-228. rgoers
Update Method name changes in interface org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ThreadContextMap: getContext() to getCopy(), get() to getImmutableMapOrNull(). rpopma
Update Improve ThreadContext performance with copy-on-write map and stack. Fixes LOG4J2-154. rpopma
Fix Add missing "not" to error message. Fixes LOG4J2-261. Thanks to Edward Sargisson. rgoers
Add Break up core into multiple osgi jars. Fixes LOG4J2-10. Thanks to Timothy Ward. rgoers
Fix Remove LoggerContext when LoggerContext is stopped. Fixes LOG4J2-223. rgoers
Fix XML layout does not specify charset in content type. Fixes LOG4J2-260. ggregory
Fix HTML layout does not specify charset in content type. Fixes LOG4J2-259. ggregory
Fix HTML layout does not output meta element for charset. Fixes LOG4J2-258. ggregory
Fix XML layout ignores charset for the XML processing instruction's encoding attribute. Fixes LOG4J2-257. ggregory
Fix Multi-byte character strings are now assumed to be in the platform default encoding, not UTF-8. Fixes LOG4J2-255. rpopma
Fix Mark OutputStream in OutputStreamManager as volatile. Mark header and footer as final. Fixes LOG4J2-254. rgoers
Fix Rewrite Appender was ignoring filters on referenced appenders. Fixes LOG4J2-244. rgoers
Fix Avoid EmptyStack exception if getCallerClass and SecurityManager are not available. Fixes LOG4J2-245. rgoers
Add New JDBC, JPA, and NoSQL database Appenders. Fixes LOG4J2-229. Thanks to Nick Williams. ggregory
Fix SocketServer.isActive should be volatile because it is accessed from different threads. Fixes LOG4J2-247. ggregory
Add Provide configuration information (location, content type, content if possible) via a registered Advertiser. Fixes LOG4J2-251. sdeboy

Release 2.0-beta6 – 2013-05-05

Type Changes By
Fix Logger.getParent() was not returning the correct Logger. Fixes LOG4J2-231. rgoers
Fix Renamed Plugin annotation attribute from "type" to "category". Fixes LOG4J2-201. rgoers
Update Moved JMX Client GUI classes into separate jmx-gui submodule. Fixes LOG4J2-237. rpopma
Fix Fix: install default root logger if not configured (this is unchanged), but make sure to include configured named loggers. Clarified documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-219. Thanks to Peter DePasquale. rpopma
Fix Use OSGi version format in Fragment-Host. Fixes LOG4J2-159. rgoers
Fix RegexFilter threw a NullPointerException when used as a context-wide filter. Fixes LOG4J2-234. rgoers
Fix Add support for interpolating Environment variables when processing the configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-192. rgoers
Fix Removed dependency on tools jar from core module, made jconsole dependency optional. Fixes LOG4J2-235. Thanks to Sebastian Oerding. rpopma
Fix Fixed link to log4j-user mailing list. Fixes LOG4J2-233. rpopma
Update Improved error reporting when misconfigured. Fixes LOG4J2-230. Thanks to Wojciech Zaręba. rpopma
Fix Disruptor will now shutdown during Tomcat shutdown. Fixes LOG4J2-222. Thanks to Steven Yang. rgoers
Update Renamed AsynchAppender to AsyncAppender. Plugin name became Async (was Asynch). rpopma
Update Removed CheckStyle false positives for NewlineAtEndOfFile and whitespace following '*' at end of line in javadoc. rpopma
Update Moved Clock interface to package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.helpers. rpopma
Update Documentation updates to clarify use and impact of location in pattern layouts. Fixes LOG4J2-225. rpopma
Fix The FlumeAppender failed to start if the Flume RPCClient could not connect to any Flume agents. Fixes LOG4J2-224. rgoers
Fix Fix LoggerContext start and stop to eliminate IllegalStateException and NoClassDefFound errors. Fixes LOG4J2-223. rgoers
Fix Remove hundreds of compiler warnings. Fixes LOG4J2-221. Thanks to Nick Williams. rgoers
Fix Various small documentation fixes. Fixes LOG4J2-215. rpopma
Fix Ensure PluginManager streams are always closed. Fixes LOG4J2-217. Thanks to Fabien Sanglard. rpopma

Release 2.0-beta5 – 2013-04-20

Type Changes By
Fix Fix deadlock in SocketAppender. Added option to not wait for socket reconnect. Fixes LOG4J2-205. rgoers
Add Add JMX support. Fixes LOG4J2-207. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix Removing extra spaces in entry and exit method output. Fixes LOG4J2-211. Thanks to Nick Williams. rgoers
Update Async documentation update. Fixes LOG4J2-214. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix Loggers without a "." had no parent logger. Fixes LOG4J2-212. rgoers
Update Move async subproject into core. Fixes LOG4J2-208. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix Call LoggerContext.stop when the application is shutdown. Fixes LOG4J2-212. rgoers
Fix MapMessage was not enclosing key value in quotes when generating XML. Fixes LOG4J2-210. Thanks to Arkin Yetis. rgoers
Fix FlumeAvroManager now uses Flume RPCClient. Fixes LOG4J2-198. rgoers
Fix FlumeAvroManager now uses Flume RPCClient. Fixes LOG4J2-196. rgoers
Fix Use the Maven group ID org.apache.logging.log4j for all artifacts. Fixes LOG4J2-207. ggregory
Add Add tag library. Fixes LOG4J2-187. Thanks to Nick Williams. rgoers
Fix Unit tests now create files in the target directory. Fixes LOG4J2-195. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix RollingFastFileAppender (in log4j-async) did not roll over. Fixes LOG4J2-193. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix Highlight subprojects in sub-navigation. Fixes LOG4J2-199. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix LoggerContext method renamed to removeFilter from removeFiler. Fixes LOG4J2-200. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix ThrowableFormatOptionsTest failed on Windows due to CR/LF issue. Fixes LOG4J2-194. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix BaseConfiguration addLoggerAppender saved appender using the Logger name. Fixes LOG4J2-190. Thanks to Werner. rgoers
Update Move Throwable pattern converter options processing to ThrowableFormatOptions class. Fixes LOG4J2-160. Thanks to Joanne Polsky. rgoers
Update Allowed Loggers access to the properties in the LoggerConfig. Fixes LOG4J2-157. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Update Added ability to include or exclude location information. Fixes LOG4J2-153. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Update Allow Logger and LoggerContext to be subclassed. Fixes LOG4J2-151. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Add Add methods is/setEndOfBatch to LogEvent. Fixes LOG4J2-164. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Add Add support for asynchronous loggers. Fixes LOG4J2-163. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix The blocking parameter did not work properly on AsynchAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-189. Thanks to Werner. rgoers
Fix AppenderRefs on AsynchAppender didn't support the level and filter elements. Fixes LOG4J2-188. Thanks to Werner. rgoers
Fix Avoid IllegalArgumentException in AsynchAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-176. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Add Add Logger interface APIs to log at given levels. Fixes LOG4J2-179. ggregory
Fix OutputStreamManager now adds the layout header whenever the OutputStream is set. Fixes LOG4J2-181. rgoers
Fix Fix NullPointerException in DatagramOutputStream when flush is called from multiple threads. Fixes LOG4J2-177. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Add Added FlumePersistentManager which writes to BerkeleyDB and then writes to Flume asynchronously. rgoers
Fix Plugin cache should be reset when addPackages is called. Fixes LOG4J2-175. sdeboy
Add Expose file appender configuration details via an advertisement mechanism. Fixes LOG4J2-155. sdeboy
Fix Add Fragment-Host to MANIFEST.MF for log4j-core. Fixes LOG4J2-159. Thanks to Jan Winter. rgoers
Fix Configurator throws a ClassCastException if LogManager returns a SimpleLoggerContext. Fixes LOG4J2-167. rgoers
Fix ConfigurationFactory was adding factories on every call. Fixes LOG4J2-169. rgoers
Fix Modify ClassLoaderContextSelector to use the first ClassLoader in the child parent hierarchy that has a Context with a configuration to allow JSPs to use the WebApp's context and configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-161. rgoers
Unknown Add RFC 5424 compliant escaping rules to RFC5424Layout. Fixes LOG4J2-158. Thanks to Scott Severtson. rgoers

Release 2.0-beta4 – 2013-01-28

Type Changes By
Fix LocalizedMessageTest fails on linux system. Fixes LOG4J2-156. Thanks to Andreas Born. ggregory
Fix RollingFileAppender's FileRenameAction was throwing a NullPointerException if no directory was specified on the target file name. Fixes LOG4J2-152. Thanks to Remko Popma. rgoers
Fix Convert all System.getProperty calls to use PropertiesUtil to suppress SecurityExceptions. Fixes LOG4J2-150. rgoers
Fix ThreadContextMapFilter was matching on the key instead of the value of the key. Fixes LOG4J2-147. Thanks to William Burns. rgoers
Fix Allow FlumeAvroManager to initialize even if it cannot connect to an agent. rgoers
Fix SMTPAppender will only cache filtered events. Fixes LOG4J2-149. Thanks to Scott Severtson. rgoers
Fix Add missing serial version IDs. Fixes LOG4J2-145. ggregory
Fix NullPointerException in RFC5424Layout. Fixes LOG4J2-144. ggregory
Fix MessagePatternConverter now returns "null" if the log message is null. Fixes LOG4J2-143. rgoers
Fix Serialized LogEvents were not reset in the output stream causing them to deserialize incorrectly. Fixes LOG4J2-142. rgoers
Fix Fix null pointer exception in SocketAppender if no protocol is specified. The protocol will default to TCP for the SocketAppender and UDP for the SyslogAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-139. rgoers
Add Added Log4j 2 to SLF4J adapter. rgoers
Fix Typo in documentation of SocketAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-140. Thanks to Joern Huxhorn. ggregory
Fix Fix hang in Dumbster SMTP test server. Fixes LOG4J2-137. rgoers
Update Allow newlines to be escaped in Syslog and RFC5424 layouts. Allow Throwables to be included in the output from RFC5424Layout. Fixes LOG4J2-136. Thanks to Scott Severtson. rgoers
Add Add SMTPAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-131. Thanks to Scott Severtson. rgoers
Fix PatternLayout should format throwables without requiring a converter. Fixes LOG4J2-130. rgoers
Add Added hostName and contextName to property map. rgoers
Fix BaseConfiguration does not close the first appender. Fixes LOG4J2-135. Thanks to Ingo Feltes. ggregory
Add Add MessageFormatMessage and FormattedMessage. rgoers
Add Use %red, %white, %blue, and so on in the console appender. Fixes LOG4J2-134. ggregory
Add Allow custom message creation via a message factory. Fixes LOG4J2-133. ggregory
Fix AbstractLogger.catching(Throwable) checks for DEBUG level but logs at ERROR level. Fixes LOG4J2-132. ggregory
Fix RoutingAppender was only creating a single appender for the default Route. Fixes LOG4J2-129. rgoers
Fix Allow JMS appenders to recover if the queue or topic is unavailable. Fixes LOG4J2-126. rgoers
Update Add follow attribute to Console Appender. Fixes LOG4J2-128. rgoers
Fix AbstractLogger methods were not passing Markers to the isEnabled methods. Fixes LOG4J2-127. rgoers
Add Added Flume Appender samples. rgoers
Update Add unit test to verify exceptions are thrown when the socket connection fails. Fixes LOG4J2-122. rgoers
Fix JMSQueue and JMSTopic Appenders did not allow name to be specified. Fixes LOG4J2-125. rgoers
Fix Enhanced javadoc copyright statement. Fixes LOG4J2-111. rgoers
Update Renamed log4j12-api to log4j-1.2-api. Fixes LOG4J2-110. rgoers
Fix TCPSocketManager would fail if the initial connection could not be established. Fixes LOG4J2-120. rgoers
Fix A broken socket connection would cause the TCPSocketManager to continuously reconnect. Fixes LOG4J2-119. rgoers
Fix The example for ThreadContextMapFilter was incorrect. Fixes LOG4J2-123. Thanks to Olivier Lamy. rgoers
Fix File renaming was using the wrong date value. Enhanced DefaultRolloverStrategy to store newest files in highest index as well as lowest. Fixes LOG4J2-116. rgoers
Fix ThreadContext Map elements with null values are now ignored when constructing a Flume event and in the RFC5424 Layout. Fixes LOG4J2-115. rgoers
Fix StructuredDataFilter createFilter was annotated with PluginAttr instead of PluginElement for the KeyValuePairs. Fixes LOG4J2-113. rgoers
Fix StructuredDataMessage was validating the length of the values in the event Map instead of the lengths of the keys. Fixes LOG4J2-114. Thanks to Arkin Yetis. rgoers

Release 2.0-beta3 – 2012-11-11

Type Changes By
Fix Fix NullPointerException in ClassLoaderContextSelector when no class is returned from the SecurityManager. Fixes LOG4J2-108. rgoers
Update Add ability to customize the names of the Levels in the LevelPatternConverter. Fixes LOG4J2-105. rgoers
Fix PatternParser was not properly handling adjacent nested options. Fixes LOG4J2-107. rgoers
Fix Add support for loading plugins inside the OSGi bundle. Fixes LOG4J2-95. rgoers
Update Add ThreadContext.push(String format, Object... args). Fixes LOG4J2-85. rgoers
Fix The LogEvent was wrapping a ThrowableProxy with another ThrowableProxy when deserializing. Fixes LOG4J2-103. Thanks to Das Archive. rgoers
Update Created combined jar to combine API and Core contents for users who only want the Log4j implementation. rgoers
Fix Convert LogManager binding to use "regular" java properties instead of XML properties to workaround a bug in Oracle's xmlparserv2 jar. Fixes LOG4J2-104. rgoers
Add Added PropertiesRewritePolicy and ability to define properties on a Logger. Fixes LOG4J2-28. rgoers
Update Build pdf of user's guide. Fixes LOG4J2-87. rgoers
Update Added font and fontSize parameters to HTMLLayout. Replace newlines in message with br tag. Fixes LOG4J2-29. rgoers
Add Added ability to configure from an InputSource. Fixes LOG4J2-55. rgoers
Fix The Facility value was being improperly calculated. Fixes LOG4J2-102. Thanks to Emanuele Colombo. rgoers
Fix A NullPointerException would occur if no format value was passed to the SyslogAppender. Fixes LOG4J2-101. Thanks to Emanuele Colombo. rgoers
Fix MapRewritePolicy had an extra call to putAll that caused updates to behave like adds. Fixes LOG4J2-99. Thanks to Das Archive. rgoers
Fix Avoid NPE when duplicate LoggerContextFactorys are present. Allow factories to specify a weight to allow real implementations to outrank test implementations. Provide a simple default LoggerContextFactory. rgoers
Fix Added several missing classes and methods for Log4j 1.x compatibility. Fixes LOG4J2-97. rgoers
Fix Interpolator was not stripping Lookup key separator when trying to locate the default value for a variable. Fixes LOG4J2-94. Thanks to Denis Treskunov. rgoers
Fix Log4j 1.2 Category.forcedLog was wrapping the message with an ObjectMessage even if the parameter was an ObjectMessage. rgoers

Release 2.0-beta2 – 2012-10-07

Type Changes By
Update Made ParameterizedMessage, StringFormattedMessage and ThreadDumpMessage immutable. LocalizedMessage is immutable except that it will be updated with the logger name when it is added to the LogEvent. rgoers
Fix DefaultConfiguration was not starting the Console Appender. rgoers
Add Add interval and modulate options to TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy to allow more fine-grained control of when file rolling should occur. Fixes LOG4J2-35. rgoers
Add Add support for filtering packages from stack traces. Fixes LOG4J2-58. rgoers
Add If system property "disableThreadContextStack" is set pushes to the ThreadContext will be ignored. If system property "disableThreadContext" is set both puts and pushes will be ignored. Fixes LOG4J2-84. rgoers
Add If system property "disableThreadContextMap" is set puts to the ThreadContext will be ignored. If system property "disableThreadContext" is set both puts and pushes will be ignored. Fixes LOG4J2-83. rgoers
Add Add support for ANSI colors by adding the highlight and style pattern converters. Fix pattern parsing to allow nested patterns. rgoers
Fix Converted DynamicThresholdFilter to use KeyValuePair. Fixed bugs in the Map-based filters to allow declaration of multiple values for a key to match the documentation. Fixes LOG4J2-92. rgoers
Fix Many logging methods in AbstractLogger were set to an incorrect logging level. catching was using the THROWING marker and was set to debug instead of error. Fixes LOG4J2-88. rgoers
Add Allow the status logging to be directed to stderr or to a file. rgoers
Fix Log4j 1.2 adapter's Category class was missing 3 log methods. Fixes LOG4J2-91. rgoers
Fix If the ThreadContext stack is empty the LogEvent will contain a null value to reduce the overhead of creating log events and in the size of the serialized object. Changed the ThreadContext stack to use a custom stack interface instead of java.util.Stack as that class is overly heavy. This change will cause an API incompatibility. Fixes LOG4J2-84. rgoers
Fix If the ThreadContext map is empty the LogEvent will contain a null value to reduce the overhead of creating log events and in the size of the serialized object. Fixes LOG4J2-83. rgoers
Add Add getFormats to MultiformatMessage and allow StructuredDataMessage to format as XML. rgoers
Fix Add documentation on client vs server mode to performance page. Fixes LOG4J2-90. rgoers
Fix Move variable substitution from PatternLayout to appropriate converters to improve performance. rgoers

Release 2.0-beta1 – 2012-09-18

Type Changes By
Add Added AsynchAppender. rgoers
Fix PatternLayout was not honoring format modifiers. Fixes LOG4J-81. rgoers
Fix Created web module to allow web applications to include the Log4j context listener in WEB-INF/lib even if Log4j is in the container's class path. Allow locating the LoggerContext to include the ClassLoader. Updated the Loader utility to always choose the child ClassLoader. Verified in Jboss 5 and Tomcat. rgoers
Fix MarkerFilter called MarkerManager.getMarker causing the Marker to be created during the processing of the configuration. This prevents the application from creating the Marker with any parents. MarkerWrapper in SLF4J-impl was getting a ClassCastException in instanceOf because the Marker isn't a MarkerWrapper. Fixes LOG4J2-82. rgoers
Fix Allow Log4j 2 to be used as the implementation with SLF4J and SLF4J's jcl-over-slf4j by adding filtering to the log method in SLF4JLogger. Fixes LOG4J2-80. Thanks to Oliver Lamy. rgoers
Fix LogFactoryImpl.setAttribute in the Commons Logging bridge got a NullPointerException when passed a null value. It will now remove the attribute. Fixes LOG4J2-78. rgoers
Fix RoutingAppender was calling the stop method for each of its referenced Appenders and was calling the stop method of the default Appender a second time. It will now only call the stop method of Appenders it creates. Fixes LOG4J2-77. rgoers
Fix RewriteAppender was calling the stop method of the referenced appender causing the referenced appender's manager to have its use count decremented too many times. Fixes LOG4J2-76. rgoers
Fix Logger.error(Marker, Message, Throwable) was internally using Level.TRACE. Fixes LOG4J2-74. rgoers
Fix Enhanced Log4jContextListener to accept a configuration file location. Modified FileConfigurationMonitor to monitor files configured that way. Fixed other reconfiguration related bugs. Tested in JBoss and Tomcat. Fixes LOG4J2-75. rgoers
Fix NullPointerException in RollingFileManager when filePattern does not cause the file to be compressed. Fixes LOG4J2-72. rgoers
Fix FileRenameAction did not create the parent directories of the archive files causing the rollover to fail. Fixes LOG4J2-71. rgoers
Update Update the versions of SLF4J and Logback. rgoers

Release 2.0-alpha2 – 2012-08-24

Type Changes By
Add Add getLogger(Class) to LogManager. Fixes LOG4J2-70. rgoers
Add Allow Flume agents to be embedded into the Flume Appender. Fixes LOG4J2-69. rgoers
Add Add support for formatting using String.format(). Fixes LOG4J2-68. rgoers
Add Allow components besides core to create a PluginMap for faster plugin loading and not having to specify the plugin package in the configuration. Fixes LOG4J2-67. rgoers
Fix Fix compilation problems in Java 7. Fixes LOG4J2-64. rgoers
Fix Allow variable substitution on the configuration attributes and on the root log level. Fixes LOG4J2-65. rgoers

Release 2.0-alpha1 – 2012-07-29

Type Changes By
Add Added ability to filter on the AppenderRef by adding either a level or a filter. Fixes LOG4J2-60. Thanks to Shane Kelly. rgoers
Fix Level.toLevel would throw an IllegalArgumentException instead of returning the default value. Fixes LOG4J2-56. Thanks to John Owen Atala. rgoers
Fix Remove LoggerContext support for custom logger factories. All Loggers returned by LoggerContext should be compatible and of the same type. Fixes LOG4J2-51. Thanks to John Vasileff. rgoers
Fix Make sure all application facing log methods use their own FQCN. This patch resolves a unit test failure for the %C pattern when using the Category logger. Fixes LOG4J2-50. Thanks to John Vasileff. rgoers