Class LoggerConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
Filterable, LocationAware, LifeCycle, LifeCycle2
Direct Known Subclasses:
AsyncLoggerConfig, AsyncLoggerConfig.RootLogger, LoggerConfig.RootLogger

@Plugin(name="Logger", category="Core", printObject=true) public class LoggerConfig extends AbstractFilterable implements LocationAware
Logger object that is created via configuration.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • LoggerConfig

      public LoggerConfig()
      Default constructor.
    • LoggerConfig

      public LoggerConfig(String name, Level level, boolean additive)
      Constructor that sets the name, level and additive values.
      name - The Logger name.
      level - The Level.
      additive - true if the Logger is additive, false otherwise.
    • LoggerConfig

      protected LoggerConfig(String name, List<AppenderRef> appenders, Filter filter, Level level, boolean additive, Property[] properties, Configuration config, boolean includeLocation)
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      @PluginBuilderFactory public static <B extends LoggerConfig.Builder<B>> B newBuilder()
    • getFilter

      public Filter getFilter()
      Description copied from class: AbstractFilterable
      Returns the Filter.
      Specified by:
      getFilter in interface Filterable
      getFilter in class AbstractFilterable
      the Filter or null.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the LoggerConfig.
      the name of the LoggerConfig.
    • setParent

      public void setParent(LoggerConfig parent)
      Sets the parent of this LoggerConfig.
      parent - the parent LoggerConfig.
    • getParent

      public LoggerConfig getParent()
      Returns the parent of this LoggerConfig.
      the LoggerConfig that is the parent of this one.
    • addAppender

      public void addAppender(Appender appender, Level level, Filter filter)
      Adds an Appender to the LoggerConfig.
      appender - The Appender to add.
      level - The Level to use.
      filter - A Filter for the Appender reference.
    • removeAppender

      public void removeAppender(String name)
      Removes the Appender with the specific name.
      name - The name of the Appender.
    • getAppenders

      public Map<String,Appender> getAppenders()
      Returns all Appenders as a Map.
      a Map with the Appender name as the key and the Appender as the value.
    • clearAppenders

      protected void clearAppenders()
      Removes all Appenders.
    • getAppenderRefs

      public List<AppenderRef> getAppenderRefs()
      Returns the Appender references.
      a List of all the Appender names attached to this LoggerConfig.
    • setLevel

      public void setLevel(Level level)
      Sets the logging Level.
      level - The logging Level.
    • getLevel

      public Level getLevel()
      Returns the logging Level.
      the logging Level.
    • getExplicitLevel

      public Level getExplicitLevel()
      Allows callers to determine the Level assigned to this LoggerConfig.
      the Level associated with this LoggerConfig or null if none is set.
    • getLogEventFactory

      public LogEventFactory getLogEventFactory()
      Returns the LogEventFactory.
      the LogEventFactory.
    • setLogEventFactory

      public void setLogEventFactory(LogEventFactory logEventFactory)
      Sets the LogEventFactory. Usually the LogEventFactory will be this LoggerConfig.
      logEventFactory - the LogEventFactory.
    • isAdditive

      public boolean isAdditive()
      Returns the valid of the additive flag.
      true if the LoggerConfig is additive, false otherwise.
    • setAdditive

      public void setAdditive(boolean additive)
      Sets the additive setting.
      additive - true if the LoggerConfig should be additive, false otherwise.
    • isIncludeLocation

      public boolean isIncludeLocation()
      Returns the value of logger configuration attribute includeLocation, or, if no such attribute was configured, true if logging is synchronous or false if logging is asynchronous.
      whether location should be passed downstream
    • getProperties

      @Deprecated public Map<Property,Boolean> getProperties()
      use getPropertyList() instead
      Returns an unmodifiable map with the configuration properties, or null if this LoggerConfig does not have any configuration properties.

      For each Property key in the map, the value is true if the property value has a variable that needs to be substituted.

      an unmodifiable map with the configuration properties, or null
      See Also:
    • getPropertyList

      public List<Property> getPropertyList()
      Returns an unmodifiable list with the configuration properties, or null if this LoggerConfig does not have any configuration properties.

      Each Property in the list has an attribute valueNeedsLookup that is true if the property value has a variable that needs to be substituted.

      an unmodifiable list with the configuration properties, or null
      See Also:
    • isPropertiesRequireLookup

      public boolean isPropertiesRequireLookup()
    • log

      public void log(String loggerName, String fqcn, Marker marker, Level level, Message data, Throwable t)
      Logs an event.
      loggerName - The name of the Logger.
      fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the caller.
      marker - A Marker or null if none is present.
      level - The event Level.
      data - The Message.
      t - A Throwable or null.
    • log

      public void log(String loggerName, String fqcn, StackTraceElement location, Marker marker, Level level, Message data, Throwable t)
      Logs an event.
      loggerName - The name of the Logger.
      fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the caller.
      location - the location of the caller.
      marker - A Marker or null if none is present.
      level - The event Level.
      data - The Message.
      t - A Throwable or null.
    • log

      public void log(LogEvent event)
      Logs an event.
      event - The log event.
    • log

      protected void log(LogEvent event, LoggerConfig.LoggerConfigPredicate predicate)
      Logs an event.
      event - The log event.
      predicate - predicate for which LoggerConfig instances to append to. A null value is equivalent to a true predicate.
    • getReliabilityStrategy

      public ReliabilityStrategy getReliabilityStrategy()
      Returns the object responsible for ensuring log events are delivered to a working appender, even during or after a reconfiguration.
      the object responsible for delivery of log events to the appender
    • processLogEvent

      protected void processLogEvent(LogEvent event, LoggerConfig.LoggerConfigPredicate predicate)
      Logs an event, bypassing filters.
      event - The log event.
      predicate - predicate for which LoggerConfig instances to append to. A null value is equivalent to a true predicate.
    • requiresLocation

      public boolean requiresLocation()
      Specified by:
      requiresLocation in interface LocationAware
    • callAppenders

      protected void callAppenders(LogEvent event)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • createLogger

      @Deprecated public static LoggerConfig createLogger(String additivity, Level level, @PluginAttribute("name") String loggerName, String includeLocation, AppenderRef[] refs, Property[] properties, @PluginConfiguration Configuration config, Filter filter)
      Factory method to create a LoggerConfig.
      additivity - True if additive, false otherwise.
      level - The Level to be associated with the Logger.
      loggerName - The name of the Logger.
      includeLocation - whether location should be passed downstream
      refs - An array of Appender names.
      properties - Properties to pass to the Logger.
      config - The Configuration.
      filter - A Filter.
      A new LoggerConfig.
    • createLogger

      @Deprecated public static LoggerConfig createLogger(@PluginAttribute(value="additivity",defaultBoolean=true) boolean additivity, @PluginAttribute("level") Level level, @Required(message="Loggers cannot be configured without a name") @PluginAttribute("name") String loggerName, @PluginAttribute("includeLocation") String includeLocation, @PluginElement("AppenderRef") AppenderRef[] refs, @PluginElement("Properties") Property[] properties, @PluginConfiguration Configuration config, @PluginElement("Filter") Filter filter)
      Factory method to create a LoggerConfig.
      additivity - true if additive, false otherwise.
      level - The Level to be associated with the Logger.
      loggerName - The name of the Logger.
      includeLocation - whether location should be passed downstream
      refs - An array of Appender names.
      properties - Properties to pass to the Logger.
      config - The Configuration.
      filter - A Filter.
      A new LoggerConfig.
    • includeLocation

      protected static boolean includeLocation(String includeLocationConfigValue)
    • includeLocation

      protected static boolean includeLocation(String includeLocationConfigValue, Configuration configuration)
    • hasAppenders

      protected final boolean hasAppenders()
    • getLevelAndRefs

      protected static LoggerConfig.LevelAndRefs getLevelAndRefs(Level level, AppenderRef[] refs, String levelAndRefs, Configuration config)